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Chaka Khan - I Feel for You (Official Music Video) [HD Remaster] CLINGING TO MY JOY!!!

Still BEAMING! Still Grateful! Humbled! Rejoicing as a Remnant of ROME WALTERS.  The first,  and only man of Color , that (I know) defeated  white supremacy,  single handed!
World, my mysterious looking grandDADDY, tall, tan, Greek? Spanish? Native American? Who knew?
 "Got as good as it gets from them white folks"! Got a pension, Social Security, an allotment , to NOT grow Tobacco! An allotment , to grow Soybean.  A "Man made lake," free health care,  and any,  and everything a Veteran of WWI deserved.
He acquired sixty-five acres of the most luscious , rich ,Tobacco,  farm land,  in North Carolina.
 Not only did he build his own home, a huge rambling Ranch. He was independent, self sufficient, a self styled Abraham.
I cherish the memories of the first four years (really three and a half) of my precious life. A great life of peace and tranquillity. Nurturing! Teaching!
 Years before that stank whore of a pervert , came and kid napped me ,(us).  When the low whore discovered,  we were worth an allotment check, s/he suddenly got interested in "parenting".

I can still smell the "delicious" fragrance of the Magnolia tree, that spread it's huge branches , and beautiful flowers,  all over his huge front yard. Shaded the wrap around porch. Was the best place to seek cool breezes , safe from that hot North Carolina Sun.
I didn't have a name for it then, I would call it an "English Garden", today.
His front yard had everything; Pear trees, Pecans, Apples, Plums, flowers of every color , seemed to always be in bloom. 
GrandDADDY was very "Self educated". He was a ravenous Reader! A very serious Scholar. You could not leave a book around him, that he would not read. Not only would he read it thoroughly , he would engage you in intelligent conversations.
Forbidden an education in Racist, post Civil War North Carolina, he "Self educated".
He certainly did a great job. He lived to be eighty-four , and I could never beat him in anything, not even in "Give Away Checkers"

He read all my textbooks! We would laugh, both greedy for knowledge and the Truth!
Yes, I was not only extremely lame, I was a four eyed Book Worm.  I lived in the library on Main Post (Fort Bragg). Blacks were not permitted  to use the public libraries in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
No, we could not use the same Libraries, Funeral homes, cemetaries, schools, swimming pools, Golf courses, etc.
That's right, nothing for the "Colored", especially the nig gers, especially the real Black ones.
Anyway, my wise Sage of a grandfather was always honest! Yes! HONEST! Not only did he always refuse to lie, he was kind! Gentle, easy to entreat.
Yes, he was humble. Grateful. Generous.
The best thing he ever did for me, other than living as a great example,  was to pray for me.
Yes! JeRome Walters prayed Fervently for me! For Us!
I get up every morning ; Happy! Jubilent! Thank You LORD! That two legged viper is gone! Flung!
(Thank You Jesus!)
World, my grandFather's fervent prayers enabled me to survive the sickest, most psychotic, sadistic, mongrel viper,  to ever slither , on this good Earth.
A wo/man so low, so common, few believe me.
Most are so horrified by "My Story, My Journey", I am religated to "No man's land", and told to like 
IT! Just STFU! STOP EMBARASSING US! No, family, the "embrassER" is dead, in the ground!
I am a SURVIVOR, cheering for Myself!
I get IT! The low whore was T.D.Jakes, Eddie Long , and P. Diddy,  decades before "Freaking" became accepted.
The "Freaking" , I can kind of understand,  but, the rapes, Incest, Pedophilia?  The "Root Working",  on your own children? Murdering your own DADDY!?
 Preaching repentance, then refusing IT! Mocking IT out loud!
True, mathy jane is in the ground now, s/he did not get away!
As long as anyone is still willing to lie and cloak for that dead imp, her "scent" is still here, lingering.


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