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Joy & Pain "If there be any Joy"

"If there be any J<3Y..." I'm pretty sure I tasted it a few times in this long, not too long, life.
I do know that I'm clinging with all the hope,  and love I have in me, to remain "sane".
I know harsh angry words stir up anger. I know all liars RAGE, crucify, indict, intimidate, bully, and cast you down when confronted.
I know I do not want to be a Burden. I know that I am. I know my brain is fried. I know my low slutty, root working "mother",  and her flying monkeys,  did a job on me.
However, today has actually been quite wonderful.
How anybody can sit up under "dodo brown",  and call him potus, something honorable, is beyond me.
 But, then I know that martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureaux preached, prayed, blessed, anointed and ruled for EVER. (That slut like not to ever died)
To this very day , very few, if any, have a negative word to say about her. Why? Do people believe her bullshit about being Madame Watson?
Or, is it people just don't care?
Is that the kind of people we are? Can we only care when it happens to us.
The idea of one of my grandsons,  being killed in a school shooting , causes me so much unnecessary grief.
That thang being permitted to remain loose and terrorize the righteous is just more evidence Democracy is not only dead, and dying, it has been dead.
The truth is Democracy was dead well before I was born. Before my grandfather, my great grandfather. Democracy was dead when they kidnapped us, loaded us in "Slave ships".
Democracy was dead when we were displayed naked on Auction blocks, and sold to the highest bidder.
Democracy was dead when a complete psychotic, sadistic, perverted succubus was permitted to birth,  and keep the children s/he didn't destroy through self administered abortions.
Democracy was DOA (Dead on Arrival) when the idea , the belief, it should be for "straight" white males only.



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