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Sounds of blackness Optimistic The Music I dance To!

WORLD, please picture Me; Rachel Gwendolyn (?) Walters, head held high!
I not only survived a pathological lying, sadistic, demon possessed pervert, I was made Strong!

Relax, "fret not thyself because of evildoers". They are raging because their time is up! They don't have any power.  Sure they do create chaos, cause division through extreme lying and the demonic practices,  they deem pleasurable.
So what? They can only acknowledge their proclivities with fellow imps.
My "birthER" was "Madame Watson"; indeed a "Root Worker".  Most definitely a "Creep", if nothing else. 
Certainly "sexually perverted". Not only am I a witness, I'm a victim! Sure, I can laugh now, especially as I acknowledge The HOLY SPIRIT has never forsaken "Me"!
Yes! I am prostrate, humbled, weak as water! You can pour me out of a boot!
MY LORD! MY LORD!  Thank You for snatching "Me", Us, from the demon possessed claws,  of that false prophet! That hideous whore! That Liar! That Backbitter, this "Christian world",  forced me to call "mother".
Just like t rump, martha died unrepentant, mad as Hell, raging because s/he was HORRID! 
A "Bottom Feeder". A very untrustworthy person. Known for her extremely low morals.  Feared for her treachery.  Yes, treachery! There is nothing martha jane walters would not do ! Period! Nothing! Incest! Pedophilia. Homosexuality, prostitution, "conjuring",  you name it, martha jane walters was quick to do it. Not only do IT, s/he would quickly clap her "bloody hands", squeal like a pig, brag about her treachery, while daring all of her victims to so much as mumble. 
However, I feel JOY!


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