Yes! I'm so Proud of
GOD! Of The HOLY GHOST! My ReDeemer!
I feel light as a feather!
Thank You GOD for removing that Succubus, that Un-Apologetic, Un-Reachable, Un-Teachable ; martha jane walters! A wo/man so Horrid, I'm still scorned, reduced, and rejected for "Telling on her".
WHAT!!! What kind of so-called "Christians" still fear, a depraved, sick, sadistic, psychotic, perverted, demon possessed, high yalla, uncle tom, aunt jennie, DEAD wench like martha jane walters?
A MurderER! World, My mother, My birthER , took so many lives in Eighty-eight years , I'm sure s/he is somewhere with the likes of Adolf Hitler and Idi Amin. (s/he loved and admired Idi Amin)
Seriously, who fears anything DEAD? mathy jane the slut, the volunteer, "homemade Root Doctor", is not only finally DEAD, s/he is Flung! Flung into the Outer Realm!
Yes, Flung! So Horrid, so cold, cruel, carnal, manipulative, and unmanageable...satan doesn't even want the Slut!
Scripture says;"Many are called, few are chosen." LORD, did that stupid mathy, choose herself? Did s/he know s/he was as "Common as Bat shit"? YES!
Did s/he love IT? Prefer IT? Obviously.
The "Ridiculousness" of the evildoer, of the manipulative plotter, can be quite exasperating , until you realize what the imps lose, trade, for the acceptance of the"Man", the Oppressor.
Far too many people are still losing everything that truly, and sincerely brings them JOY,
the Truth, for "Man".
"Man" , or "Wo/Man" is still evil, born evil, greedy, immoral, violent, sneaky and untrustworthy.
That's real deal! I'm Seventy-two, plus! I have no reason to lie! Far too many, so called Christians, especially ordained pastors, are nothing but, PERVERTS! Predatory parasites Preaching for the money. Reprobates so ridiculous and confused , they seriously believe they can successfully pimp Jesus.
I know IT for Myself! I am not only a Living Witness, I am a Survivor of the Worse! Nasty! Nasty! Nasty! The Stanking 'hoe "Went too far, stayed too long".
The volunteer, low, stanking 'hoe , was such a Monster, "Every day is like a Holiday" with that Mongrel Monstrosity, Gone!
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