Thank You for walking with me LORD! Thank you for never leaving, or forsaking me.
Yes , I'm humbled!
"Over the Moon"!
Something that homemade witch never wanted, actually abhored. Did her trifling best to prevent, to destroy. Why? I don't know for sure. So, I really can't say. I do know IT is spiritual. GOD is in IT!
The "Thing" is; I am an Empath! I truly am. I can feel! I am "burdened" with the ability to feel the pain of others.
Thank you HOLY SPIRIT, for saving me from the burden of envy, jealousy, pathological lying, back biting, backstabbing, self hatred, self sabotage.
Thank you for my dark skin! Thank You for creating in me a sincere desire to earn, to love, to help , and to contribute.
Thank you for never permitting me, to ever, believe I'm better than anyone! Deliberating hurting someone , that can not fight back, is not courage. Belittling someone for an accident of birth, is simply more proof, that you are indeed evil, lying and sadistic.
I'm so glad I'm not an imp!
No, my feet do not run to mischief.
No, I do not delight in "Calculated Cruelty".
No, I do not throw a rock , and hide my hand.
Yes, I'm still Gifted! Talented! Anointed! (and Appointed, apparently)
Sure, I know full well, I have Judas after me.
No, I'm not worried.
Jesus got this.
Yes, I know full well my Judas will never wish to take IT's own life , or return the Thirty pieces of Silver.
Again, I am not mad!
GOD loves me! I have proof, I have the receipts!
Over and over, from the moment of my conception, The HOLY SPIRIT has hovered over me, protecting me, from creatures, Mongrels that are my kin!
So what!?
"You're too BLACK!!!" ; were the hateful lies s/he always spewed. When in reality s/he was miserable. Considered beautiful, very attractive by some, perhaps many. But, all agreed, the "high yalla", young Colored girl from Wade, North Carolina , was a maggot.
"Common as Batshit" was spewed in the loudest whispers I ever heard.
Of course mathy jane tried to pretend s/he didn't hear.
Yes, mathy heard ! The low, common, volunteer maggot , heard so much , s/he raged! Cussed, Cursed, Swore endlessly. The hours became days, the days, weeks, weeks, months, months years!
Before I knew IT, I was just one of that Creature's many, many victims.
No doubt about IT, that old slutty, cunt, martha jane walters , the same 'hoe that delighted in bragging about selling her "pink pussy" to the highest bidders, on Friday, and Saturday night, PREACHED ON SUNDAY!!!
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