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Showing posts from February, 2025

Gov't Mule - John The Revelator AWESOME!!!

The Rascals - It's A Beautiful Morning AWESOME!!!

DEAR CHILDREN OF THE WORLD; DO KNOW YOU ARE NOT FORSAKEN!!! I stand proudly before you today, Wednesday, February 26, 2025 BEAMING!!! DELIVERED! RESCUED from one sick, sadistic, psychotic, (volunteer) demon possessed abomination to The HOLY GHOST! All of this madness, this HELTER SKELTER COUP D'TAT is Prophesied!  Relax, GOD will get all of them! When? In "Due Season". In the "Mean Time"; Cling to your J<3Y!  Walk by Truth! Exercise your right to think Critically! BE ABSOLUTELY ABUNDANTLY BLESSED IJN!!!

Gil Scott-Heron - Whitey On the Moon (Official Audio)

Gil Scott Heron- Angel Dust BEAMING!!!

THIS is the song that was "Bumping" , really blasting from my first floor apartment on Camp Creek Parkway, in College Park, Georgia around 1977. I was extremely puzzled, confused.  I was not in the habit of leaving my music on while I worked as a Middle School teacher in Sandy Springs. Yes, my commute was long, over thirty miles one way. Worse, no matter the time of day, 285 ; The Deathway Perimiter was going to be congested, bumper to bumper. So bored, so young, so carefree, I smoked a joint, laughed and flirted with the Long Distance truck drivers I jocked with for at least an hour and a half, each day, each way. Stop, go, puff puff! Was I happy? Hell YES! Did I (falsely) believe the perfume I splashed on my hands , and face concealed my little "practice"? Evidently I did, or I just didn't care.  Not only that, I carried a PISTOL! (I lived in the 'Hood, alone. "Carrying" was Common Sense! The fact I never committed one homicide , when , to this d...


BEAMING!!! DELIVERED FROM A SUCCUBUS!!! Dear Children of The Most High, do know you are NOT FORSAKEN! I declare this: An old Skank, a complete IMP, a malignant Narcissist,  birthed me into this horrid World, delighted in torturing Me, Us, the entire Walters Clan  for over EIGHTY-EIGHT YEARS! World, the wo/man that birthed Me was DEMON POSSESSED! Full of vile hatred, perversion, lust, envy, greed, ignorance and debauchery for over EIGHTY-EIGHT YEARS! I'M HERE TO TELL YOU, THE OLD YALLA 'HOE, VEXED THE WRONG ONE!!! BEAMING!!!

Them Changes "This be Me!"

Blessed to witness the "Coup D'tat" evolve right in my face. Wow! "Who would have thunk IT?"  The HOLY SPIRIT! ALL THE GOODNESS AND GRACE THAT RADIATES THROUGH MY DNA IS ALARMING! GOING ******** OFF!!! SCREAMING! "What is the difference between Charles Manson snd djt? MONEY! HELTER SKELTER IS THE NAME OF THIS COUP D'TAT. Through the Blood still running HOT in my feeble body. My rapidly shrinking brain is fighting Mightily! Yes, IT is indeed a struggle.  Yes, I still have to fight bouts of "Depression" for some unjustified injury, some "low life", lying SLUT,  like mjw or djt, vexed, raped or assaulted me with AS AN INFANT! AS A HELPLESS CHILD!!!   Demon possessed, ignorant ass PERVERTS, BULLIES, playing god, just because they have 99% of all the money,  and all kkk hristians  are fake,  "volunteer slaves", sent to vex,  and destroy those that simply dare to resist them. THOSE WITH ENOUGH COURAGE TO ALWAYS STAND UP AGAINST E...

Something Stinks: Why is #TrumpSmells Trending? COUP D'TAT !!!

A Sad Moment in American HistoryWE KNOW!!!


Clyde McPhatter -- A Lover's Question The first time I met my "father"

I cearly remember being struck by his "Beauty", that is to say handsomeness.  Yes, tall, slim, built, very good looking.  Yes, very "light complexed"; yalla ; was the word we used. "Color Ranking", yes, while I was born into IT, I never accepted IT. My grandfather taught me better. He assured me that my mother/birthER, mathy jane walters , was IG NUT! S/He was! Not only ignorant, sick, sadistic, a demon possessed malignant narcissist! HORROR UNLEASHED! Unnecessary? No! Quite the contrary, very necessary, "A Needful Thing". World, mjw and djt; ripped my blinders off! AWESOME! I'M SO PROUD OF MY GRANDDADDY! LONG LIVE THE PROUD LEGACY OF ( JE) ROME WALTERS! BEAMING!!!

The Impressions - Keep On Pushing HALLELU!!!

Journalist William Rhoden on the Dehumanization of Black Athletes AWESOME!!!


Billy Swan - I Can Help (1980) AWESOME!!!

NOT forsaken, no never!!! "Go somewhur and sit yo'stankin', lying, ass down!!!" Wo/Man I, WE THE PEOPLE , can see clear through your demon possessed, reprobate, sadistic, vacuous, envious, greedy, jealous kkk hristian ass. So what? What have you won? "What does it profit a wo/man to gain the whole world and lose their soul?" Who the fuck wants to live in a "masalium"? A "zillion" room tomb? The Pharoahs had their pyramids, donald duck duffus has mar log go, his "Tara", his GONE WITH THE WIND plantation. djt and mjw are twin demons! Both uneducable! Totally unTEACHABLE! UNREACHABLE! Yet, influential, charismatic, TREACHEROUS? Yes! But, their victims never seem to mind. Yes, IT is uncanny but, predicted! PROPHESIED!!! BEAMING!!!

it hurts me too Elmore James backing track BEAMING! HIGH STEPPING, ANYWAY!!!

NOT only do i feel AWESOME! I KNOW I AM AWESOME! Why so much "Unbridled hatred, vicious (hidden) cruelty, "Out the Gate"? What is IT that I know, what is IT that I am not ashamed to proclaim? "The GOOD NEWS"! The "Good News" is ; I refuse to waste my breath, my good air on a fool! Jesus taught us well; "Cast not your pearls (wisdom/breath/energy) before Swine, (Unless) ...lest they trample them under their feet , and turn and tear you to pieces." - Matthew 7:6b  I only have one thing to say; Thank YOU!   

(4K) Korean Soul Covers "Wave My Hand" by Lee Williams and The Spiritual...AMEN!!!



BEAMING!!! WHILE it is very true, I was born into the sick, sadistic, clutches of a DIABOLICAL creature, a MALIGNANT,  PREDATORY,  PATHOLOGICAL LIAR, a Succubus, AN ANTI CHRIST! So? NOT ONLY have I Survived, I've THRIVED!!! While far too many "hue-mans" are still celebrating their ability, willingness, egarness to destroy,  any and all that dare to stand up to them, to stand  in their way. SAVAGE IGNORANT BRUTES! Yes, all "hue-mans" still claiming to be Superior, entitled, shall be made to prove it, when it comes to me. You can volunteer to bow down to that dusty, crusty, piece of excrement, if you want to. The entire World; (Y'all) witnessed a four year old toddler,  punk that imp out. Cussed the dumb muthfucker out, and the bitch shrunk, just shrunk! Again, relax, live out the rest of your,  too short life, knowing you are not forsaken. "JESUS WILL FIX IT!!!" Envied, yes! Feared, yes! But, YOU ARE NOT FORSAKEN! World, the ignorant, primitive, god...

Richard Davi Called Kendrick’s Halftime Performance Ghetto And I Have To...THANK YOU!!!

"ALL  I  KNOW , IS ALL I KNOW!" I KNOW I'M DELIVERED FROM A SUCCUBUSS! HORROR UNLEASHED! AN ABOMINATION TO THE HOLY GHOST!!! "Is this Deja'Vu or Voodoo?"  All I know, I'm old as dirt, practically "woe out", worn to a frazzle. Memory, Gone! Energy, Gone! Reflexes , S L O W! YET My "Work" remains  UNDONE!  It seems everything I worked hard for, fought for, is now GONE! Like a "Thief in the night". That is Exactly what Jesus taught US. The "enemy" shall come like a thief in the night. He won't win, though! See, he has all the money, THE SO CALLED POWER,  NONE OF THE JOY, NO LOVE. THEY ARE ALL FAKE! ARTIFICIAL! NO LIFE! NO SOUL! NO TRUE HAPPINESS! I know I feel GOOD! That slutty SLUT, that Predatory Pathological LIAR, that Voodoo priestess,  that deliberately used her cunning,  and conjure to attempt to destroy the entire WALTERS FAMILY,   from within, is finally Rotting in her Shitty Homemade,  dirty grave! Now he...

Grateful Dead - It Hurts Me Too. WOW!!!

AWESOME! This is certainly a great rendition of the original. Please compare. So, here I am, Seventy-three years old! A Survior! A walking, talking miracle! Yes, MIRACLE! An innocent, helpless, UNWANTED CHILD, a "Throwed Away Baby", left to fight every MUTHAFUCKKNG DAY,  IN THIS BITCH! Why? SKIN COLOR! WTF!!! GENDER! You may fear  that old orange , demon possessed,  ABOMINATION TO THE HOLY GHOST! I don't! I won't! I have too much Nat Turner in me! I have too much GOD, too much of the Holy Spirit,  to every bend my knee to a slippery, slimy, PREDATORY PIMP MAGGOT! Not ME! donald john t rump is the sorriest muthafucker to ever drip off the head of a dusty dick! The low , cowardly, perverted whore,  is martha jane walters' fucking TWIN!  I hate both of them with a Passion!  DISGUSTING! DESPICABLE! But, FLUNG! Yes World, that low, dead ass, putrid piece of shit,  that lived to stalk,  and terrorize the entire WALTERS FAMILY ,  and the Black ...

Reggae Classics Mix Feeling WONDERFUL!!!

HOW CAN I NOT!? YES!!! I AM BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE! DELIVERED FROM A SUCCUBUS!!! Yes, I came here,  to this extremely evil world Seventy t hree and one ,h alf nyeoars ago. t only have I survived but, THRIVED!  BORN into the sick, sadistic clutches of a demon possessed "Christian". DOOMED to an unending Hell of sick torture, persecution and  perversion. World, I experienced my own elon muskrat,  and donald dick demon,  through my own "BirthER"!  Yes!!! I HATE THAT ABOMINATION TO THE HOLY GHOST ! Of course! (To quote djt, I have Common Sense!"  I skipped to the back of the BOOK! My own birthER is now Flung into the Outer Realm and that other  ABOMINATION shall "soon" join all the otherr rank and file , putrid PREDATORY PATHOLOGICAL LIARS! BEAMING!!! 

Korean Soul - Jesus Will Fix It (Trouble In My Way) | Lee Williams "SHOAL WILL!"

DID IT AGAIN! My feet hit the floor! First of all, I shall Declare I AM NOT FORSAKEN!!! Never was! Never will be!While IT is True I was birthED by a MONSTER! A sick, sadistic, psychotic, sociopath, djt's TWIN! No, I am not  cursed either. Actually quite the opposite. The fact,  that old slimy, immoral, greedy, lecherous, volunteer whore,  not so secretly,  always hated ME, is indeed a BLESSING! Of course that old low life, lying SLUT taught us that WE were nothing.  Just some "Black ass bastards",  that should be glad s/he didn't flush US down the toilet, like s/he did so many of OUR siblings. I am delighted by my ability to draw so many parallels between mjw and djt. IT is as if they were cut from the same mold. Created by the same demonic spirit. The Predatory Pathological lying!Abominable lie after lie! The exact same strategy used by Hitler; THE BIG LIE!  The extreme envy, jealousy,  greed and DIABOLICAL CRUELTY; is UNCANNY! My birthER was ext...

The biggest sample at the biggest game N I C E !

THE JESUS  promised me, that if I would have enoungh courage to know, to learn my Truth, I would be set Free. Dr. King exclaimed that he was "Free At Last". There is one major problem with Dr. King's version of "Freedom"; DEATH! You have to DIE to "earn" IT. YT men are born with it. Well, some, just one to two percent, but if you have YT skin, they let you brag, act snotty, behave like a primitive greedy, predatory SAVAGE! People labeled "Black", deliberately relegated to the lowest rungs of OUR Society,  by known Predatory Pathological LIARS, are scorned for expressing OUR grief and pain. A bitch ass ********,  too cowardly,  and superstitious to put his bloody claws on the Bible, dares me to so much as mutter.  "MAKE BRICKS WITHOUT STRAW!!!"; Ole Pharaoh demanded! "Bow down and serve me!"; screams the twisted once a millionaire, now billionaire, about to be Tri illionaire,  because s/he is a PREDATORY PATHOLOGICAL LIAR!!...

Don't Leave Me Lonely *********PLEASE*********


Reggae Blues Instrumental : Soulful Jazz Saxophone for relax and meditation Up HOPPING, SKIPPING, TWERKING ON AN DEAD IMP'S GRAVE


Issac Hayes - Guilty Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Somewhere in my "Sanctified Imagination" I can see an old haggard, "woe-out", scummy, perverted, UNREPENTANT,  PATHOLOGICAL LYING WHORE, FLUNG INTO THE OUTER REALM! Wait! Don't you dare feel one bit of sorrow or tenderness for that ABOMINATION TO THE HOLY GHOST! The stank 'hoe served her purpose. That low whore for satan certainly opened my eyes. World, believe it or not, I'm laughing, just like Jesus said I would. BEAMING!!!

Elon Musk Stages COUP D'ETAT DONE!!!


Marvin Gaye...Mercy Mercy Me...Extended Mix...BEAMING!!!

IT IS DONE     !!! FINISHED!!! So what!? s/he pulled a Coup d'tat! So what !? What did s/he win? An ole closet "Bulldagger", too cowardly to ever face her Truth, wasted her entire life serving satan, her own sick, sadistic, psychotic LUSTS! Chill, that DIABOLICAL, LOW LIFE, PATHOLOGICAL LYING, ROOT WORKER IS LONG DEAD! I'm REJOICING! I'm OVER THE MOON BECAUSE satan's scummy whore didn't get ME!!!

Amy Winehouse - Our Day Will Come: Amy Winehouse Tribute WEARING MY SMILE

BEAMING! KEEPING MY JOY! Who knew martha jane walters was pure EVIL!? GOD! The HOLY SPIRIT! THE HEAD OF MY LIFE! Am I currently in Utter SHOCK? You better know IT!  Something is WRONG!!! The Predatory, Sadistic Pathological LIARS destroy ED "Democracy"! Yes, that "Dream" is DEAD! WOW! " a thief in the night." No matter what, no one, nothing can make me lie for that ABOMINATION TO THE HOLY GHOST!


Birthed by a complete imp, a demon possessed, sick, sadistic, psycopath; martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureaux! A whorish MONSTER,  so diabolical , most of her victims still "live" in complete TERROR! I refuse! I refuse to pretend to be that stupid. That creepy, slimy, ABOMINATION TO THE HOLY GHOST IS FLUNG! "Fret not thyself " because that volunteer maggot, is long dead! DEAD AND DONE!!! While it is very true, somhhe extremely DIABOLICAL ignorant, savage imps appear to be "winning", NO SUCH THING! That slimy slut birthed me to be her SLAVE !     

Jackie Shane - Walking The Dog - 1965 R&B Just dancing on a dead demons unrepenta nt grave

DELIVERED!!! BEAMING!!! TWERKING ON A DEAD DEMON'S HEAD! World, please know I was birthed into "My situation" by a master manipulator, Yes, d j t 's TWIN!!! You talk about low, a true "Bottom Feeder", you are talking about the fe/male thatnalways hated, resented, staked , terrorized and persecuted me, for sixty-two very active years. I'm not exactly sure why s/he always hated and savagely persecuted me, my GrandFather , and family so much. Other than "Demoon Possession",  there exits no excuse for the likes of extremely sick, sadistic, psychotic monsters, like martha jane walters and donald j t rump. "I know what I know"! I HATE BOTH OF THOSE BITCHES! I AM GLAD THEY ARE BOTH DEAD!  YESA!  That old orange piece of shit is DEAD! djt is "Four D"; DEAD, DYING , DISEASED AND DISABLED!!! Wait! I'm still BEAMING! Still LOVED!!! NOT FORSAKEN!!!