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Showing posts from August, 2022

Ten Years After - Good Morning Little School Girl - 8/4/1975 - Winterlan...

"Time changes all things.': words My GrandDADDY shared with Us, (it seems daily), in a never ending attempt to reach his wayward daughter, martha jane walters. Do know all attempts failed. They had to fail, the wo/man known as "mathy jane" was an IMP!  No, seriously, an IMP! One of those hue-man vipers GOD warns Us about in Proverbs.  Proverbs 2 7- "He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous. HE  is a buckler to them that walk uprightly." World, My ignorant, slutty BirthER, (pretended to really believe) this scripture was bullshit. That s/he was in fact smarter than GOD.  That somehow s/he and s/he alone found the keys to joy, pleasure, lust, colluding, destroying, while presenting to the World a "pretty face". Hog Wash! Any simpleton could discern mathy's shitty, lying, corrupt, stanking, confused, demon possessed ass, miles away. We, (I), just did not want to believe it! I was HORRIFIED! Horrified, conditioned, so psychologically abused, lo...

Muddy Waters - Copenhagen Jazz festival (October 27,1968)

IT JUST NOW HIT ME! Thank You  GAWD! I RACHEL G. Doster Humbly Thank YOU from the bottom of my deliberately tormented heart Yes, I'm GratefulGratefulJust as Grateful As I can possibly Be Yes sir ree I'm over the Moon Marked SAFE! Delivered from HORROR UNLEASHED Saved, protected and always spared from a "Homemade Monster" Absolute proof "Rejection is GOD's protection. Born Innocent Born pretty but "Too Black" Too BLACK!!!? How duh Fuck some slimy white water moccassin gon' use Me as bait to snatch a man? Lose the man because s/he in just another nymphoMANIAC "Hoe! Then the low Maggot got the fucking nerve to pretend s/he was Me, that s/he could have been "Me" if it hadden been fuh her damn daddy Low slut ... just ROT!  Guess what dead bitch? It was today that I remembered having breakfast with Mr. Muddy Waters on My birthday in 1975 You "Poo-pooed" that information So what? It still happened I'm finally BEAMING Finall...

"Age ain't nothing but a number!"

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! Outlived My secret, clandestine TORMENTOR! Praise the Living LORD! True, I had to gnaw My own foot off! No, that half hue-man "White Water Moccasin" was not giving up shit! Nothing!  World, My 'BirthER" was HORROR UNLEASHED! CRUEL and SADISTIC to the highest degree. A wo/man that deliberately chose to serve satan on the QT! A wo/man that wasted Eighty-Eight Years of her Horrid life,  hating and blaming GOD,  for the "mess" s/he diabolically created,  made,  of her life. Question, did martha jane walters really expect to always get away? s/he was always pretty arrogant, absolutely confident that s/he could never be stopped. I also believe, for some reason "mathy jane" never expected to die. Why? My grandfather, Rome Waters , always called her ignorant and walked away. GrandDADDY would just shake his head and walk away.  Yes, he did try to teach her. He admonished her kindly, always.  Never lost his temper, never sought an...

Muddy Waters - Belgrade Newport Festival, Yugoslavia. 1976 I was fourteen years

gladly assisting My "mother", (Madame Watson) in one of her many, many  scams. To know My "BirthER"; martha jane walters , was to know nothing but pain, heartache, misery and deep confusion , as long as that homemade "witch doctor", turned ORDAINED PASTOR was permitted to be a part of your life. Dear World, I am freely revealing so some of the horrid atroscities that Mongrel MONSTROSITY freely , secretly and clandestinely committed against Me , My five brothers and practically every poor soul that thought they truly loved or admired her. Dear Children of the Most High , You are Compelled, Instructed, COMMANDED to tell, to reveal such a beast!   GOD gave rattle snakes a rattle for a reason. A rattle snake has the decency to warn you. Not,  old lying common ass reprobates like my birthER! That is common, that is NASTY! Wait, when the low, lecherous whore targets her own family for sport because the common Maggot is stuck on stupid. Stuck on her Color. Hurray...

Muddy Waters - My Father's Place Old Roslyn. 1979 BEAMING IN THE BACKFIRE!

Dear World; In 1974 I accidentally married a "Stone FAGGOT"! Please do not get in your feelings, totally dismissing Me , assuming I am  someone that is "anti-GAY". No such thing. I am pro Love, Pro Truth, Pro Live and Let Love. I am revealing this aspect, this part of My horrid long, exciting, blessed  life,  because I am COMPELLED! I Must! Please permit Me to share a little of My background. It is important that you know, that I KNEW, I KNEW from"Jump Street" , from MY unwanted birth, something was very wrong with that wo/man.  Wrong is certainly an understatement for a modern day "Root Worker", on old nasty ass, common ,pathological lying, narcissistic, sadistic, sociopath.  Another common , carnal , selfish, ignorant , greedy ass whore ,that lived EIGHTY- EIGHT YEARS,  playing GOD. Bragging on her milky white skin and "Good hair". World, My "BirthER" was a low fallen wo/man that Refused to ever get up.   No,  the low whore ...

The Commodores-Brick House BEAMING IN THE BACKFIRE!!!

August fourteen! Twenty,  Twenty Two! Marked safe from Mongrel Monstrosities! Saved from that Cruel, Sadistic,Perverted, Homemade "witch" mathy jane! Saved from that eeeee fimmmm eeee net, Closet Ass,  HOE MO SEXUAL , that low whore manipulated Me into marrying.  BEAMING IN THE BACKFIRE!  Yes World, that old low serpent,  wore  My "birthER's" skin,  for Eighty-Eight  muthafucking YEARS! So!? What did ole slewfoot gain? NOTHING! In trying to mock GOD, trying to prove her "Graveyard Dirt" was something truly magic, fool proof, bullet proof,  the hue-man Maggots let satan's Truth "Out of the Bag". Dear Mr. Closet Homosexual man, if you want to front, to live in some "Church",  just as fake as you , every Sunday, find a wo/man , just as low, lying, despicable as you. Don't come after Me NIGGA! "Stay in yo'lane!" You are a Bottom feeder! You need a wo/man just as immoral, lying, stupid, and desperate! Just want you ...

The Dramatics - Me And Mrs. Jones Nice!

I must confess, I am quite impressed with this version of "Me and Mrs Jones".  I am almost afraid to research it. I do not want to ever find out the Dramatics did it first. Why? Why do I carry and admit to such ridiculous fear?  "Socialization".  WE THE PEOPLE have been "socialized" to believe alot of "lies", myths , and some savage , ridiculous bullshit , disguised as "GOD's Commandments". BULLSHIT! World, please do not take as long as I did to "know your Truth".  Imps, hue-man beings that run to mischief.  Just ignorant ass, unread NIG GERS! Sluts, 'hoes, prostitutes, pimps, that are proud to run their "stanking ass", lying ass, envious, jealous, sadistic ass , up in someone's "Church" every Sunday, PREACHING! Or should I say; "Cutting the fool", faking for satan, low life wo/men , "Common as Bat shit",  and mad as Hell because You know. My "birthER" hated Me beca...

John Mayall - Talk To Your Daughter

Yes! I'm  still bragging! Rejoicing! That low w*****satan sent her for eighty-eight long,  excruciatingly torturous years,  has been very DEAD for "soon be" Nine years! Yes! I'm REJOICING! BEAMING! I no longer care if My five "brothers" ever join Me.  They have Free Will,  just like I do.  If the choose to continue fearing an old dead CUNT, let'um!  How? I have no idea. I certainly understand the deep fear We had for that Mongrel,  for the first part of Our lives.  Not now! The Bitch been revealed! Nasty, stanking 'hoe! No wonder s/he was always having sex with the door wide open. Common is COMMON! Common imps come in all "colors" , genders and ages.  Financial status has nothing to do with the sexual appetite of a closet "homosexual", perverted, sadistic, Psychotic,  Fallen wo/man , too proud to ever get  up. A wo/man too proud to repent .  Not because s/he was too ashamed as s/he always pretended.  The low whore pro...

Woke up This Morning Sho'huff Rejoicing!!!

Woke up this morning in a beautiful, palatial palace ! Yes World, the home I'm resting in is considered premium real estate. multi-million dollar category, While I'm bragging, I can assure you , it was nothing that I did.  I am BEAMING! Crowing like a "Banny Rooster". Yes, I am over the Moon! H-A-P-P-Y! At Seventy-one , I have so much to be Happy for. I have over a thousand  "Good Memories", thanks to My GrandDADDY, Mr. Jerome Walters,  One fine Southern gentleman. One of the few Christ Lovers that touched My long life. LORD Thank You! Thank You for Your tender Mercies, Your Grace. I'm using this platform to brag on You LORD! You knew LORD, you and apparently very few,  mARTHA jANE wALTERS was DEMONIC! Not a mongrel monstrosity rathe The MONGREL MONSTROSITY! The Other side of Midnight! A Very Sadistic Slut that was manipulative and diabolical enough to create MISERY every where her Common , INCESTUOUS/PEDOPHILE ASS Slithered for her entire long life.  DE...