YES!!! I'm still BEAMING!
LORD, I don't mean to be critical but, EIGHTY-EIGHT YEARS!
What the **** did I do? I was born. Of course I was born! What did you expect? Did you hate, and violate me, us, because no decent wo/man would ever have you?
Did you ever consider telling the truth, sabout anything, just once?
Did you really think your white skin a gift, from GOD? Did you really believe that your color, white, automatically endowed you with super powers, super intellect?
Did you really think I was forsaken?
Did you really believe in that "Loyalty" oath, that you preached but, never gave?
How does "Victory" taste in the mouth of a known cheater? How does "Victory" smell on the lips of a potus that preformed fallatio on a microphone, twice?
One thing about it, I can't unsee my "birthER" consenting to having "group sex", a "Train", if you will, in my nineteen year old presence!
Never! No, I never said much after s/he preformed on me, for my reaction, in the first place.
Demon possession. Just plain old "Demon possession". No right minded Christian, no righteous thinking, hue-man being, is ever going to engage in such behavior , then demand my silence.
No! I shall never bend my knee!
No, I don't have white skin, testicles or wealth. I still have good sense. I still know some very evil wo/men are ruling! Deliberately engaging in psychological warfare. Deliberately terrorizing those that are still terrorized from thousands of years of "Man's Inhumanity to Wo/Man".
Picking on those still unable to defend themselves. Children, the elderly, infirm, and marginalized.
Demon Possessed!
I'm still not bending my knee.
That low slut is Flung!
Just another dead , lying coward, that happened to be racist, Color Struck priitive and IGNORANT!
No, s/he never loved me. I consider that her lost.
Still BEAMING!!!
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