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Sam Cooke - A Change Is Gonna Come (Official Lyric Video) COME YE OUT FROM AMONG THEM!!!

I deliberately began this blog with a "curse" word, some would call vulgar, just to prove a point; WE THE PEOPLE , have been lulled to sleep.
WE THE PEOPLE  are not only comatose, We are "Toast"!
Be glad you can't hear the Scream ,
blasting inside my old, feeble, demented Brain!
This old sick, sadistic, SUCCUBUS birthed me. Not because s/he wanted to, it seems old mathy jane, had to.
The "Good Christians" judged all, demanded that every female, regardless of age, status or condition, be forced to not only carry their "mistake" to term but, to pretend to love and nurture IT.
Talk about "Ain't studdin' you", don't want you, I actually hate your muthafuckin' guts , and I fully intend to stalk you until the day you die, prematurely.
My "premature death" was certainly the only "Love" satan's side piece, martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureaux,  ever had for me.
I am on this blog,  actually laughing, amused, simply recounting, so many of mathy's failed attempts to destroy Me!
You and the blind man, bitch! SKANK! CREEP! FREACK!  No, you never repented. Tell me, did you ever "re-live" IT? Did you "re-play" your lowest, commonest, carnal, most depraved acts,  over in your head?
 You certainly bragged about being devoid of empathy, all,  and any shred of decency. You played your Madame Watson character, jam up. No, you never saw a "broke day", and you did destroy so many good, innocent, righteous people, satan himself feared you.
Why? All because you, just like t Rump, won't, can't be corrected. You both demand to be GOD!
Not a "god", The GOD!
Bitch! I'm so glad you are gone! Please take you scent with you!
You preached for COVER!!! How dare you live so long, so completely stupid, depraved , Color Struck,  and demon possessed!
Bitch! If you don't get the fuck on with your Flung , dead ass! 


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