Tomorrow is scheduled to be my "Birthday". The day I came to be, alledge-ly. Who knows? Does IT really matter?
All I know, is all I know. I'm sitting here, under a bountiful, beautiful, Lemon tree, pouring my heart out to a seemly, uncaring World.
A World that cares far too much about skin color, hair texture, money, youth , etc. All the wrong things.
How dare anyone accuse My loving GOD of creating Me, the wrong Color?
No, if anyone was wrong, it was My low, sluttly, perverted "birthER" ! A stanking whore, some where Flung into the outer Realm, because , s/he like old "shitshispants", refused to repent.
Rank ass Demons, that think, that brag, they got away!
Gloating that they got away with far too much of their HORROR, for mjw, far too long, Eighty-Eight Fucking Years!
Yes, at seventy-three, I'm Still, trying desperately to reveal the sickest, saddest, most sadistic, common viper , to ever slither on GOD's Green Earth, totally Free.
Free as that common ass , fellow magGUT, donald j trump!
Am I Raging? Yes, both of those low, common vile pieces of vermin would , could, and did, declare me, my GrandFather,the same, the equivalent of the sick, psychotic imps, they were.
So? I'm BEAMING! In trying to blame Me, in trying to hold Me accountable for her Perversion, I did just fine, Thank You!
I THRIVED!!! The HOLY SPIRIT has always Blessed Me, and Mine Beyond Measure! Engulfed in Grace and Mercy, I've found the strength, the tools, My Voice, to expose the evildoers, that have crept up in the "Church".
That stupid ass, illiterate, immoral, mongrel, that birthed Me, inadvertently prepared me for the "Days of * rump".
You can't terrorize Me with your magGUT threats! Bitch! I survived marha jane walters! I have been made strong. Any one demanding to lead where they refuse to follow, is a fool! I Shun you ! Get the fuck on!
We All have to reap, dumb ass. Your color, your money, shall no longer save you. Yes, you have come to the end of your phony road.
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