This be me!
No, I'm not complaining, just reminiscing. Reflecting on the "Good Times". That very brief time of childhood "Innocence", far too many are robbed of. .
Yes, brief, shorter than a vapor. The ravenous wolves that pre date us are delirious, salivating at the mouth, demanding more of US surrender, just give up. They must "Win!". Drunk with white testosterone , far too much wealth, not one scruple, moral compass crashed and burned upon their "birth".
It is obvious that the greedy , predatory, pathological liars, have colluded with the "Billionaires" to rob all of US.
So what? When s/he's, they, them, Christian Nationalists, have won, have total control, when this World succumbs to WWIII, then what?
Dear Children, at the longest your precious life is far too short to worry about things you have no control of.
So, in the "Mean Time"; LIVE, LAUGH , LOVE!!!
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