That's right! I will trust in the LORD until I die. If I sound undoctrinated, it is because I am.
Well, it is not totally indoctrination because it is true. I Rachel Gwendolyn Doster put all my trust in The HOLY GHOST! Always did and always will.
I came into this World beautiful and brilliant, yet hated by my disgusting maggot of a birther. A true tormentor. A sneaky slut, still protected, still honored.
No, I DON'T GET IT! Why are so many demon possessed, sick, sadistic predatory imps still being premitted to rule this World?
How can I criticize and question this World for doing what it has always done quite successfully; PERPETUATE PAIN!
The fact that my own mother was the most horrid, sick, sadistic creature to ever slither on the face of this Earth, can only mean people of color shall continue to be persecuted, enslaved, and eliminated.
No, no one is coming to rescue us. We must endure to the end.
"They" always called me "Too Black". Never too Black to rape and torture I noticed.
Shall the evildoers ever get their "just and honest due"?
martha didn't. That stank 'hoe slipped away in a coma. My five fellow victims know what a Mongrel s/he was. Yet, their lips remain tight. All five of them let me know, they hate me as much as that maggot of a mother we shared.
They all know that low slut shot my Grandfather in the heart, framed him for suicide. They also know they all remain cowards. They are all liars, "Root Workers" just like their mother.
That stanking low life slut is dead! I'm so glad I can finally say it out loud!
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