Born over seventy-three years ago, to a sick, sadistic, un-diagnosed, un-treated, un-teachable, un-educable,un-civilized, demon possessed, predatory, pathological lying, prostitute, common ass, volunteer Pervert.
Yes, World, "mathy jane" the sick, psychotic malignant narcissist, was my "lot in life". My second struggle after that viper's corrupt womb.
World, do know, in the long, (too long) association I was forced to endure with this demon possessed entity, was I ever defeated.
"Shut out"? Yes! Excluded? Yes! Robbed? Yes! Raped m any times? Yes!
Why? What was that low whore for satan trying to prove? "Skin Color"! Color ranking! World, for eighty-eight years, that volunteer, maggot slut bragged on her SKIN COLOR!
Yes World, just like that common ass *rump, mathy jane claimed to, not only be Brilliant but "Chosen by GOD"!
Yes! The low maggot slut was just as serious as t rump! Just as confident! Just as evil, lying, manipulative. Just as outraged! Angry! Foaming at the mouth because s/he got caught. Raging and plotting against every "Truth Teller".
What did (does) Jesus (The HOLY SPIRIT) tell us? "Know your Truth and be set FREE!"
My LORD! My LORD! Here at seventy-three plus, I can certainly ubderstand why so many people have fled me. Flat out abandoned me.
No, I can't say I blame them. I can't even blame my fellow victims for "forsaking" me.
No! They don't want to know either. HORROR UNLEASHED!
My LORD! My LORD! I, We, were taught to tolerate that sadistic, common Pervert!!!
No one came to save "Us". We were considered nothing. s/he taught "Us" that we werre nothing! Just some more Black ass nigger bastards! Just more burdens on her precious "Light bright and damn near white"life.
World, my poor ignorant, demon possessed "Color struck" "mother" bragged about selling her "hot, pink pussy" in the Sixties!
I am a witness. s/he bragged as she spread the five twenty dollar bills in my fourteen year old face.
I was not impressed. I was appalled and I let herr know. (s/he hated me scretly. Not just for my flippant remark but, my rebuke. I was disgusted.
Of course I was. My LORD, the stupid slut raged , went beserk, again.
Deliberately felt attacked, again. I was "dis-loyal", again! Un-appreciative, black ass, dumb ass, (I should have flushed your black ass, too) , again.
World, please know this monsters, these sadistic bullies are just some serious cowards.
Imps, so dumb, so void of empathy, sympathy and common sense, they resort to "Bottom Feeding".
Despicable dullards, inpenetrateable!
No! Your message was never going to be recieved by the likes of martha jane walters. No! Never ! And why are you trying?
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