AWESOME! (Times 3) Yes, World , I'm BEAMING! GLOWING AND GROWING! YES, WORLD, I AM DELIVERED! Rescued, protected, made safe from my own "mother"!
I am Floating! "Walking on air, ain't touching ground , Nowhere!"
GOD! You know, you got Me blushing. I'm humbled! Of all the people , You extended Your GRACE to Me!
GOODGOTUHMIGHTYYYYYY! You didn't have to do IT, LORD! I could have easily followed , and feared that Albatross! That snake in the grass, that sick, sadistic, carnal, perverted, volunteer Viper!That fe/male version of donald j *rump!
I do have to laugh, pause, Thank Almighty GOD for (His) Wisdom! DIVINE ORDER! TENDER CARE! Dear LORD, Thank You for Always Protecting Me, Us, from that Ignorant! Nasty Ass! Common, volunteer, homemade witch! Sadistic Freak! Just another nasty ass, stanking, Incestuous! Pedophile!
A serial murderER! A Prostitute! A pimp! A fake ass, lying ass preacher! A greedy, jealous ass, ignorant NIGGER!
A closet BullDagger! Everything that low whore for satan, pretended not to be. FAKE! FAKE! FAKE!
"Ni, I wud take dat tuh my grave!" I guess you would, you two legged Maggot!
My point, I'm so glad that unrepentant, predatory, faithless imp, that hue-man piece of dog shit, chose Me to hate on, to (secretly) stalk for sixty-two years!
My birth ER was so Common, s/he was Mister, and Shug Avery! Fortunately, s/he was so stupid , and horrid, everything s/he did to Me failed! BACKFIRED!
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