My LORD! Thank You!!!
Of course I'm humbled! Grateful for your tender mercies, vision, commandments, Truth, SPIRIT!
Thank You for Delivering me from my "birthER", and all evildoers, like her.
I'm not only humbled, I'm pure Flabergasted! Who knew martha jane walters was such a Succubus? Such a predatory, pathological liar? Such an un-stoppable, sexual Pervert?
GOD knew! My protector, my Spirit guide, knew.
"A double minded wo/man is unstable, in all her ways."
martha was certainly an ignorant brute, always.
I never knew her to not scream, holler, pitch fits, scheme, hog, rob, steal, rape or lie.
Definitely always a disgusting wo/man that cited white skin privilege for every atroscity, the low whore, gleefully committed.
Far too many people seemed to be charmed by her, or extremely terrified.
"All smoke and mirrors".
martha was always pure fake, pure sadistic, malignant narcissist. Yes, always demon possessed! Always devious, violent, angry, manipulative, envious, jealous, covert, conniving, untrustworthy.
Of all the wo/men, so called "ordained", to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, martha jane walters' name, should have never been included!
That low whore for satan, knew full well , s/he was a devout Pervert! s/he also knew that s/he was always a complete fake!
A snake, a viper, a "Bottom feeder".
Despicable! Disgusting!
Jesus said; "If your right eye offend thee, pluck it out."
World, the fact that such a freak, as my "birthER", preached under false pretenses , for so long , should cause you to think critically.
"Come ye out from among them."
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