Dear Children of The Most High, it takes two. It really does!
So, if you are out here looking for a mate. If you really want to enjoy that American Dream, just know your worth.
Please do not demean yourself! Don't take low, or mal treatment! Period! Don't you do it! Keep and maintain a level of self-respect, that you consider high.
Stop arguing with yourself, stop making excuses for the ill treatment, you're the victim of.
I use the "white wo/man" litmus test. Would a white woman be treated like this? Would a white wo/man accept this?
As a seventy-three year old wo/man, it is easy to recognize in , "Twenty-Twenty Hindsight", my many, many mistakes.
The first thing I've had to do, is recognize, I was desperate. No men! NONE! Not narn! No one told me Atlanta was the Black Mecca for closeted homosexuals. DL, down low became the term.
Desperate! Hopeless! At least society, and my birthER, convinced me that I had messed up, took a wrong turn. Something had to be very wrong, I was thirty-two years old, still UNMARRIED! CHILDLESS!!!
My birthER communicated her disapproval of my life, in every phone call.
"Dey ain't nuttin' wrong wid dey?" Always implying that I was "Gay".
Little did I know that one day, all of martha's stank deliberate lies, would be revealed.
What a monster!
What did they, GrandDADDY and my grandmother, expect?
martha was a known pervert, from early childhood. Used to smash puppies between bricks.
For some reason, some early "magas" thought it best to keep mjw's sick, sadistic. proclivities, a secret.
Just like potus , (pervert of the united states), s/he didn't want her history known either.
All through the Bible Jesus teaches us; "Go and sin no more." Old slutty mathy thought her long ass, stolen prayers, and great over the top preaching, snow white skin, European features, could be exchanged for her filth.
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