DEAR World, yes I am BEAMING! GLOWING and GROWING! No Thanks to the "Church", BLM, Conservatives, the ultra rich, or those deemed too poor, too Black, and total losers , by evildoers.
Dear Children of the Most High, hurry up and divest of all the ignorance, rammed down your throats, pounded into your heads, from birth.
Please know We are in a Spiritual War, skin color, gender assignment, wealth and status , have nothing to do with the Diabolical plans, of the greedy, Incestuous Pedophiles , that fill Our "Churches" to the Brim!
Skanks and skunks, up "preaching", just mocking GOD! Deliberately spitting in GOD's Eye!
These hue-man "maggots", vex much too long, hate much too viciously, lust like dogs and hogs. Then hate and attempt to destroy you for knowing.
(Scream Break! How could I Not Know!? You had SEX with the door open! You viciously Raped Me when I was Eight years old! wo/man you were pure scum ! So low , you openly sold "hot Pussy" on Friday and Saturday night, gleefully Preached on Sunday. Got your money, (ill gotten gain), clapped your hands (claws), then squealed like a pig.
Shame on you for never being ashamed! Same on you for hating and Murdering My GrandFather!
Or if they are like My birthER, they are just low, common as Bat shit. Yes, they are "bottom Feeders", raging against The HOLY GHOST!
Imps full of raw, rank, hatred, and sheer Stupidity! No, you can't save them! "Come ye out from among them!" Run and Shun!
They live to burden, and vex Our families, much too long! Yes, they do preach repentance, love and forgiveness, for control. (They don't mean IT)
Obviously, they not so secretly, hate GOD, demand to be GOD! No, they shall never take No, for and answer. (Shun and Run)
They shall all die lying, complaining, cloaking and blaming the innocent for every evildoer that raped and molested them. Because of the Fear, their own "mothers" instilled in them! REVERSE THE CURSE!
DO NOT HONOR martha jane walters or donald j *rump!
I divest and Rebuke such common whores as My own "mother"; martha jane walters!
Yes World, I was born into the clutches of HORROR UNLEASHED! One sick, sadistic, perverted, jealous, envious, pathological liar, that worked "Roots"! Called her stupid ass self: Madame Watson, Madame Rico, etc!
World, the slut had no "power"! The ability and willingness to practice voodoo on your own Family has nothing to do with The HOLY SPIRIT!
Yes World, My "mother", My birthER, practiced her evil, demonic proclivities, and atrocities, on any , and all , "fool enough" to forgive, and tolerate her skanky, UNTRUSTWORTHY, White ass, for nearly one hundred years!
I Won't! I Can't!
I'm too busy BEAMING in the BACKFIRE! The stanking 'hoe demanded that I not piss on her grave when s/he was dead.
Don't worry, old nasty ass, murdering ass, raping, robbing ass. Slut! I would never waste good piss on your low life grave.
I am dancing on your bitch ass grave , though!
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