Dear World, you have no idea how Happy I am !
Yes, I'm Growing and GLOWING!
Born a "throwed away baby", not just Unwanted, purely hated, vexed, stalked and terrorized by my own "birthER" !
World, that wo/man; martha jane walters, was nothing short of a MONSTER! Not only did that succubus, that birthed me , slither on this good Earth for Eighty-seven years, eleven months and twenty-three days!
The low, scummy, maggot whore practiced her conjure on me, and my entire family. That low , stanking , scummy imp did Preach. Preached falsely for cover and profit.
World, not only was my birthER a closet bulldagger, s/he was in fact a serial MURDERER of the many infants conceived in her corrupt womb.
No, I'm not ashamed to tell, I'M PROUD TO TELL ON THAT MAGGOT!
The nerve of that ignorant slut! s/he seriously thought I was forsaken. Wrong bitch. Sure, you did stalk me, and you did enjoy "ruining" my life for sixty-two years.
You're finally Flung and I'm finally FREE!
Jesus told me to know my truth and be set free. Praise the LORD!
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