Yes, I still feel wonderful! How Awesome! Yes, I can not lie, I've definately been here before. No, I didn't like it then, all the other times, either. No more than now.
One thing for sure, we didn't come here to stay always. Nor did we, or I, come here , to be bullied, lied to , lied on, Insulted! Talked to like I'm nothing. Actually, considered nothing. Not so secretly DESPISED!
LORD! I would have to be a worm, a low dog, some one without honor.
I earned My HONOR! Being deliberately denied the honor, the prestige, the "money", doen't mean , I didn't earn IT or deserve IT.
Some jealous imp blocked my blessings, is some where hiding their glee. Some where so glad, that they think I'm miserable. No, I'm not. "The JOY I have, the world didn't give tio me."
No, I am not stupid. People see , what they want to see. People, that you think love you, call you names, behind your back. Operate clandestinely, avoid you at all costs, all the time, then call you stupid , for being stupid enough to keep believing them.
You are now useless to them. Seriously, you can no longer drive them to their games, functions, schools, trips, vacations, even across country.
Perhaps, you never meant much to them, anyway, ever.
Any person that can easily lie to you, has no love for you, anyway, ever.
Sorry, that's Life.
People really see what they want to see.
Some people are bullies, sadistic bullies. And, some people just don't like you. As a matter of fact, some people hate you with such a passion , they look for excuses to avoid you.
Let them. Some people think they can tell you anything, and you should be grateful for the lie.
Well, you can love yourself!
Please love yourself. "As a wo/man thinketh in her heart, so is s/he."
Just know, some people don't think much of you, never have, and never will.
Some people look for any flimsy excuse to hate your guts, and wish you would die, as soon as possible.
Let them. Cling to your JOY, though. Know your Truth. Stand tall! Stand fast!
"Let not your heart be troubled."
Please be "teachable"! Receptive, never manipulative. If you are a person easily disturbed by someone's gifts, and talents, so much so, you must assault them, you have a problem.
If you calculate your cruelty, that is, measure IT out, by your "plans", your calculations, STOP!
There is no need now. I've learned my lesson.
No mas! No need to fight. I have no fight left. I really don't care.
I know one thing, my GrandDADDY , Rome Walters , sure loved me!
And The HOLY SPIRIT, of course.
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