First of all; Thank You HOLY SPIRIT! Thank You (Je) Rome Walters!
Yes GOD! You are certainly Awesome! My Protector! My Guide! My Hope and My Dreams!
Sure, I was born into the clutches of a SUCCUBUS! A wo/man so low, so sick, demented, depraved, despicable, HORRID, no one could(or would) face her. NO ONE! Yes World, My "birth-ER" was certainly demon possessed! There is no question about her IMMORALITY. None. I'm sure My readers still question "Why?". What was the purpose of mjw?
I still say s/he was a "Needful Thing". This World needs to know the "Church" is Full of SHIT! Stanking ass, lying ass, fake ass, posers. Old fat, greedy ass, lazy ass, primitive, carnal Perverts, just like my "mother", and most of her so called "men".
martha jane walters was a Snake! A Viper! A whore! A Root worker! A Prostitute! An Incestuous Pedophile ! An Ignorant, jealous Slut Incorrigible! Un-Teachable, Un-Reachable, satan's side piece.
However, s/he was needful. Predicted! Prophesied! WE had to "endure her to the end" but, WE DO NOT HAVE TO LIE, DENY AND CLOAK FOR THAT DEAD, UNREPENTANT SUCCUBUS!
World! That low whore, that chose to Enslave Me, (Us), molest, and Rape Me,(Us), rob, rape, and ruin (Us)for her entire long, wicked, demon possessed life, is now "Found Out"!
Revealed, made known. Anyone still "honoring", lying, and cloaking for that carne,that hue-man maggot, "you has my sympathies".
Jesus told You (Us) to ;"Come ye out from among them."
I know your (Our) slutty "mother" taught you to fear. To suffer, to live in silence. To live in denial through her unending lies and Sheer Terror!.
s/he is very dead now! s/he can no longer hurt you with her lies, msnipulation snd conjure.
Fuck that bitch! s/he never gave one shit about you (us)or Anyone! mathy jane the slut, Madame Watson, Madame Rico , Pimped you (Us) out to the highest bidder, for chump change (Always). Preached in little "Black" churches for cover.NEVER BELIEVED One single word! Hating GOD ,and all Righteousness , "the whole time".
Was never more than "Common as Bat shit". That is what the good saints of Wesley Chapel AMEZ Church, said. Every word was true!
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