Yes! I'm Blessed! So Blessed, I know what "Good Love", feels like. Good Love does not hurt.
No, children of the Most High, people that love, and admire you, TREAT YOU WITH KID GLOVES, they do not seek every opportunity, to "Cut you down". To totally eviscerate you , cast you aside, like a used Condom.
When you complain, they play dumb. They blame you. Mortified, crushed, you wonder; "What did I do?" I just tried to love you, as best as I could. Considering , a mongrel monstrosity, held me in her demonic clutches , for sixty-two years, I've done well.
What could be worse? Not permitted to cry, to yell, to protest in any way.
No! IT does not feel good. IT is excruciatingly painful. So horrid, good people, that you thought loved you , run from you! Just shun you! Hate you for your scars!
Hate you for your Color! Hate you for your "brokeness", aging, walking too slow, taking too long to sign your name.
That is why you must learn to "Love You", think your own thoughts, live your own life. Write "great" poetry, "great" books. Create! Create!. Read everything about "You". Yes, do pray Fervently, daily.
And don't you just stand there, getting your ass whooped, over and over. Don't you dare, run and get a rag, to wash your blood off of their shoes!
No! They are NOT going to change, ever! And as a matter of fact, they shall get worse.
No, they can NOT be corrected! They are perfect! You are nothing! If you don't want to be their "Stepping stone", or punching are just ****** out of luck. They have no kindness for you! What are you going to do with your broke ass?
"Endure to the End."
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