NOT forsaken, no never!!!
"Go somewhur and sit yo'stankin', lying, ass down!!!"
Wo/Man I, WE THE PEOPLE , can see clear through your demon possessed, reprobate, sadistic, vacuous, envious, greedy, jealous kkk hristian ass.
So what? What have you won? "What does it profit a wo/man to gain the whole world and lose their soul?"
Who the fuck wants to live in a "masalium"? A "zillion" room tomb? The Pharoahs had their pyramids, donald duck duffus has mar log go, his "Tara", his GONE WITH THE WIND plantation.
djt and mjw are twin demons! Both uneducable! Totally unTEACHABLE! UNREACHABLE!
Yet, influential, charismatic, TREACHEROUS? Yes! But, their victims never seem to mind.
Yes, IT is uncanny but, predicted! PROPHESIED!!!
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