"Let's be fair"; has been reduced to a useless expression. Or, was it ever truthful? Have I been a woefully indoctrinated "Christian"?
Am I thoroughly "Brainwashed"?
I am certainly disappointed, let down, suckered, used, yet again.
I can't! Am I stupid? Why am I crying alone?
Why did some cruel Neanderthal comment on my page:"Enjoy your tears!"
WTF! A "christian Nationalist", no doubt.
Wow! Just Wow! martha used to say the same thing; "The mo' you cry, the less you piss."
Why? Cruel! Demon possessed! Poorly educated! Color Struck! Ignorant! Superstitious! Greedy! Envious! Despicable! Perverted! djt's TWIN!
True, I am an "Em-path". Which only means I'm intelligent enough, to know lying leads to cruelty. All lies are insults!
Any wo/man that marries a wo/man , knowing full well, they are completely uninterested, in said potential mate, is DESPICABLE!
How dare anyone believe that my skin pigmentation, gender, status, age or condition of servitude, mean that I shall ever bow down to a predatory, pathological liar!
No! s/he ain't my potus and that "thang" , was never my "mother".
GOD is my witness!
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