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SAMANTHA FISH "Killing Floor" 3-21-14 IT IS WHAT IT IS!

Sure! The wo/man that birthed Me, HATED me! Purely rejected, rebuked, taunted, tormented and terrorized Me,  for her own sadistic pleasure! How long?  For my entire long life!
World, that low life, volunteer whore, that succubus that chose satan, RAPED ME when I was Eight years old!
Who cares? Who can care in a World ruled by Racists? Imps that are only concerned with "complexion" and hair texture"?
"All I know, is all I know"! That wo/man that birthed Me was HORROR UNLEASHED! 
martha jane walters was such a fallen, vicious, demon possessed , slutty SUCCUBUS , she had to die by suicide. World,Dear Christian friends, that "maga", that LIAR, that murderER , chose Suicide by surgery, before s/he would humble herself. 
No! The low, lying,  Bottom Feeder, knew better! Yet refused! Delighted herself in wearing the finest raiment, taking the best seats, to MOCK GOD!

Of course, old low life, slutty, viperous, sadistic, mathy jane,  always knew better.
s/he was a Bully! A closet homosexual, a BULLDAGGER! A very dishonest one. One that hid in the closet, practiced Incest, Pedophilia Conjure, while preaching every Sunday!
Bragged that s/he was an ordained preacher. Never did anything but LIE, bully, intimidate and BEAM about her color, her pedigree!
Did s/he know s/he was lying? Of course s/he did!
Did s/he hate Me from conception? Of course s/he did! Does s/he hate Me still, from the grave? Of course.
Why? Demon possessed, (by choice). 
World, the best thing My "mother", ever did for Me; was Hate Me!
Praise the LORD!
Remember, if there is one lie in IT, GOD ain't in IT!


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