BEAMING! "Sho'is!" Saved and DELIVERED from a "Bottom Feeder", another heartless, fake ass, ignorant ass, predatory, pathological lying, envious, jealous, greedy, sadistic, cruel, demon possessed, perverted imp!
Picture me exhaling as I "Catch on", Grow and Glow.
Yes, I'm GRATEFUL! Exhaling, shaking my head, finally realizing the cause of my "Madness". Yes, my "Madness". My inability to keep quiet, to "go along to get along". My flat refusal to let imps rule over me, because of my skin color, my gender, and lack of status.
While my so called "mother" did sharpen her two-edged tongue on me daily, IT backfired.
I did develop a "Fuck You Bitch" attitude. I did fight fiercely for every scarp of anything I ever earned.
Yes, I've had to blow my own horn, protect my creations , and integrity from people still claiming I'm too stupid, too broken, too Black, too opinionated.
One day IT hit me, I do not have to disprove one of any imp's lies. All I have to do, all I've ever had to do is enjoy being me.
Thank You LORD!
I don't get IT. I shall never get IT. People that don't mind living under the severe codes of "White Supremacy".
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