"ONCE MO' and again LAWD! " Here I am on my knees, begging, needing 'nother faber (favor). Yes, I done messed up again! Found myself in deep trouble , again! Well, that is what that low slut, that birthed me, martha jane walters, thought, believed, preached and claimed that was the only life I deserved to live! Why? Said I was a just a " luddle black bastard", a "crumb snatcher". Yes, that low whore for satan claimed that her "color" and hair texture , proved s/he was Blessed! Could do anything s/he fucking pleased, as long as s/he pleased, and never get caught. And if s/he got caught, you would fucking "Rue the day" , you opened your fucking, dumb ass mouth, to complain. HORROR UNLEASHED! So What!? That low slutty, mathy jane , got exactly what s/he deserved! Died in Disgrace! A fucking Coward! A low life, lying, envious, jealous, greedy, carnal, despicable imp! There is no excuse for so called "Christians" like...
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