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Showing posts from August, 2024

Unspeakable Joy by Douglas Miller. JOY!

BEAMING! JOY! JOY! JOY! JOY! JOY!JOY! YES!!! I STILL HAVE MY JOY! I'm not only humbled, I'm flattered. I certainly can understand why so many still lie, pretend,  and feign ignorance , when it comes to the issue of "Color". My own "mother" pre-judged me.  Took one look at my "Coco brown" ears, decided then , and there,   that I would never experience any JOY! That s/he would deliberately, clandestinely, keep IT from "Me".  That I was no more than a brown turd, nothing s/he ever wanted,  or felt bound to respect or love.  That all s/he ever needed to do , was feign some bullshit,  sloppy love , when s/he wanted to keep "Me",  US confused,  and held tightly in her clutches.  Well, mathy and t rump, have no choice. They belong to satan! Everything my "birthER" said,  and did for eighty-seven years, eleven months,  and twenty-three days , was straight from satan's Play Book. Incest! Bitch! Slut! Common dog! Did you rea

Sounds of blackness Optimistic The Music I dance To!

BEAMING! WALKING/TALKING MIRACLE! WORLD, please picture Me; Rachel Gwendolyn (?) Walters, head held high! I not only survived a pathological lying, sadistic, demon possessed pervert, I was made Strong! Redeemed! Rejoicing! Radiant! Radical! Rare! Refined! Regal! Relentless! Resilient! Resplendent! Righteous! Royalty! REMNANT OF ROME WALTERS! Relax, "fret not thyself because of evildoers". They are raging because their time is up! They don't have any power.  Sure they do create chaos, cause division through extreme lying and the demonic practices,  they deem pleasurable. So what? They can only acknowledge their proclivities with fellow imps. My "birthER" was "Madame Watson"; indeed a "Root Worker".  Most definitely a "Creep", if nothing else.  Certainly "sexually perverted". Not only am I a witness, I'm a victim! Sure, I can laugh now, especially as I acknowledge The HOLY SPIRIT has never forsaken "Me"! Yes! I


AWESOME! MIRACULOUS! WONDERFUL! Dear LORD, Thank You!!! Yes! I Humbled! Grateful! Growing! GLOWING! Yes! I'm over the Moon! Rescued! Saved! Delivered from a SUCCUBUS! Of course I'm grateful. I am quite sure I am a walking, talking Miracle. As a matter of fact, I am a statistical impossibility.  Me, once a merre helpless, five pound , two ounce infant born into the demonic clutches of a Pervert! Another ignorant "Bottom feeder", so envious, jealous, greedy and immoral , s/he served satan for her entire long miserable life. What a waste, that wo/man martha jane walters, was always too proud to admit when s/he m ade a mistake.  Chose "Bullying" instead. IT worked, until IT didn't. Know your truth. Bother to learn IT. Listen carefully. Dare to look at their fruit. Anyone that hates , scorns or fears me,  because I refuse to honor sadistic, pathological liars with my be IT!

Papa's Got A Brand New Bag !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Picture me dancing on a dead, unrepentant , demon possessed,  whore's grave. Please see me Twerking! Do know that some people are so low, so lost, so lying, so fake, so phony,  so unredeemable,  they demand to use skin color, mere pigmentation , as a useful tool to determine "Privilege" or "Persecution". No, you not only,  not get to chose, you better not dare complain. Let any "un-melanated  person,  do anything to a melanated  person , crickets...nothing. Who cares? "Society" reduced you to dung before your birth. I know for a fact my own "mother" always hated me with a passion. Yes, s/he was so low functioning intellectually, s/he convinced herself that I was to blame for her miserable fake, phony, predatory life. The low slut was always whining, playing the victim, just like t rump. Bragging about her skin color, just like him. A nasty, common pedophile that viciously raped me at eight years old. But, I'm the problem. I'm the

Sam and Dave - Hold On, I'm Coming. " BEAMING! CALIFORNIA DREAMING!"

BEAMING IN THE BACKFIRE! DELIVERED! RESCUED! Dear World, you have no idea how Happy I am !  Yes, I'm Growing and GLOWING! Born a "throwed away baby", not just Unwanted, purely hated, vexed, stalked and terrorized by my own "birthER" ! World, that wo/man; martha jane walters, was nothing short of a MONSTER! Not only did that succubus,  that birthed me , slither on this good Earth for Eighty-seven years, eleven months and twenty-three days!  The low, scummy, maggot whore practiced her conjure on me, and my entire family. That low , stanking , scummy imp did Preach. Preached falsely for cover and profit. World, not only was my birthER a closet bulldagger, s/he was in fact a serial MURDERER of the many infants conceived in her corrupt womb.  No, I'm not ashamed to tell, I'M PROUD TO TELL ON THAT MAGGOT! The nerve of that ignorant slut! s/he seriously thought I was forsaken. Wrong bitch. Sure, you did stalk me,  and you did enjoy "ruining" my life f

Pastor Emeritus , Jasper W. Williams, Jr. - Down Through the YearsAWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME!

BEAMING! BEAMING! BEAMING! GLOWING! GLOWING! GLOWING! DELIVERED! DELIVERED FROM A FLATFOOTED SUCCUBUS! *HUMBLED! *GRATEFUL! *ANOINTED! *PROTECTED! "Protected" is the word that old sluttly, volunteer sadistic,  common succubus, horror unleashed, confused,  bi-sexual, pathological lying ,  FREAK! HATER! HATER! HATED!  Yes, my grandDADDY prayed fervently for me. While My old so -called "mother" prayed against Me, VEHEMENTLY! GREAT! IT BACKFIRED! While my birthER always openly blamed my "hideous " TOO BLACK SKIN , for her automatic rejection on me. Her private justification for enslaving me , from birth. Sexually molesting, torturing, branding, burning, cursing, low rating, ruining, stalking,  me because her skin was white, her hair was straight. GOD told her s/he could do any damn thing s/he chose, as long as s/he wanted becauses/he was white and GOD was really satan!  Yes, my "mother", martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureaux, lived her

SAMANTHA FISH "Killing Floor" 3-21-14 IT IS WHAT IT IS!

I'M SOMEBODY!!! Sure! The wo/man that birthed Me, HATED me! Purely rejected, rebuked, taunted, tormented and terrorized Me,  for her own sadistic pleasure! How long?   For my entire long life! World, that low life, volunteer whore, that succubus that chose satan, RAPED ME when I was Eight years old! Who cares? Who can care in a World ruled by Racists? Imps that are only concerned with "complexion" and hair texture"? "All I know, is all I know"! That wo/man that birthed Me was HORROR UNLEASHED!  martha jane walters was such a fallen, vicious, demon possessed , slutty SUCCUBUS , she had to die by suicide. World,Dear Christian friends, that "maga", that LIAR, that murderER , chose Suicide by surgery, before s/he would humble herself.  No! The low, lying,  Bottom Feeder, knew better! Yet refused! Delighted herself in wearing the finest raiment, taking the best seats, to MOCK GOD! Of course, old low life, slutty, viperous, sadistic, mathy jane,  always