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Dear LORD, Thank You!!!
Yes! I Humbled! Grateful! Growing! GLOWING!
Yes! I'm over the Moon! Rescued! Saved! Delivered from a SUCCUBUS!
Of course I'm grateful. I am quite sure I am a walking, talking Miracle.
As a matter of fact, I am a statistical impossibility. 
Me, once a merre helpless, five pound , two ounce infant born into the demonic clutches of a Pervert! Another ignorant "Bottom feeder", so envious, jealous, greedy and immoral , s/he served satan for her entire long miserable life.
What a waste, that wo/man martha jane walters, was always too proud to admit when s/he m ade a mistake.  Chose "Bullying" instead. IT worked, until IT didn't.
Know your truth. Bother to learn IT. Listen carefully. Dare to look at their fruit. Anyone that hates , scorns or fears me,  because I refuse to honor sadistic, pathological liars with my be IT!


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