AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! Hey World; picture Me winning, stone pimping on the grave of a sick, psychotic, SUCCUBUS!
Her government name was "martha jane walters". [Please feel free to spit, regurgitate, at any point you feel sickened by My Story, My "Struggle", with, and against demon possessed "hue-man maggots".
Stupid slutty wo/men, that volunteer to do satan's bidding. Starting with aborting their own innocent children. Then stalking, raping, molesting, enslaving, the six that survived her "Coat hanger" jacked up, excruciating abortions.
Sure, the low whore for satan lived Eighty-eight years too long, if you ask Me. Well, I would be wrong for agreeing with my oppressors. That "Thang", that highly perverted, sick, psychotic, vile, jealous, envious, Pathological Liar, actually "saved" My wonderful life!
Watching, observing that stank, lying Skank, for sixty-two years, taught Me; WHAT NOT TO DO!
- Never lie
- never go down on graves digging up "Dirt" for conjure
- never live a fake, phony, double life
Families that deliberately avoid the Truth, like mine, fail miserably. For over seventy years I have suffered needlessly. Was IT truly Fear, Terror? No! What family, who wants to know, that any wo/man, could ever be as common, vicious, deplorable, disgusting, and despicable , as that wo/man; martha jane walters?
Well, it is what it is! IT IS ALL IN DIVINE ORDER!
Old stank 'hoe, mathy jane, is Flung into the Outer Realm! UnRepentant! Greedy! Ignorant! Vicious! Murderous! A Dream Slayer! An Original Skank Hoe!
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