"Time changes all things.': words My GrandDADDY shared with Us, (it seems daily), in a never ending attempt to reach his wayward daughter, martha jane walters. Do know all attempts failed. They had to fail, the wo/man known as "mathy jane" was an IMP! No, seriously, an IMP! One of those hue-man vipers GOD warns Us about in Proverbs. Proverbs 2 7- "He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous. HE is a buckler to them that walk uprightly." World, My ignorant, slutty BirthER, (pretended to really believe) this scripture was bullshit. That s/he was in fact smarter than GOD. That somehow s/he and s/he alone found the keys to joy, pleasure, lust, colluding, destroying, while presenting to the World a "pretty face". Hog Wash! Any simpleton could discern mathy's shitty, lying, corrupt, stanking, confused, demon possessed ass, miles away. We, (I), just did not want to believe it! I was HORRIFIED! Horrified, conditioned, so psychologically abused, lo...