AWESOME!!! Here I am LORD, alone, not lonely. At peace, not lying, cloaking, or even embarrassed to announce to this World, that I was indeed birthed into the evil, demonic clutches of a complete IDIOT! A sick, psychotic, SADIST, Caligula in drag. A whore so depraved s/he did in fact preach, under "ordination" for over fifty years!
A low whore, so scummy, so depraved, so immoral, so cruel, and despicable s/he aborted her own babies. Raped , molested, bruised, burned, brutalized her own children, FOREVER! MURDERED HER OWN DADDY! PRACTICED THE WORSE FORMS OF VOODOO AND CONJURE ON HER OWN FAMILY, FOREVER! especially me!
Children s/he always pretended to love, fiercely, passionately,... stanking LIAR!
The low slut knew full well s/he hated our damn guts! Was sent here by satan to destroy everything Walters, especially grandaddy.
s/he did it too! "madame watson" made sure we lost all of the land, sixty-five acres of prime Timberland , sitting on I-95!
Why? Evil! Demon possessed! The low slut was always a volunteer imp, always a disgusting MAGGOT!
Yes World, the low slut pretended to blame us for all of her tremendous failures , as a hue-man being.
Yes, martha knew s/he was a snake, a viper, a don OLD t rump. Yes, a total Piece of Shit , that never had any business being allowed in anyone's church.
How many abortions? Who knows? Perhaps two, four, five, ten...her numbers fluctuated...her numbers varied, depending on how much s/he wanted to bragg that day.
While it is true, I have sixty-two years of treachery imposed on me by that SUCCUBUS but, it all failed! BACKFIRED!
World, please don't miss studying , seeking and acquiring knowledge. Refuse to fear anti-intellectuals and predatory lying imps like martha and t rump.
The maggot is bragging about how he intends to destroy the Department of Education! What the fuck? This stupid ass muthafucker is so damn dumb! No one needs a formal education to see through your lying, racist, predatory, despicable demon possessed ass, t rump.
My grandfather, ROME WALTERS was definitely the most brilliant man I've ever known, and he was totally self-educated. Except for the three years he was permitted to attend a one room school house. They taught him "Reading, Riting and Rithmatic".
He did the rest himself. Not only was my grandfather a raveous reader, he was a good man, morally upright, honest to a fault.
That;s why that low slut martha shot him in the heart with the same gun used to take her brother's life.
Yes World, martha was one sick slut! s/he chosse the anniversary of her brother's death to murder her fatherr, February 10, 1979. Junior was murdered February 10, 1939!
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