Woe unto anyone that is a chronic liar! Woe unto anyone that deliberately bullies their "Loved Ones".
Woe unto you for being so low functioning intellectually . You count someone else's tears as some kind of victory for you. You can count your unending, rapid fire cruelty, as courage , if you want to. Never forget Jesus weep.
That was my "Birther", a slut as horrid as hitler, just as lyng, cruel, and sadistic. Yet, still secretly loved by those that love and rank by color.
Woe unto you for prejudging , and hating me for being "too dark". An unfortunate, unwanted thing, that you are forced to tolerate , from a safe distance, of course.
I'm a whiner! I play the victim! I survived the sickest, most sadistic, mongrel of a mother, for seventy-three years but, I'm playing victim. I had to duck, dodge, hide in the woods, for ten to twelve hours on the regular but, I'm the problem.
Woe unto you for seeking every opportunity to belittle me, to leave me out. To force me to doubt myself. Compliments are rare because I'm so strange, making "shit", out of "shit". "Shit you can't wait to throw away.
I actually love my Black skin! I love my Black Culture, so much, I study it, read it, still try to teach it.
Woe unto you for hinting, that one day you will do the right thing. Knowing full well , doing right by me, and innocent children , shall never happen.
"Many are called, few are chosen". Few people are honest. When a poorly educated, extremely "Color StrucK" , ethnocentric person, has decided you are not good enough, have lived long enough, that is what it is!
"Be with me Jesus"
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