YES! My LORD is still WONDERFUL! A Friend indeed!
Dear foul demon, demons, GOD still Loves Me!
Sure, I was dispatched to this good Earth, pre-hated by My a foul demon , birth-ER.
So? s/he was the loser, the Pathological Liar, the closet Lesbian, closet Root Worker, satan's side piece.No! IT does Not "Suck" to be Me. I am Glorified to be ME!
True, I am Not rich and famous. For your information, The HOLY SPIRIT did not send Me to this Earth to be honored by "people", fake Christians, old evil, jealous, larceny hearted "hue-man" suffering with their Cain/Jezebel spirits. And mad with GOD for not "gifting" them with the "gifts" those they hate, have.
So? What did I lose? I do Not count losing her love, a total loss. If anything, that low slut for satan's , sick, sadistic, unending, vexation, and torture for Me, was a Blessing!
I Benefited!No, I am not a slave to "intercourse", or sexual pleasure. As a result of that low, sneaky, skanky pervert, I am totally, one hundred percent ASEXUAL!
What a Blessing! As a "poor, dark skin, Black Wo/Man" , I was spared being made a toilet.
Sorry Ladies, You are in deep Trouble. I saw this Black wo/man on FaceBook Bragging about eating ASS! "My LORD from Zion! NEVER , EVER DO ANYTHING YOU WOULD BE TOO EMBARRASSED TO ADMIT YOU DID!"
I'm blown away! HORRIFIED! who is this wo/man's mother? Father?
My LORD! My LORD! Have Mercy on US LORD!
I am seventy-two now, but back in My day, "niggers", as lovers were Worthless! Selfish! Nasty! Not worth taking off "yo'draws"!
Strangely, always "Cock hounds", that never heard of "Foreplay", or anything remotely close to sincere, honest, love making.
To be honest, IT is still a male issue. Regardless, all of OUR Issues stem from "Un-Truth"! Pure deceit.
["...the folly of fools IS deceit." Proverbs 14:8b]
Lying imps , that seriously believe they can "out think"GOD! Can actually stand on the Blessings that GOD gave them, and claim They did IT!
They don't owe GOD, The HOLY SPIRIT, nobody, Nothing! If there is any honor to be given, you better give IT to "them".
Bow down! Know your place! You are at the Bottom of the Bottom! You are blind, can't see. Your brain is shrinking rapidly. You can't even remember your phone number.
The Bottom Feeders have more stuff, material wealth, than the "Righteous", those stupid enough to be Truth Tellers , in a world that has Zero desire or tolerance for The TRUTH!
Evildoers are too proud of the fact , they can use a Cheshire Cat smile, say the "right words", to the most down cast, the weakest, and be "believed".
Of course the evildoer has no problem, hating and despising in "Secret".
They relish spewing "Zingers", designed to Destroy , the slightest hope of ever finding sincere love, acceptance. Sure, they delight in always promising, while sneering, wondering aloud, why you remain clueless to their "Deep Hatred and Resentment".
Why do you permit them to completely EVISCERATE You? [Divine Order!]
Just how stupid can one wo/man be!? For how long?
When they cry, which is a lot, Laugh! Yes! Laugh, and mock them! Slime them, slur them with complete lies. Laugh! Clap your hands! Frame them! Leave them Babbling incoherently!
Do a Dance! Dangle your "Shit", Your "Money" in their face and Stunt!
Now play crazy! Pretend to be confused. So what? They can't do shit. No one can Stop You but, GOD.
and HE ain't stopped you Yet!
All I know, is All I know. GOD ain't Never failed Me Yet!
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