AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! Born into the sick, sadistic, Clutches of a Complete SUCCUBUS! A carnal , evil , demon possessed Whore. An ordained pastor that deliberately Stalked, Plotted against Me, Us , (The entire Walters Clan) for Eighty-Eight years.
Yes! The low whore for satan pretended, faked, being a "good Christian". No such thing! No Never!
I'm laughing now but, my mother taught us that "Honesty", "Truth Telling", was the dumbest thing anyone could ever do. And, if anyone ever told the Truth on her, revealed her in anyway, "the Truth Teller"was going to get SALIVATED! Because s/he was; "...light bright and damn near white!"
LORD! Is anyone that foolish? YES! Millions upon millions, evidently.
Our War is Spiritual. The only people lying, cloaking, and honoring people like My birthER, and that fag I accidentally married, are just as Immoral. Just as lying, and just as fake.
So what? GOD got this. While that low whore did in fact stalk me, rooted, and conjured Me, Us, without fail, Jesus Fixed IT!
There is absolutely no excuse for anyone to still cloak for her. No, no one should try to convince Me that I should remain silent, for any reason.
"I know what I know!" I know that ole stank 'hoe name martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureaux, Is Flung into the Outer Realm !
Not for being the sick, sadistic scum, s/he always was but, for refusing to repent.
World, that wo/man that birthED Me, held Me hostage, in her deep ignorance , and World of fantasy, voodoo, conjure, murder, mayhem, predatory living , seriously believed, s/he successfully destroyed Me. No such thing.
The fact is I have not only Survived but, have Always THRIVED!
Sure, martha's sick sexual perversions rendered Me "A-Sexual". I don't feel robbed, I'm Blessed! Saved!
Being an "A-Sexual" has certainly saved Me from a life of misery, as a "hue man toilet". Well, that is certainly what I would have been , If I had remained in that fake ass marriage, to that 'Hoe Mo Sexual! WORTHLESS (Imp)!
World, you got to know, when an "A-Sexual" female can tell, knows Instantly, you are a Closet Fag, with Zero interest in VJ, none, not in any women, PeriodT, Ever! You are Sorry! Quit playing! You are not that good looking. You damn sure are Illiterate! A "site reader", at best! A Fake, A Phony, A loser. (Yes, he is the real loser) A Dullard! A Dimwit! A vile snake in the grass!
Ladies, if you ever find yourself in such a predicament, don't be mad, be Glad! If the low life, lying reprobate, was ever convincing enough, to snare you into a fake marriage, do know , s/he could have easily kept up his facade, had s/he wanted.
All they have to do is "dress the part". Quote the Scripture, attend "Church" Every Sunday, brag on themselves , Lie, Lie, Lie , then express Rage , Anger, and Deep Ignorance, when confronted.
Do know "Many are called, few are chosen."
Keep your JOY! Always tell the Truth!
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