Dear World, I , RACHEL GWENDOLYN DOSTER , was born into the Clutches of One HORRID, demon possessed , SUCCUBUS!
Yet, I'm BEAMING! GLORIFIED! Glowing and Growing!
Enslaved by the most Ignorant, Perverted Bottom Feeder, from conception, I'VE THRIVED! Yes! I AM A WALKING! TALKING! MIRACLE!
There existed "No Hope", for poor Me. (So they thought)
Too BLACK! Too Opinionated ! (LOL) "Too Opinionated" is the label spewed on Intelligent , Righteous Scholars , by empty , vacuous, Pathological LIARS, like that whore that birthed Me. And that sicker pervert, that tricked, coerced me, into a "fake marriage".
Did I know better ? Did I see the RED FLAGS!? YES! YES! YES! However, IT IS ALL IN DIVINE ORDER!
In other words, I had to do IT. Marrying *** was My destiny, My fate. Left so crippled, devastated and A-SEXUAL , by My mother and her sick perverted husband, tommy doster! Two, sick, demon possessed ROOT WORKERS.
World, I was drawn to that lying, immoral, sick, confused Pervert, like a moth is drawn to a flame.
For what ever reason, I felt powerless. "Marrying" that "Thang" was My last Hope. So severely , sexually, physically, emotionally and financially ruined by My own "mother", what was I to do?
"Endure to the end"! That is what the Book says.
I did! I'm still Proud. First of all, I did Not Kill that Maggot! I did Not put that confused, psychotic, sissy-fied, wanna-be "MAN" out of his Hoe-Mo-Sexual, misery.
Yes! I'm still Thanking GOD , that imp blew his cool early. No Manners! WHORISH! He behaved like he thought the World was going to run out of Big, Black, Hard, Homosexual dicks, shitty assholes, and I was the Gate Keeper.
On the "HoneyMoon", the low fag, turned fagg-e-dy FAG, and blamed Me! Claimed I tricked Him! Said I should have gotten an abortion. Raged because he was fired from his "security guard" job.
Did I make him marry Me? Shit! I thought We were in agreement. I believed he was seriously seeking a "goodly wife", a virtuous wo/man.
No such thing!
World! What if he had been Intelligent, actually had so morals? Would I have been stuck with a "Christian" Beard?
No thanks! World, if the likes of ***, is the best I could ever do, I haven't missed Anything! As a matter of fact, I WAS DELIVERED!
I am screaming, laughing, thanking GOD, and My evil, "root working" mother , for forcing all the F A G , out of that "Christian", on our so called Wedding night.
Hilarious! ***, did Not have one shred of interest in Me, or any wo/man with a VJ, EVER!
So why play the part? Why pursue wo/men , knowing full well, YOU LUSTED AFTER MEN!?
WORSE! What made you think you could pull off such deceit? Your grey eyes? Pink lips? "Light skin"? Well, dumb faggot, YOU HAVE TO HAVE MANNERS!
You have to take Responsibility for your own actions.
Yes! Even, "high yalla", fake ass, phonies , like you have to TELL THE TRUTH!
Yes, old low scummy perverts, like you have to HONOR GOD WITH THE COMPLETE TRUTH!
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