Papa's Got A Brand New Bag !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Picture me dancing on a dead, unrepentant , demon possessed, whore's grave.
Please see me Twerking!
Do know that some people are so low, so lost, so lying, so fake, so phony, so unredeemable, they demand to use skin color, mere pigmentation , as a useful tool to determine "Privilege" or "Persecution".
No, you not only, not get to chose, you better not dare complain.
Let any "un-melanated person, do anything to a melanated person , crickets...nothing.
Who cares? "Society" reduced you to dung before your birth. I know for a fact my own "mother" always hated me with a passion. Yes, s/he was so low functioning intellectually, s/he convinced herself that I was to blame for her miserable fake, phony, predatory life.
The low slut was always whining, playing the victim, just like t rump. Bragging about her skin color, just like him. A nasty, common pedophile that viciously raped me at eight years old.
But, I'm the problem. I'm the one that is hated, shunned, rebuked. Good! Anyone that loves that bottom feeder need not pretend to like me.
My own "mother" was always way too psychotic, violent, vulgar, perverted, lying , sadistic and demon possessed, to be honored".
But, s/he was. "Martha the Great Manipulator", "Skank on Wheels" , was special only to those that remained terrified of that great whore.
So, why was she permitted to preach every Sunday for over fifty years? White skin! Straight hair! Conjure and Voodoo.
Plus, martha was just too common to reveal. Seriously, you don 't want to know how low, perverted, common, selfish, greedy, and lying that wo/man really was.
s/he is long dead now! I know my horrid truth and I'm Free at Last!
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