YesterFools in love!
Not only is today the anniversary of Elvis' birth but, another mighty good day to be LIFE- ING!
Recognizing, acknowledging, interpreting, paying attention, SELF LOVING! SELF LOVING is the hardest for dark skinned children born branded, unwanted, unwelcome.
Please imagine being deeply hated and highly resented by your own "mother"? Well, it happens, a great deal more than people care to know.
Worse, some perverted imps are just "intelligent" enough, to know, feigning deep religion, engaging in extreme Evangelical style preaching, while practicing voodoo , conjure, prostitution, plotting, robbing , raping, terrorizing with clandestine schemes, is the way to go.
That was mjw, my "birthER". Something "Rotten to the core"!; from birth!
Stole the pennies off of her dead grandfather's eyes! Set Grandma Mary on fire! Smashed puppies between bricks for fun!
What was a family to do in the 1930's? A Black family, a family already "pre-hated" for the color of their skin?
Who could they tell?
I'm laughing now, over here at seventy-three but, I know my GrandDADDY was burdened with a DEMON! Mercy! Mercy! Mercy!
A demon so evil, we didn't dare miss church. I'm laughing now, we went to Church seeking protection form the demon that forced us to always go to Church.
Were we as stupid as mjw always declared? Were we as forsaken? Did GOD really create dark skinned people to be "hewers of wood, toters of water", for FIVE THOUSAND YEARS!
Does my GOD want 99% of his creation on their knees begging the greedy 1% of a fairer share? Not a true "Fair Share", just enough to live a little better. Simply bragging about "like skin" and European features,is not enough.
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