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Them Changes Sure, WE THE PEOPLE KNOW

that viper didn't win. WE THE PEOPLE  also know that WE are helpless. The people in "charge" could not care less.
Is it that people really believe that  fictitious parable about Black people being cursed? 
Well, if you claim to believe that "Cherry picked", deliberately misinterpreted scripture, go ahead, just don't you dare think your weak, dimwitted, deplorable, predatory, pathological lying ass, is about to enslave me.
"You better GIT, befo' you get dealt with!"
Any one claiming they fear t rump, is another LIAR! You just don't feel like the "Backlash"! I get it, you will suffer if you face demons like djt,  and my "birthER".
One good thing, for sure, they can't live always. They got to die one day!
martha was just an old hateful slut.  Definitely a SLUT! The lowest of the low. For someone that always bragged about how much s/he got paid for her "pink pussy", s/he sure had to sell a lot, and often.
If I say; "F*** her!" , the "Church" declares that I am unworthy, that I'm not a true Christian. But, what does the Church say to the closet Lesbian? The closet "Root Worker"? The INCESTUOUS PEDOPHILE!? 
THAT'S  why none of you lying hypocrites have no need to even point my dead body toward anyone's Church.
That SUCCUBUS,  that traitor, that tyrant,  has proved , that all "religion" is bullshit! Indoctrination designed to keep the slaves,  not only happy but, the last to know,  how enslaved they are.
Don't get me wrong, I fully recognize how blessed I am.
I can go back seventy-three years,  and count,  encounter after encounter,  where mjw lost! Of course s/he was a skank, a primitive imp,  that did evil on impulse.
Like pushing us into red hot stoves, the multiple cases of  sexual abuse, the degrading enslavement, involving SHIT! Pure ****!
No satan  you are Revealed!  Deliberately robbing us of our childhoods, just because s/he could.
What would make any wo/man, any mother, destroy something,  her little girl loved, admired, appreciated? 
My "birthER's" first cousin gave me a beautiful pair of sandals. I was only four but, I remember every second of this day.
We lived on "Post", Ft. Bragg. Smoke Bomb Hill. Our apartment was huge! All the old barracks from WWII had been converted into housing, integrated housing, no less.
Ours was upstairs, on the second floor. When I say huge, I mean HUGE!
My mother's first cousin, Irma Joe, gave me the most beautiful pair of sandals, I had ever seen. I was so happy. They were real leather, multi colored and they fit me perfectly.
What did old mean ass, musky, swamp rat, evil, jealous, primitive, skankyfied , volunteer pervert, mathy jane , do? 
S/HE THREW THEM AWAY!  Why? s/he was a POS (piece of ****)! A color stuck menace! HORROR UNLEASHED!
I remember arguing with the whore! I screamed, I hollared! s/he called Me a LIAR! I accused her of throwing my pretty new hand me down sandals,  away. s/he Did! The stanky whore knew s/he did! S/he also knew , that I knew s/he did!
So why did s/he do it? DEMON POSSESSED!
World, just like djt, mjw just wanted to be feared. Because s/he was the ultimate coward,  s/he deliberated targeted infants, small children,  and the infirm.
Who does t rump target? Defeated people! People that no one cares about!
While mjw certainly claimed to be a winner, s/he wasn't.  The stanking whore had to die by surgery. Surgery that s/he clearly didn't need.
I kept pressing for an apology. s/he said I was too Black! Too Black,  and too dumb.
That is exactly what that closet "hoe-mo-sexual",  I was manipulated into marrying , said to me.
That was it! I must admit, I went "Cold Turkey"on that closet , Christian "Homosexual's", evil, predatory, conniving, manipulative ass.
Looking back, I always knew who,  and what mjw always was.  I just didn't want to know.  I didn't want to believe it! HORROR UNLEASHED!

Only when I reflect on the many, many,  harrowing situations,  The HOLY SPIRIT has rescued me from, that I know I'M ANOINTED!
World, that martha was a sick mutha*********, p. diddy's "mother"!
Thus, mjw's deep, inexplicable, unjustified envy, jealousy, backbiting, backstabbing, ditch digging, rapes, robberies, "Dirt chunking", plotting, conniving, and most importantly, dying un-repentant.
Jesus said; "Even in the last hour you can come into the kingdom."
The fact that mjw , not only refused to repent,  at age eighty-eight, s/he mocked it, laughed.
"I ain't repentin' fuh shit!". Followed by her cacklin', then squealing like a hog, clapping her bloody claws, then searching for another body to violate.  
By the  time mathy jane got old , old , most of her reliable victims were dead , and people like me,  caused her great anquish, bringing up horrible things s/he didn't remember doing,  or things that were not her fault.
  Not enough to repent, just enough for the people that thought they loved her,  to issue warnings of hate, rebuke.
LORD! I'm pausing! I'm grateful! I'm Humbled! I'm rebuked for hating a SUCCUBUS!  Another deeply disturbed Pervert! Another Prostitute Preacher!  Another Witch Doctor! Another Voodoo Priestess,  armed with nothing but cruelty,  and incredible lies!

Welp! You were wrong that time, mathy jane. Dead wrong!


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