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Otis Redding vs Sam Cooke mix

Number One! Labeling that time honored practice, of toxic,  white male patriarchy, "White privilege" , does not clean IT up or make you, or that primitive, diabolical , engrained, predatory system, human, hue-man,  or Christian.
No, the practice of white supremacy is the equivalent of  labeling Cannibalism, fine dining. 
Everything magGUTS (maga) stands for , brags,  and deliberately lies about , is an Abomination to The HOLY SPIRIT!

Yes, My physical flesh is extremely TIDE (tired). Scripture trys to teach us to "Endure to the end".  I certainly believe I have.
I know , if I "transitioned" tonight, or right now, while I'm still making every effort , I can,  to expose evil, diabolical, jealous, envious , so-called COLOR STRUCK Christians, MOGS and WOGS, (men and women of GOD). 
People, friends, family ,and enemies, that have delighted in slyly, secretly, clandestinely, stalking, blocking My blessings, taunting Me. 
 Some commiserating with poor me, considering Me stupid , for still believing in them. 
Friends and family that delight in laughing behind My back, just to maske dead ass mathy jane,  proud.
 "People"  delighted to leave Me out, to slam every door in my face and blame "racism", or Me!
Yes, Me! Not only am I too Black, I'm too opinionated!  Too loud! Too masculine! Too long winded! Too weird! Too honest! Too unforgiving! Yes,  too unforgiving,  because demon possessed evildoers, consider any attempt to expose their atrocities , un-forgiveness.
Pretending to actually care , "they" commiserate with you, with your plight. Still, "they" slyly insult you, reminding you that you are nobody, that it sucks to be you. 
If you listen carefully you shall hear them suggesting ways you can make your unearned, unwarranted,  endless persecution and pain , more palpable. 

 Just ignore IT! Pretend you are not offended or affected. Please be content! Just shut the fuck up!(I'm tired of hearing IT!) Ok! We know how people of color get treated. SO! Who gives a fuck? "You should not have been born Black!" (although Jesus was Black)
 You have No money! Your looks and whatever mental acumen , you ever had is spent, gone. "Get over IT! Just roll over and die!" You shall not be missed because you are Too Black!
Just shut the fuck up!

 World, I have been persecuted for  My entire long life. for the color of My skin!

 My slutty "mother" hated me for being born much too BLACK! Yes World, I married a fucking Faggot,  and that low life, sorry piece of dead dog shit, worthless, broke ass nigger, called ME,  TOO BLACK! (Because s/he was too ignorant, too primitive, too dishonest, too immoral, too greedy, too fake, too phony.
The truth, (s/he never thought I was too Black. s/he just said that because he was extremely jealous, toxic, unteachable, unreachable, incorrigible, pathological liar. Yes World, I accidentaly married my "mother".

I am a great Artist! A brilliant writer,  but, I'm Too BLACK! All my gifts and talents are for naught, according to magGUTS, my "mother", that thang I married and my not so secret enemies.

Well, evildoers, Not according to My JESUS, that Loves , covers,  and protects Me!
Yes, We must "Endure to the end", please remember this is a "Spiritual War". 
Flesh and blood have nothing to do with IT. 
Do , "Grid up your loins". The only people that can really hurt you, are family members, people you love unconditionally.  People you readily forgive. Yes, some you would gladly give your very life for.
Yes, Family can be firmly against you, especially your "birther".

Yes, satan certainly assigned me to the sorriest, common, mad dog, two-legged, two-headed viper,  to ever slither on this beautiful Earth.

World! The low, maggot, scum dog whore, had the ************* nerve to Reject Me! The low whore played stank ass, demonic whore, with My life,  for fifty-eight years, before I ever managed to meekly, humbly , inquire about the vicious, excruciatingly painful RAPE ,that sick succubus, forced Me to endure at age eight!
Well, of course the low slut went ballistic. LIED! Lied! Lied! Denied! Denied! The low whore for satan's excuse was; "I'm an ordained Pastor!"
True, Rev, but you are also a Common Freak! An Incestuous Pedophile! A Root Worker! A Prostitute! An extremely Ignorant, jealous, envious, greedy, closet bulldagger!
Yes, martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureaux, this great music is just for you. Yes, I'm up dancing, Twerking on your UnRepentant dead ass  grave.'Hoe!
Growing and Glowing!


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