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Floyd Cramer The Best "One thing for sure..."

GOD LOVES ME! Yes, that is a fact, I know for sure.
Yes, the mystery is solved. You hate my guts! Thoroughly, so much so, you don't want to see any good thing happen for me, ever.
There exists one great problem, you are not GOD!
Yes, you obviously hate GOD. Refusing to ever tell the truth about anything, is the same as hating GOD.
Lying to people, deliberately blocking their blessings, just because you can, is not a good path. 
 You shall always Rage! Spew venom, and practice cruel atrocities. Mainly you shall have to Lie, Lie, Lie!
You will have to pretend something went wrong, that you didn't get the message , when you had your dimwitted mother,  driving all over Georgia, trying to help you make a movie.
The truth is, You changed your mind. You felt that your mother was too talented, that she would somehow outdo you.
Your envy and jealousy made you lie. Plus, you have always lied to your mother. She is so stupid, naive,  much too easy to fool.
Well, with your help, she will be dead soon. 
Of course she is expensive, a burden.
 So were you! The word is : RECIPROCITY!!!
It means RECIPROCAL- Google it. It means you do for me, the same way I did for you. 
I was never a hateful, begruding , resentful mother. 
I was certainly as loving,  and compassionate as an intelligent mother could be.
Yes, you were wanted, highly desired. Never in a million years did your choice for the one parent,  you can sincerely love , would be him.
So, it is. Love him out loud! Love him fiercely!
 Of course you should forgive him. 
Volunteering to become a predatory, pathological liar, like him, you shall soon discover ,was a poor choice.
One good thing about IT!
At least now I know.
GOD still loves me.
Sure, I'm old. Am I useless?
 Can you keep kicking me, picking at me, stunting on me, deliberately grinding me into dust?
 Immediately laughing behind my back. Clapping your hands, squealing like a pig.
Hating me! 
Delighted to carry out satan's bidding.
Your blood curdling scream; "I Didn't Ask To Be BORN!!!",  isn't a valid excuse for lying and backstabbing.
True, I may go to bed tonight and never get up again.
I've had a good life.
It's been wonderful, despite the imps,  and dullards,  I loved too much , too long.
Am I shocked? In shock? Yes I am. Was your deep, undercover evil,  ever necessary?
I don't think so.
I know I'm no dog.
Despise me if you wish.
Just know that I did graduate 37th out of 637 graduates.
I did pull myself up by my own bootstraps. I did escape am undercover troll, a sick SADIST!
I did enjoy a stellar career as a brilliant teacher!
Was I foolish?
Did I get talked out of pursuing my dream of publishing my great novel?
I've written tons !
I've written something fantastic, something that blows my own mind, every day!
I  have nothing to do with IT!
Am I now nothing?
Being deeply hated and resented, doesn't make me nothing.
I'm still talented and gifted.
Yes,  I'm deeply hated and regarded as filth.
A filthy nobody, 
a nothing,
too dumb to know when to die.
Too dumb to keep my Black face out of places, where I am clearly not wanted.
I remain unwelcome , while you brag about how they love you.
I'm proud to say, I still shall not lie.
Hate me for the skin I'm in,
My Art,
My gifts,
Go ahead.
Pretend I don't exist,
never made a difference,
came here,
lived and died,


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