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Grover Washington, Jr. Mister Magic No, I am not a loser

For some reason evildoers have always stalked me. Blessing blocked, lied on me, been overly concerned with my "looks", my pigmentation.

Born Black, "motherless", fatherless, I had to "hit the ground running".  The HOLY SPIRIT  always led me to the nearest Library, the likes of which "we" occupied , hiding out from that stanking breath, coal Black Pervert, mathy jane was reduced to marrying,  for his benefits.
Plus mathy jane was such a known stank 'hoe, no decent man was ever going to marry or remain married,  to her, under any circumstances.

Strangely, oddly, I am not mad, not one bit,  because the "What Ifs" hit me. Dear LORD, thank you!

What if that low, immoral, psychotic,  color struck, sadistic, cruel , whore , had actually loved me?

No, I am not a victim, nor have I ever tried to play one. 
True, I am OLD, now. Simply worn out, spent, not lazy. Not trifling, scheming, or playing "head games".  I'm just Life-ing,  as best I can.

I am not a complainer. I do play the cards I'm dealt. Yes, my own mother dealt me the worse hand possible, and the old slut charged a tax for that.

If I am the loser, the whiner, maggots claim I am, why did I graduate from college at the top of my class? Why was I up by four thirty,  every morning, hitting the "Death Ways" for thirty years? 
Am I  labeled a whiner, a complainer, a loser because I still can't stand up to a bully?

The only people that have ever been overly concerned with my complexion, have all been envious,  and  jealous of my great intelligence,  and artistic gifts.
So what?


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