BEAMING!!! WHILE it is very true, I was born into the sick, sadistic, clutches of a DIABOLICAL creature, a MALIGNANT, PREDATORY, PATHOLOGICAL LIAR, a Succubus, AN ANTI CHRIST! So? NOT ONLY have I Survived, I've THRIVED!!! While far too many "hue-mans" are still celebrating their ability, willingness, egarness to destroy, any and all that dare to stand up to them, to stand in their way. SAVAGE IGNORANT BRUTES! Yes, all "hue-mans" still claiming to be Superior, entitled, shall be made to prove it, when it comes to me. You can volunteer to bow down to that dusty, crusty, piece of excrement, if you want to. The entire World; (Y'all) witnessed a four year old toddler, punk that imp out. Cussed the dumb muthfucker out, and the bitch shrunk, just shrunk! Again, relax, live out the rest of your, too short life, knowing you are not forsaken. "JESUS WILL FIX IT!!!" Envied, yes! Feared, yes! But, YOU ARE NOT FORSAKEN! World, the ignorant, primitive, god...