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Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five - The Message (Official Video)Slamming the door on 2024

I'm laughing my Black ass off! AWESOME!
Not only am I laughing, BEAMING, Bragging, Talking! Telling! Exposing! I'm HAPPY!!!
No, it is nothing I did...nothing. I am DELIVERED ! 
DELIVERED from an "ordained pastor/Prostitute", ! a "mother"! The daughter of Jerome and Rachel Walters. A sister, aunt, cousin, a "Loved one".
A complete DEMON!
An Evil, predatory, pathological liar! Another racist "hatemonger". 
Another jealous, Incestuous/Pedophile, "Root Worker".
An unrepentant "Color Struck" imp.
So what!?
The low SLUT died  another broke, angry, empty, foul, disgusting, fake "Christian".
Anyone that hates me,  for hating  the wo/man that seriously (secretly) hated me , and stalked me (Us),  with a vengeance  for sixty-two years, can K my A!
World! The HOLY SPIRIT  set me FREE!

*********PRIVATE NOTES*********
"BEAMING! Feeling WONDERful! That low SLUT is in the ground!!!What an EVIL, DESPICABLE, STANKING, WHORE!!! Thank you for revealing her LORD! ---Just another nasty ass MAGGOT!- Foul! Primitive! Immoral! "Common as Bat shit!" just like those "Christians" of Wesley Chapel AMEZ Church , Wade, NC, used to whisper loud enough for my five year old ears to hear: "Common as Bat shit!"
No, I didn't fully comprehend.
Yes, I suffered, WE suffered at the hands of this secret succubus.
So what? s/he finally died! s/he's FLUNG!
I highly REBUKE her and her kind, number #1 being that djt!


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