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Showing posts from February, 2019

When the LORD gets ready



I’m not crying, I am rejoicing! Yes, I am deeply humbled. My generation has dwindled to a “precious few”. “ I am so glad to be here! “.   “Giving honor to GAWD!”   I know for a fact I am a walking,talking miracle! PRAISE THE LORD! I am one of the five that didn’t get bragged on because they got flushed. Wait! Just wait! Think! What kind of “lady”, what kind of Christian minister,  makes such a brag to her children? Why terrorize us more than you already did, always did? DEMON POSSESSED! What kind of wo/man orcastrates the sexual molestation and rape of her small children?!  DEMON POSSESSED!  Children , the low whore for satan secretly hates, and not so secretly seeks to destroy.  Six little bastards , thrown away children.  Forsaken by  their low,  whorish mother . A fallen wo/man that preferred  pimping out her beautiful children in secret, rather than permitting a good family, a good person,  adopt them, ever. ...

"Be still and know that I am your GOD"

Yes, I am "dated". June 4, 1951 stamped right on my forehead. I am,  who I am,  because of "whose I am". From "day one", from pre-conception I have belonged to The LORD, "hook line and sinker". No! I am no saint. I will freely kill a nigger for fucking with me or mine.  "Nigga hit you, hit him back!  Nigga fuck wid yo'...kill him!".  That was the "Word", the "family" rule. Except for our mother. That cunt could do any damn thing because of the color of her. Seriously! Just as fucking ignorant and stupid as that muthafucking trump!      Our world is mired in maggots, hue-man maggots. The POTUS is so deplorable he is in fact THE ANTI-CHRIST!  My mother , as HORRID and DESPICABLE as s/he was, was merely an anti-Christ, that trump, that bitch, that slut, that cunt, that cretin, that piece of shit is THE ANTI-CHRIST! AND IF OUR "LEADERS" DO NOT SOON MOVE HIM , IT IS OVER ! THE DREAM OF DEMOCRACY IS F...

Far too many of us follow blindly...

WE follow blindly, much too long. WE agree with a Book, pretend we will lay down our lives for a Book  WE have never read! Have no interest in reading, follow any clown that sounds good.  Why? In my case, our case, we were born into the diabolical clutches of a sick, mentally ill , tormented demon. My mother was Legion! Now 🦍trump-ers, maga-ers are plaguing me, us, pre-judging people of color only. Daring OUR Just GOD to do anything! Just like my mother! What a WHORE! INCEST!!PEDOPHILIA! WITCHCRAFT!   No , their deplorable ignorance, repugnant cruelty,  is not new. Nor is it accepted by “good people “. Feared.  Yes! Dear LORD on this day I pray , I humbly petition You to do to Marta Jane Walters ,what s/he did to others for eight-seven years. Dear LORD I pray you finally expose Martha for the racist ravenous sorsorress s/he always was. Yes, I’m still “mad”, angry, raging!  (Calm me LORD)   I finally broke down and revealed the low life ...

Darling Baby🥰

Everyone deserves to be someone ‘s “Darling Baby”. Everyone deserves a life partner, someone to share joy and pain with. No one has a right  to sit in judgment and deny another hue-man being his or her INALIENABLE RIGHTS! There is No Government, no wo/man , able to  commit such grievous wrong,  to so many people, for so long,  unless The Holy Spirit be willing and most hue-mans remain lost. Jesus told us to pluck out our own eye if it offended us. Of course I am highly offended. Stalked by Caligula wearing two wigs and a dress for EIGHTY-SEVEN YEARS ! World! A cretin, a lustful lying viper crept up into our family and deliberately destroyed it because s/he was an imp. A psychologically diseased monstrosity! A homemade monster that did sincerely believe her skin color and hair texture entitled her to her; “Secret life of Evil Jealousy , Envy, carnal Knowledge  and WITCHCRAFT “. “MY LORD FROM ZION!”  I can finally see the HORROR UNLEASHED on the ...

Back this train up!

Yes! Let’s “hurry up” and back this “Trainwreck”,  back the hell up! 💩 decent people put up a sign; “Beware of Dog “. A low life 🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶ing rattle snake will rattle but a low , common, carnal, sadistic, incestuous, pedophile, fallen woman shall only seek to hide her tracks. Why lie “family”? Why so much secrecy?Fear? Why permit the dishonorable be honored in the place of the most honorable? My “twenty-twenty hindsight “ reveals a HORROR UNLEASHED FROM FUCKING BIRTH! “Peeples” in my Howling Wolf voice, if your child, your DAUGHTER ,begins her young life sadisticly murdering tiny little puppies, setting fires, sexually molesting her infant brother, don’t hide that bitch. Don’t you dare think “Church” or your prayers shall ever reach that demon! Jesus told us to “Shun the very presence of evil”, not hide it, not cloak for it. I flat refuse to live out my life pretending to love a dead demon! Yes! I absolutely love the fact Martha was my mother! I learned TENACITY! I...

Some kind of wonderful!

Feeling so good, working “roots” on the spirit of the dead unrepentant ROOT WORKER! “My LORD from Zion”, the low whore for satan almost got away clean. I know she fooled me! The low whorish slut knew what s/he was doing! The bitch was just “common”, “ common as bat shit”, just like everyone in Wade Station, North Carolina, always said. The irony here, Martha was so common, so absolutely putrid, so horrifying, we refused to know. I for one was glad to go to church with her, to go along with all of her bullshit. I loved profiling in her long sleek cars. I loved her leftovers. I loved it when I wasn’t her target. I loved helping her spend her stolen loot. I must admit, I loved how s/he deliberately hurt all of my rapists and molestors. I loved the way she humiliated the man , the men, s/he groomed to sexually molest us from infancy! WE knew, but we pretended not to know Martha was always foul, always unpleasant, always violent, always up to no good. For some reason my poor...

Chill ...

it is ALL IN DIVINE ORDER! The evildoer can Not win. Know your truth. Don’t run from it. Don’t be ashamed. Do not accept the shame of your “family name”.  Yes, just family name. That is all we are. Far too many hue-man beings are predatory! Liars! Thieves! Whores! Sadists! Sexually perverted incestuous pedophiles threatening her victims from her dirty little grave. I HIGHL REBUKE YOU! The Holy Spirit BINDS YOU! My “mother” was the direct result of REBELLION! S/he was snotty, snooty, belligerent, nasty, lazy, spoiled, demon possessed. Why? S/he looked white. The dumb slut thought her horrid life was “white privilege”.  S/he sincerely believed s/he was superior, untouchable, unrecognizable and protected because s/he preached so well. One good thing about all evildoers, they do have to expire. WE all have an expiration date. If you want to do evil, live a false fake ass life,  lying, persecuting , while secretly stalking,  hating, seeking revenge for your sins, ...

“Unattended Sorrow”

You know your life was 🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶up from birth when the first physician you reveal your family secrets to cries.  🎵🎶🎵🎶. “We cried together.”. She cried for my pain. I cried for making her cry. She explained my outbursts, my behavior was not sudden, but, actually long overdue. My doctor explained my mysterious “breakdown “ was decades and decades over due. My doctor was an “Indian”  or perhaps from Pakistan. No, we didn’t share cultures, religion, education, nothing but, at least she had the humanity to care. My “family” , my “friends “ could not care less. I get it. You must keep living, you must keep going. But, why? “I be damned if I will sit under an ignorant demon possessed slut like Martha , like 🦍rump! The two dumb, highly illiterate muthafuckers have a combined IQ of forty and the morality of a fucking blowfly.Both are fucking despicable maggots! If in this life you ever find a true love, a parent, a father, a mother, a brother, a sister, a son, a daugh...


I choose JOY! Unspeakable JOY. Yes, one horrid, hideous, whore was in fact My mother for sixty -two years. One messed up wo/man. A thing so broken, so mentally unhealthy, so self sabotaging, s/he could never be fixed. A pure fool, a pure imp, a self styled witch, a “root worker”.  I should say a “wanna be root worker”.  Martha knew just enough voodoo to fuck her “own self” up.  S/he knew just enough conjure to hide, to lie, to stalk, to skin and grin like the awful imp s/he reduced herself too. Bitch! If you had sense enough to clean up and preach for two hours once a week, you had better sense than to live a double life. EIGHTY-SEVEN YEARS wasted, a creature, a low fallen maggot of a wo/man too disgusted with herself to ever bother to get up. Was that it or was Martha just the sole property of satan? He damn sure protected her. The low carnal whore always got her way. NEVER  “pulled time in the penitentiary” as s/he should have. Did she sully GOD’s na...

The “Shame”!

The awful “Shame”, her “Shame”, Shame s/he pretended to saddle on herself.  If there is one truth I’ve realized, NOTHING ever shamed Marta Jane Walters! NOTHING! Not Incest, Pedophilia, Prostitution, Pathological lying, Excessive Envy, Irrational Jealousy, Soothe Saying, Murder ...nothing. Except the Truth, the real truth, the real Martha , Martha Jane, Martha Jean , Jeanie, Janie, Madame ####, Madame $$$$$$, and hundreds of other false personas Martha deliberately wore. For the SIXTY-TWO YEARS I suffered under the awful lash of Martha I developed some great gifts, acquired tremendous wisdom.  One thing I know most people, most hue-man’s ain’t shit.period. My crying, my lamenting the fact I “drew one lousy fucking hand” is ridiculous! Shit! Stevie Wonder is blind! Ray Charles was blind. R.Kelly is fucked up. Shit, WE are all fucked up. How fucked up are WE willing to be?  How and why are evildoers like Marta and 🦍rump,so successful? Fear! Fear of losing that ...


Sexual assault against your own children is betrayal of the worse kind. If you ever find yourself in such a low condition, for whatever reason, fall on your knees, fall flat on your face , immediately. Beg for repentance.  This is when you dig out your eye. Your eye has surely offended you. Something horrid has gone wrong with you, your soul is lost. Maybe you need to go back to the day you started murdering small animals and screaming in delightful sadistic glee. What you do not do, do not do like my sneaky, low life, conniving, viperous mother. Do not go to “preaching “. You shall be known. It is betrayal of the worse kind. It is something too sickening to fully recognize.  It is diabolical, just short of physical murder.  INCEST is deliberate spiritual murder by a parent that is despicable, a HORRID WHORE! A Wretch! Fake preaching can’t cleanse you. When this happens, when some viper creeps up into “good families”, s/he should not be hidden, cloaked or resp...

Meet me at the Bottom

Never, ever be ashamed of where you are from, or what you’ve been through. Praise Almighty GOD anyway! Why!? Because [HE] is Almighty! BEAMING 💓🔥

I reviewed our history ...

Studied it carefully, examined every document, every photograph. I have collected every memory, smoothed my trembling bruised fingers over every scar. WE had a demon alright, a Jezebel styled lunatic. A wo/man that bragged to her victims about how low she had deliberately sunk! A HORRID WHORE IN THE FLESH!! Yes! Martha did what s/he did , while bragging about what s/he did , to the poor imps,  and minions s/he was doing it to. “ My LORD from Zion! COME JESUS!” “When I came to myself, to my senses,” ... I knew it was time to go. No one can ever help or uplift a lying self hater. If you were born into the clutches of pure demonic evil, free yourself! READ! Pray! Fast! Study! Forgive but never Forget! SAVE YOURSELF! STAND UP 🔥 “ COME YE OUT FROM AMONG THEM!” “REVERSE THE CURSE!”

Ordering my steps in the LORD

#1 - The evildoer can’t win. #2 - If you live right, love your neighbor as yourself, you’re straight . #3 - If you are still harboring, cloaking for that very dead demon possessed ;Marta Jane Walters, you         are just as stupid, just as superstitious, just as god forsaken, Color Struck and racist as that low         slut. #4 - I want to share, I want to tell everyone about the MAGNIFICENT, MIND NUMBING         MENDACITY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT! #5 - IT IS ALL IN DIVINE ORDER 🔥 “COME YE OUT FROM AMONG THEM!” “REVERSE THE CURSE!”

Has that fungus among us gone the last mile of his way?

Our "mother" called us "Luddle black bastards".    Always made mention of how we weren't shit. How we were nothing but,  fucking burdens and she hated the fucking day she ever birthed our worthless, "crumb snatching asses". Sure, Martha said all that shit all the time, evil , lying, constantly scheming, hating, envious, jealous, superstitious, plotting, manipulative, cunning, conning, conniving, MURDERING MARTHA,  WAS THE REAL MARTHA! That slut up there preaching, slinging some knowledge , wrapped in absolute bullshit was the  phony, fake, made up, pretend, "playing church" , lunatic,  abomination to the Holy Spirit,  we  were always too terrified to face. Well, who was that bitch that went to church for EIGHTY-SEVEN FUCKING YEARS IN A ROW? A  Christian! Martha was about as Christian  as these fucking racist idiots following trump. Just as damn stupid, immoral, greedy, lying, whorish inbreed 'hoemongers!  ...

I'm glad I've got it!

There are days the images come back clearly, small "micro-chipped videos" GOD planted in my subconscious. Today, February 15, 2019, is one of those days. We were  all gathered in my grandparent's "living room" in Wade Station,  North Carolina. It was a very sparse room.  Very little furniture, an old rump sprung dark green couch, a few Cane bottom straight chairs, a curio cabinet , a Potbelled Wood burning stove and a RECORD PLAYER. Our favorite toy. We ( my fellow black bastard brother) would gather around it for hours, listening to good “Gospel “ music. I remember we would play church, my brother would preach and I would sing. In my video I can see my little three year old “hammy, phenomenal self” belting out this song to my grandfather ‘s delight.  I’m sure I witnessed this “performance “  and mastered it attending Wesley Chapel Church with my grandfather. I remember I knew all the words, had the body language, never missed a step or a be...

I got issues!? I GOT ISSUES!

You damn right , I got issues. I got 🎶🎵🎶🎵🎵🎵 issues from 🎶🎵🎶🎵🎵 1492 , till right 🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶now ,with you lying , sniveling ‘hoes! I got issues with any 🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶 religion that claims GOD, Our Father, gave some immoral, cruddy cretins the right, the responsibility to lord over me, enslave me, rape me, ruin me , because of the color of my skin! What kind of fucking idiot do you take me to be? I took that shit off of that fucking, mentally challenged, carnal, sick, deparaved, fucking nympomaniac , because the ‘hoe birthed me without a daddy. Then the low, immoral cow drug me to Church every Sunday for 21 years in a row , without fail.  LYING HER FUCKING , ROOT WORKING, CLOSET LESBIAN PROSITUTE ASS OFF! Playing head games with GOD, with us, with me, with the world , because s/he was too proud to ever face her truth.   It is a good thing, Divine Order, that I read the Book.  Over and over , over and over,  for over sixty years. I know some “th...

It’s Alright!

The evildoers can not and shall never win. Shall they exhaust you? Shall they be the vexation of your spirit? For a while but, the slowest of the slow, the dumbest of the dumb, the weakest of the weak, the most defeated, de-nutted progeny of every demon possessed imp eventually catches on. No, we don’t want to. I would never admit the truth about my horrid mother without provocation. The Holy Spirit permitted Martha, permits 🦍rump. They are “Needful Things”. Very much like buzzards, and maggots. Relax, they can NOT win. LIVELAUGHLOVE 💓 “COME YE OUT FROM AMONG THEM!” REVERSE THE CURSE!”


FIRST Stanking bitch 'hoe! "Ignut ass" fallen wo/man. CONGENITAL -   PATHOLOGICAL LYING PERVERT! "GET THEE BEHIND ME sATAN!" First of all , "stanking-hoe-lying-demonic-cunt-slut-bitch" YOU DID NOT WIN! You and that lying muthafucking trump be bragging about winning. You two lying cretins ain't winning shit. EVER! NEVER! Your fucking demonic souls are on fire  and you two buzzards are stil bragging about your imaginary wealth.  So!? Remember this song,  bitch? Yes, I'm pretty sure this is the song I performed to as a MAJORETTE FOR THE E. E. SMITH GOLDEN BULLS! You little nasty troll, threw some of your "dust"  on me. My knee "swoll" to the the size of a basketball. Cool bitch! BACKFIRE!   I still did something you never could. You had a baby at sixteenth! I WAS A MAJORETTE! FUCK YOU VERY MUCH,  OLD YALLA BED WENCH WHITE MAN'S 'HOE! Low, maggot for satan,  you could have used those eighty-seven years to...

Standing flatfooted on satan's neck!

BEAMING! LORD! Did that heathen, that fraud, that fake voodoo priestess, that  INCESTUOUS,  PEDOPHILE,  MURDERING SLUT SCUMBAG ever think some dirt off of some murdered man's grave could ever defeat ME? Really!? Stanking 'hoe! When!? When in the fuck were you ever really winning? Sure you did your dirt, caused a lot of grief.  EIGHTY-SEVEN HORRID YEARS!!! LORD HAVE TREMENOUS MERCY ON YOUR CHILDREN. DEAR LORD I'M BEGGING FOR TENDER MERCIES FROM YOUR BOWELS. YES, LORD IN VIEW OF THE ENTIRE WORLD I AM TOUCHING THE HEM OF YOUR GARMENT. DEAR LORD ON BEHALF OV MY MURDERED GRANDFATHER , JEROME WALTERS , I CONFESS TO HARBORING AN ABOMINATION TO THE HOLY GHOST. DEAR LORD PLEASE FORGIVE ME! ********* You deliberately stalked me, your only daughter for SIXTY-TWO YEARS! BUT,  YOU DIDN'T WIN SHIT. YOU DIDN'T FOOL NO FUCKING BODY.  SURE YOU LEFT FIVE DE-NUTTED SONS . Dumb, emasculated "motherfuckers" , actually proud to continue cloaking for you. I W...




  Forty years ago that wo/man called me, deliberately, viciously, disturbed my sleep. The only day I could rest. I remember almost not answering that damn phone. Instinctively, I knew it was her ignorant, lying, colluding, plotting, never-ending -scheming ass. But, what could I do? S/he was my mother! I knew s/he was pretty fucked up but, MURDER! HER OWN FATHER! Naw! ( Please GOD NOoooooooooooooo!) “Forty years ago that wo/ man called me, disturbed my restful sleep, screaming hysterically into the  phone.” Yes, this whore, this diabolical cretin , had finally gone too far.  S/he had finally done what she always regretted Not doing.  Taking her own father’s life.  My mother finally murdered her own father, finally put a good Christian Man-of-GOD out of his misery. “Snapped! Snapped like a dry twig or some old lying , lazy, lecherous whore, tired, exasperated, worn completely out,  attempting to care for a very sick , infirm man . A brilliant ma...

Give up Fear!

Please! Jesus told us to fear no wo/man. Why? Fear stunts your growth, deminishes you, strangles you and ultimately defeats you. All poor people, all oppressed, stigmatized, reviled, hated, persecuted people,  are saddled with terrorizing fear,  from conception.  That shit is fear to us, our daily diet. Someone like me, born to a hideous lunatic, a whore allowed to prosper because she claimed to be "Light bright and damn near white!" What kind of people are fucking dumb ass racists! DEMON POSSESSED! WILLFULLY IGNORANT! SADISTIC TO THEIR MUTHAFUCKING CORE! "Let it GO!" How? Pray! Pray! Pray! Pray! Anoint your house, your body, your soul. STUDY! STUDY! STUDY! GROW! GROW! GROW! I will not be defeated! I refuse! satan you can take all that fear my "mother" deliberately instilled in me,  and ram it straight up your corrupt stanking ass! GOD doesn't give a fuck about language, about verbal utterances. If you are dumb enough to think there is a ...

It is a beautiful morning GOD IS GOOD!

here in Lancaster, California. I’m BEAMING 💓.  When I tell you GOD is Good! It is ALL IN DIVINE ORDER! Just “Trust and Obey” DO NOT FEAR!

When your feet hit the floor, pray!

Oh yes, pause, say thank you. As a matter of fact, tell 💓🔥you are thanking [HIM] in advance. I know prayer works, I know for a fact, all you have to do is ask. It is important that you hear me.  Don’t just “listen”. Don’t nod your head in agreement while scoffing. I hail from a praying family. My grandfather could pray. Your spine tingled when my grandfather prayed. His daughter could pray. At least she sounded good but, what s/he hid would curl your toes. S/he was far beyond any run of the mill fornicating sinner.  Yes, the term is DIABOLICAL! The demons are not only “loose as a goose”, we are “cannon fodder”. Unprotected! Confused! Sitting ducks, blind sheep. Churches teaching nothing, raking in cash, deliberately misleading parishners. Demon possessed pastors delivering their congregations up to foul madness for filthy lucre. “Root Workers”, Soothe sayers, hoodoo, voodoo practitioners have overrun our Churches!  Yes, every evildoer shall have their part i...

Never fear satan, never fear an evildoer , ABOMINATION TO THE HOLY GHOST!

First and foremost I must thank THE HOLY SPIRIT for my journey! LORD , You know you are wonderful! Exposing that HORRID WHORE! That Jezebel! That low fallen wo/man that refused to get up! That sick, horrid, mentally ill, demon possessed ABOMINATION TO GOD! A poorly educated, superstitious, corrupt “thing”. A needful thing , to be sure. Just as needful as 🦍rump. Also just as vacuous, just as carnal , perverted, deplorable, disgusting, revolting and repulsive. Just as necessary. Just as necessary as maggots, buzzards, vultures. That Book warns Martha, 🦍rump, 🦍rump-ERs not to mock GOD, not to use [HIS] name in vain. They did it anyway. Bru, did you get yourself overwhelmed by evil or is evil over whelmed by you? All I know, when it came time to die, the woman I called “mother” was too cowardly to repent. Yes, you are dead now. All the prayers in the world can’t save you. I’m just praying that the other wo/men you used, destroyed on the sly will finally know the truth ...


I have a TEFLON TESTIMONY!  I'm BEAMING! I'm on FIRE! LORD Have Mercy! This wo/man! This thing! This CONGENITAL -PATHOLOGICAL LIAR! This hue-man being that fell lower than a serpent's belly,  really thought she could defeat the Holy Spirit by acquiring, by manipulating,  some simp,  into granting HER  a  license to preach! So what,  you dumb slut! That piece of paper did not erase your deeds, your incest, your pedophilia, your root working, your jealousy, your nymphomania, the five babies you bragged about flushing down the toilet. IT DAMN SURE DID NOT CHANGE THE FACT YOU SHOT YOUR OWN DADDY IN THE HEART! ROT IN HELL YOU UNREPENTANT, UN-SAVED, LYING STANKING WHORE!  You lived the life of a deplorable whore and died a horrible whore,  that  foolishly robbed herself of salvation with her "homemade religion". "I'm light bight and damn near white! I'm brilliant! I can scramble any muthafuckers' brains." What you di...