BEAMING!!! Yes, Dear mathy jane, ( the sick, psychotic , sadistic, volunteer FREAK), you had to move.
Your low , skankin' ass, wasted eighty-eight years, being a sadistic, savage, immoral, racist slut!
mathy jane , you were that prostitute, that sold "hot pussy" on Saturday, then preached on Sunday! Threatened to cut our balls off, if we ever told on you!
"I just stopped by to tell you..."; while you truly thought , way more of yourself, than you ever should have, The HOLY GHOST kept me! Protected, Lead and Guided, me! GOD kept your filthy claws off of me!
Oh yes, you were a "Dirt Chunker" , alright. You dug the Cow (Ki) Field dry. So what! What did you get? What did you earn? What's your true legacy?
Prostitution? Pimping? Molesting" Raping? Robbing? Conjuring? Being the biggerst LIAR on Earth? The greatest fake? A brilliant Con artist? Should you be honored for all the babies you flushed? All the dreams you deliberately destroyed?
Scam after scam, scheme after scheme?
I know one thing; I'm damn sure glad your dead ass, is DEAD!
That lying ass nigga, that claims you were an ordained minister, is the direct result of your PERVERSION! SLUT! There exists no reason , any where on this green Earth, for any wo/man to live the HORRID, manipulative, jealous, envious, blessing blocking, perverted, demon possessed life, you volunteered to live.
Now your stank, unrepentant , greedy, ignorant ass, is Flung into the OUTER REALM!
Fuck you bitch! Yes, I get up early every morninng, humbled, grateful, thanking GOD, that your low, immoral, putrid ass, always hated , and stalked me.
Sure , you always did that shit. You always bragged about how smart, and white you were. All true but , you were COMMON! Wo/man you used to have sex with the door open! In cars, with your children present. Like you were some kind of dog in heat! SLUT! You were so fucking nasty!
I'm proud, glad, over the Moon excited, that you pure hated me! I am 1000% percent Asexual, as a result of your perversion!
I do thank your skankin', manipulative ass, for GrandDADDY! The brilliasnt sage you MURDERED!
Sought revenge on me for knowing, for calling Fayetteville's Finest, for years.
Bitch! You were more like djt, than djt, and that pile of shit is a MAGGOT!
I can't believe that piece of shit calling for Liz Cheney's execution , out loud, while that , just as psychotic, toxic, white male , dick sucking coward, tucker carlson, sat there, lapping that shit up.
I'm a blessed somebody, just for not being you!
You think I, (We) didn't know, bitch? How could we not? martha! YOU WERE DEPLORABLE! SADISTIC! CRUEL! SAVAGE! PRIMITIVE! COLD, and CALCULATED!
"Get thee behind me satan", should not be behind a pulpit!
I am laughing! You were always such a cruel coward, somehow you convinced yourself, your skin color, an accident of birth, was some kind of gift, you could do, what ever the fuck you pleased, when ever you pleased.
Some how , you convinced your stupid, perverted self, that I was the cause of your young husband, leaving you.
BITCH! You know your stanking ass was Nasty! Your little brick hut was Nasty! You were dumb as dewkey. Your young husband brought you some beautiful Gold jewelry from Korea. Not only did your reject it, you cussed him out! You went Beserk! He tried to teach you, to explain to you, that it was "Rose Gold". Your stupid, prostituting, perverted, pathological lying ass, refused to believe him.
He left your ignorant ass when you started treating him, the same way , you always treated us, like pure shit!
Then, your ignorant ass sought revenge! So what! "GOD sits high , and looks low". Remember that?
It is True!
Stay Flung, 'Hoe!
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