Shun the very presence of evil? GOD knows, if anyone knows, the evildoer is a pathological liar. "Their feet run to mischief."
'They' pride themselves in their brilliant ability to "Scramble Brains".
They lie, "Gaslight", pretend, ...mostly they can not possibly care less.
Yes! It is your skin!
I RAGE! How dare anyone falsely believe that skin color has any bearing on character!
The only people that insist on honoring "Color", all have extremely LOW CHARACTER.
I know I'm very old but, I'm not nearly as stupid as some horrid , color struck ignoramous, thinks I should be.
My own "mother" was never more than a sick, sadistic, undiagnosed, untreated, nymphomaniac, demon possessed "Root Worker"!
But, I'm the problem! I'm "too sensitive"!
That stanky whore used to give us HOT SOAPY ENEMAS! But, I'm the problem!
That stanking SLUT tried to burn my beautiful face off, when I was three years old!
But, I'm the problem. At seventy-theree, the scar isstill highly visible.
According to all the people I know, I should just shut the fuck up! No one cares because I made the mistake of being too Black.
I should not feel that way. I should be glad white people tolerate me.
Dr. MLK, Jr. should have just shut the fuck up!
"Light skin" is a privilege for people like my slutty ass birthER!
Why? Because the maggot whore was loer than a DOG! s/he had to find something to brag about, someone to blame. Most of all someone to torment and pretend they are crazy.
There is a movie about it; "GASLIGHT".
Yes, I am extremely old! I am "Toe Down", but I'm not stupid.
I am in "Bad Shape" but, I'm not stupid. I'm not sensitive. I love my Color! I love myself!
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