Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!
Yes! Dear Children of this World, you are not forsaken! The fact that you are reading My Blog, is all the evidence you need , in order to know you are chosen.
"Many are called, few are chosen." In other words, most people, hue-mans, do not have, possess the wisdom or desire to be "saved". Saved as is spared, protected. Saved as in choosing to live "Right".
Sorry Liars, all lies are IMMORAL! There is No justification for any Lie, Ever! Accepting a Lie because you want Peace, is Ridiculous! You are not going to do anything but grow Furious! Perhaps confused.
I know , I know, I'm glad my GrandFather, Rome Walters taught Me, to Never Lie! (Thank You Jesus)
Born over Seventy-two years ago, into the Clutches of the Foulest, demonic, evil, greedy, immoral creature, imps could create. I Survived! (Only by the Grace of Almighty GOD!!!)
World, not only did the low whore for satan, insist, demand , to enslave Me, (Us, ALL s/he encountered), vex, stalk, terrorize, and torment Me for Sixty-two years....I think the bitch did.
World, I'm sitting here, alone, not lonely, OVER THE MOON! Why? Did you say why? Do you really want to know? WORLD! I'm Happy, I have JOY! JOY! JOY! Because that low life, perverted SUCCUBUS, finally Expired!
World, that wo/man was just a 'Hoe! A beautiful, "brilliant" wo/man, sold out for satan. A closeted "try-sexual", that "lived" eighty-eight years, "pretending" to be something, s/he Clearly Was Not!
Why? Why do billions of people still claim to be "Christians", while demonstrating sick, psychotic cruelty? Lack of Faith. Apparently "playing Church" while "preying" , is much easier, and faster than actually Trusting, asking GOD.
In My seventy-two year journey, I can definitely Declare; TRUE CHRIST LOVERS ARE FEW AND FAR BETWEEN! As a matter of fact, when you encounter anyone teaching you the benefits of "THITHE ING", for Your financial benefit...RUN!
Go somewhere , go sit down, read, study, "take notes". Study the WORD, for yourself. Most of all, exercise Your right to"Think Critically"!
As a natter of fact, thinking Critically, controlling Your own Life , as much as you can, as long as you can; IS A MUST!
(Back to why I am so Happy! World! I have over a Zillion reasons, for still Celebrating the Death, the final Departure, of a complete GOON, a Whole Coon!)
World! That low volunteer , bottom feeding , uncle tomming, aunt jenny...went too far, stayed too long. So, s/he thought. Her problem is/was; I WAS NEVER FORSAKEN!
Was I ever done wrong? "Done wrong"? Sure. Many, many, many times. Actually far too many, to recall. What I do recall ; IS WINNING!
Yes, World, I AM BEAMING IN THE BACKFIRE , as I exercise my right to use My Voice, to Fully Expose, old low life, imps, ignorant, pathological lying pimps, and Con artists. That lived only to destroy, Any, and ALL, they could get their creepy, lying, perverted claws on! Those s/he deemed too gifted, too blessed, too anointed.
Wo/Man ! You preached repentance, then cursed GOD, Defiantly refused IT! Wo/Man ! You deliberately Spit in GOD's Eye! You are difinitely on your own now.
You went too far, stayed too long. Picked, targeted the "Wrong Christ Lovers", far too long. Now. you are DEAD! DEAD! DEAD! Can't come back , can't fix Nothing.
Why lie? Why abort your own babies? Why sexually, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially, Afflict your Own children? (WHAT KIND OF MONSTER DID YOU VOLUNTEER TO BECOME?)
Your Own Kin? Why die lying after promising a "Deathbed confession"?
Lack of Faith! Deliberately, and falsely believing GOD/ The HOLYSPIRIT, IS the common , Immoral LIAR, satan is! No such thing.
Go somewhere and Read , Pray (not prey), hold your head up high! "Hone your gifts!"
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