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Showing posts from February, 2021

Johnny Clarke - Move Out Of Babylon

I Praise The Living LORD! Yes LORD! I thank You for  Keeping  Me for  Keeping  Yours Always  In Your Care! BEAMING!!! ***THE GWEN DOSTER DIARIES*** Sunday, February 28, 2021

Yellowman - If You Should Lose Me

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! The evildoers can't win, the closet vipers can't win! Yes, I am one Proud AF FREE CAN! No, old lying vipers you have been found out Yes, you fellow serpents could have called the cretins out No, you chose to join them You chose to turn a blind eye You pretend sitting up in some building every Wednesday  and Sunday shall protect you from the wrath to come No such thing You are a fool crowded up with fellow liars lying to yourself then raging lying for liars then raging No, I can't do it I won't do it If one lie is in it GOD is not in it The HOLY SPIRIT did not send the likes of Me Here to this good Earth to fear, to lie or  remain silent , for any Eighty-Eight year old demon,  I choose to Rejoice,  I choose to brag about her secret schemes  THAT FAILED! Yes World, I STRUT ON UNAFRAID A TRUE AF FREE CAN ***THE GWEN DOSTER DIARIES*** Sunday, February 28, 2021

Kool & The Gang - Summer Madness

RETREAT ! RETREAT! RETREAT! Just back the Fuck up! This bitch, these bitches, these scorpians, these hue-man maggots are crazy! Damn right I grew up fast! Learned to fend for my self Too bad that damn whore was such a good fake  so long Well, maybe Not I could have become her I could be a trimper something immoral selfish and greedy

Brenda Holloway Every little bit hurts

  The year was 1969, my Freshman Year. The place was Moore Gym. The man was TALL! Every bit Six five , he towered over  my Five two FIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEE! CHISELED! Truly an Adonis! His name was *Charles McDonald Faison! He sprang from Columbus, Ohio Every vamp tried to get him, But,  I was the one he wanted Little Me, tiny and BLACK YeeeeeeeeessssI was Fine too (Just afflicted with one unknown enemy, my so called mother, my birth-ER A sick whore dispatched to this Good Earth by satan to do the work of satan lust, lie and destroy The dead slut earned an A plus I floated, held tightly in "My Nigga's" arms! SPUN OUT! Delirious with Joy Yes, I was Spun out! Spun out! Because my of my "Circumstance",  that relationship was to never Be It is cool because my low whorish "mother" did deliberately do Me alot of damage in sixty-two years But destroying this memory This True Love s/he can't, never could undo. BEAMING!!! ***THE GWEN DOSTER DIARIES*** S...

Brenda Holloway Every little bit hurts

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! "Time changes all things" "What is done in the dark shall surely come to light." Born into the clutches of a complete succubus, a fallen wo/man,  too mean, too depraved, too ignorant, too racist, too superstitious , too envious, too jealous, too untrustworthy, too dehumanized by "white supremacy", to ever dream of getting up. Yes World, it is no lie, my "mother", my birth-ER was DIABOLICAL! LORD Jesus, You know it! Somebody in my family knew it,  too. My family, my GrandDADDY, grandmother, knew they "birthed" an "unusual" child. A child with many "gifts". Like her mother, Rachel, mathy jane , was clairvoyant .  I watched her, observed her intently, read Tarot cards.  Perfect! One of my mother's clients discovered she was pregnant with triplets. My mother saw it in the cards. My mother advised her to get an abortion because she was the "side chick" and the man was very rich and...

Mahalia Jackson -- Jesus Met The Woman At The Well (

GLORY! GLORY! GLORY! Dear World , on this day, this Friday, February 26, 2021, I know this wo/man is nothing, not even worth a footnote in history.  "My LORD, My LORD!" , how many years did I sit up in someone's "Church" thinking this wo/man  a horrible person. I know from day one of my birth, somebody had me in "Church" I was immersed in the "WORD" from day one! "Now to lay me don to sleep, I pray the LORD my soul to keep." To this very day, this very hour, this minute, this second, I LOVE THE LORD!  No, I can't see [HIM] I don't know  if [HE] is indeed a [HIM] or an IT All I know is all I know I know a low life, miserable, sadistic, demon possessed SLUT birthed me! Enslaved Me! Stalked Me! Raped Me! Deliberately ruined Me and every single life,  the low life lying whore ever touched! I know for My entire life, few have believed me, wanted to hear My side of her unending lies I know the bitch/slut/cunt finally died! I know ...

Maxwell - Ascension (Don't Ever Wonder)

DIABOLICAL! DIABOLICAL! DIABOLICAL! There exists no other word in the English vocabulary that can adequately describe my "mother", my "birther", my tormentor,my personal enslaver,  my personal closet stalker for Sixty-two Years! Whyyyyyyyyy? I scream into the night  still? Whyyyyyyyyy? I am approaching Seventy YEARS! Seventy years of low sluts crawling behind me , pretending to love me, pretending to care That slut, that mongrel dog in heat, always in my face, in my ear, whispering words of pain, YOU TOO BLACK! YOU A BASTARD! YOU ARE HARD LUCK! YOU ARE CURSED! That low slut permitting me to go on for hours, days, months, years, building and cultivating my dreams , just so that low whore could come in, tear it down , then pretend to care Yes World, that low whore mathy jane would cry with youy, yes, the low whore would help you look for what s/her knew s/he had already destroyed The low , mongrel monstrosity has been rotting in the cold, cold ground for over Seven Ye...

Sweet Bitter Love

Discovered this great song traveling on the "Highways and Byways" ,  with my son-in-law. "Son-in-Law", I like the sound of those words. Wow! True Love is possible. (After all) No, I never found it. Romantic love always eluded me. The Truth is, I think,  "True Love", eludes most people.  It has to.  Most of US are too messed up.  No, WE don't come here messed up but, this thing called "white supremacy", white Power, racism; is here. It is ENTRENCHED! There seems to be no way out. WE got "religion" to re-enforce hatred, the "government" to legislate hate and the "school system of indoctrination" to insure nothing ever changes. There is a way out, however.  It involves honesty, Truthfulness.  WE could finally have A Wonderful World, A Wonderful World ,  void of all liars, envious, jealous haters. (If WE can just just convince all liars to stop lying.) A Wonderful World, minus wo/men like my "birth-ER".  Wh...

Kool & The Gang - Summer Madness

Once again Father GOD, down here on my knees,  humbly thanking You  for saving Me! I know You saved others, too! But,  Thank You! Thank You for saving Me! Yes, satan went too far with that MONSTROSITY! That born again haint of white flesh that sadistic, pathological lying clown that preached! Yes LORD,  that low whore  didn't have good sense! Ever! Good intentions either! Yes LORD,  mathy jane walters was one low, skanky fool! No LORD,  s/he never had to be,  Yes LORD s/he knew better,  Always knew better (Just never sincerely wanted better for herself or anyone else) No LORD,  that stank 'hoe did not get away Not one single, fake ass day, s/he lied, spied , "rooted" and denied! No LORD,  I sho'know better than to associate with the likes of those still lying,  still defeated,  by  those that  are still fool enuf to declare some undying love for that SUCCUBUS! I won't! I can't! I ain't! Praise the Living LORD! IT...

Eric Clapton & Friends - Call Me The Breeze (Official Lyric Video)

AWESOME! Call Me the Breeze, I ain't hiding from nobody, Ain't nobody hiding from me  Except  All Liars All those that demand to live in Denial All those those still Trauma bonded by the sickest, sadist , lying-est whore to ever live! Call Me the Breeze, I refuse to carry My enemies' heavy load My evil demon possessed "mother" gloated over her "invisible" Incest Yes World, A low life skank birthed me just to be her punching bag It all backfired And I still can't rest knowing it was my own "mother" that blew .38 hole in my GrandDADDY"s chest This world needs to know These sick, saved, sanctified, ordained pastor monsters need to go! Yes World mathy jane was never more than an evil , demon possessed "root worker" Yes World mathy jane was not only an ordained pastor but,  a sorceress! HORROR UNLEASHED!!! A GRAVEYARD DIRT DIGGER!!! Yes World mathy jane was a wo/man that told GOD to kiss her ass! Yes World Call Me the Breeze Yes W...


  Lean in...learn something, everybody sitting up in some "Church" every Sunday, ain't right. I can assure you,  by my seventy years of unearned stripes, many are little mini monsters. Liars, reprobates of every sort. Side note to this note, ladies, pay no attention to the Apostle Paul and his bullshit about marrying , if you can't avoid fornication. Fuck that shit! (LOL) That is exactly how I ended up marrying a bottom FAGGOT! Ha! Ha! my ass...that shit ain't funny or money.  Wake up beside a man that is a BoniFied SISSY!  see how you feel.  Naw...that shit ain't funny one bit. Then let the dumb nigger,  be dumb as a post! An read, uninterested in reading,  ILLITERATE! Anyway, it is all good. To be perfectly honest, if one must be hated, stalked, raped, ruined, robbed, by their own "mother"; Dear LORD please keep a Rome Walters , in the wings! Dear LORD, please plant at least one real Christ Lover in the family of these so called devout, saved, orda...

Gil Scott-Heron - H2Ogate Blues ( 1974 )

No, my "mother" was a slut, alright. From always bragging about how s/he proudly gave me away, Deliberately abandoned me in the whore house,  s/he gleefully  whore-ed from. World, my "mother" was never more than a SICK SADISTIC WHORE that the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church gave a license to Preach! to "prey", to exploit, to rape to ravage to her content What was her point? Did s/he think s/he was brilliant? I'm not sure, seems s/he just always relied on good voodoo Always Did s/he brag? Incessantly  Without ceasing Was s/he a liar? PATHOLOGICAL! Was s/he jealous? Incredible ! Far fetched!  Unending! No one was safe from martha jane walter's harm No one Ever s/he is finally gone now rush limpdick has joined her GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAD RUBBISH! ***THE GWEN DOSTER DIARIES*** Saturday, February 20, 2021

Burning Spear Playing the FINEST reggae alive absolutely!!!

Dear LORD, I know how Wonderful! Magnificent ,You are, while I suspect few in my "Family" do How can they? Who knew a wo/man would deliberately birth children s/he delighted in pre-hating, torturing, vexing, molesting, raping, robbing, ruining ,scalding, stabbing, scarring,  while increasingly bragging about her great non-existent "love" A wo/man that fell so low, so long ago, it never occurred to her to ever get up Why get up, why climb out of the hole of incest, pedophilia, and conjure you knowingly created? World, my birth-ER , martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureax , deliberately, stealthily,  practiced every horror satan suggested to her for Eighty-Eight Years! So?  I for one have been made better! I know better than  to lie, to deny,  for any wo/man , as low, as scummy and Diabolical as martha and donald. BEAMING! Delighted for this opportunity to warn this World, it is Not Color! It is Character! Lie for liars , if you want to, Deny your Truth...

JJ Cale & Leon Russell at the Paradise Studios, LA 1979

"It is all in Divine Order." The Truth, nothing can change that. For some reason the low, jealous, ignorant whore that begrudgingly birthed Me, always declared that s/he could never be defeated or exposed. Yes, Rev. Martha Jane Watson actually fell low enough to thing s/he could destroy my life with her lies, guile, deep depravity and voodoo. Yes, declared her white skin was proof Almighty GOD favored her and her kind. World, my "mother", my "birthER" was a Sorceress! Seriously, the wo/man that I was born to, attached to, held in the clutches of , was an old Conjure wo/man, a soothe sayer for her whole , entire, too long life. No, s/he never had "mad love" for anyone, Ever! Yes, World, my "mother" left Me wondering if Earth , is not in fact Hell.  My LORD from Zion, I am not trying to criticize you, I just want this World to know how "Unjust" some wo/men can be. No LORD, I do not believe any of these horrid maggots,  that have...

R.L.Burnside It's bad you know

LAWD! I just dropped by to say ; "Thanky! Thanky GEEZUS!" YOU, Only YOU LAWD,  brought me from a mighty long way One of satan's saddest, most deplorable sluts,  "birthed" me,  Never set me Free! And the low 'hoe nevah let Me Be Me! Demanded that I be a reflection of her low, maggot, stanking, illiterate, demon possessed azz! Sneaky, Conniving, Plotting, Root working, Prostituting Whore of a Preacher  Nevah let Me Be shit! No, the volunteer, low 'hoe fo'satan, nevah let anybody,  unfortunate enuf , to sit up under her lascivious ass, go Free! BUT s/he finally died! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!! ***THE GWEN DOSTER DIARIES Monday, February 15, 2021

The Dubbeez (NL) Live @ Ostróda Reggae Festival 2016 / Poland

IT IS ALL IN DIVINE ORDER! Nothing can ever change these facts , as The HOLY SPIRIT attempts to reach those worthy , through me. Yes, I'm Honored! Humbled! Thank You! When this World finally accepts the fact , far too many "Anti-Mothers" , like my "birth-ER", exists on this good Earth! This World shall certainly be a better place for everyone. MY LORD, from ZION! My "MOTHER", my very own "BIRTH-ER" WAS A MONGREL! A SICK PSYCHOTIC,  DEMON POSSESSED,  WHORISH, CARNAL, JEALOUS, ENVIOUS, INSATIABLE,  HIDEOUS,  HORRID WHORE,  FOR EIGHTY YEARS ! (A low,  volunteer, fallen whore , that decided s/he was going to serve GOD and man, and did! ) A deplorable imp  THAT PREACHED FOR COVER! Caring about what others think about Me, for revealing that Slut, that SUCCUBUS, that ABOMINATION TO THE HOLT GHOST!, is OVER! I refuse to be intimidated by dullards, imps, simps, blind sheep,  the immoral, the feeble minded cowards , still loyal to mathy jane or trimp. ...

CON FUNK SHUN "Love's Train" on Soul Train

I think I am up to "Joke" Nine Zillion , by now. Ladies! Ladies! Ladies! Exercise extreme caution when "dating", looking for "love".  Please do not go for that :"Look for a man in Church, bullshit!"  You gon' mess around and end up with a "Closet Bottom FAGGOT!" , just like I did! Gul, if you eva' smell any part of "gay" on yo'man, RRRUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNN! ***THE GWEN DOSTER DIARIES*** Sunday, February 14, 2021

Gil Scott Heron - His Story

I , Rachel Gwendolyn Doster, one proud retired Educator, challenge every parent, grandparent, concerned citizen, to watch this video. Now, discuss it. Explain what it means. Knowledge of "Self" should not promote hatred and acts of retaliation , by those you have accused of wrong doing. If "white people" are so superior, why be so DIABOLICALLY EVIL?  My old evil, demon possessed mother always bragged about her imaginary superiority, also. Please stop being so quick to assign every "act" to "race". People are people! That so called billionaire, that just fucked the shit out of 'mer ri kkk uh, is WHITE! What is his fucking excuse? No, there exists on this Earth, few as immoral as that mongrel! Except my "mother". My so-called mother, more like a MOTHER FUCKER, than a mother. I guess so, the old low slut turned out to be a closet LESBIAN! Damn!  Talk about fucking "Denial"! Of course! OF COURSE! That slut's total brain, a...

Ferlin Husky - Wings of a Dove (Grand Ole Opry)

Of course, The HOLY SPIRIT is mysterious,  No! No, Wo?Man can know! WE Don't need to know, WE need to live Rightously! WE need to Love! ALWAYS! WE  should not lust,  lie, hate, prevaricate WE  Should not Blessing Block, WE  Should  NOT stand in the way of sinners!  If you,  like Me, Were born into,  the Clutches of an Absolutes SUCCBUS! another demon possessed imp, that bludgeoned puppies to death, as a small child! satan's spawn hidden, cloaked ,granted Sanctuary in the "Church"! another low, whorish viper that delighted in destroying her own flesh! another "Goofer Dust" slingling Prostitute! No, not just another rapist, robbing reprobate! My Mother! STOP CRYING! REJOICE! REJOICE if you Outlived, Out Achieved, that Slutty Slut! NO! GOD/The HOLY SPIRIT is neither Black , nor white! The Spirit is SPIRIT! RIGHTEOUS ENERGY Stored up for You and for Me! The Mother Wound is real! Why didn't any "Church", any "Pastor" , try to teach Me? Us?...

Graham Central Station - The Jam

THE MOTHER WOUND World, the "Mother Wound" is real It is a terrible place to be I would not wish it on my worse enemy Ironically, my own "mother" was my worse enemy As a matter of fact a wo/man,  born martha jane walters, was indeed the worse imp, creature, cretin, succubus, to ever live on Planet Earth! Yes, martha jane walters was demon possessed alright,  Was s/he born that way, or did s/he become that way? Perhaps s/he was a combination,   No matter  s/he was a low slut for satan and s/he never had any business "preaching" s/he did, s/he laughed, s/he raped, robbed and ruined , to her heart's content When it  came time to die,  s/he mocked GOD Of curse s//he did when did s/he not Ruthless! Vicious! Intractible! Jealous! Envious!  Just another Black, fe/male,  donald trimp Nothing new most hue-mans are donald trimps horrid little imps,  that horde too much money World! Get up and Jam Even if the good "Christians" of this World serve y...

Patsy Cline -- I Fall To Pieces

Dear LORD, I certainly thank You for my many, many, many blessings,  down through these often treacherous, miserable  years My life was deliberately made miserable by a wretch, a jealous hue-man maggot,  an ignorant slut,  a no count promiscuous  COLOR STRUCK WHORE! Yes, LORD I Love You! Yes, LORD You are truly Wonderful My One Perfect Friend The Only One Wise GOD! LORD, I am so proud of You! Dear GOD, this is the first year,  (since February 10, 1979)  that I haven't  fallen down on my knees,  prostrate with grief ,  SCREAMING IN ABSOLUTE AGONY,  BECAUSE MY MOTHER , MURDERED HER OWN  FATHER! GOT CLEAN AWAY? BRAGGED S/HE FLUSHED FIVE OF MY SIBLINGS DOWN THE TOILET! GOT CLEAN AWAY? BRAGGED THAT S/HE WAS DIABOLICAL ! S/HE WAS!  YET S/HE PREACHED!!!!!!! LORD! Thank You for lifting me up! For standing me up , for delivering Me from  the evil, demonic clutches of that Maggot! That Horrid,  Color Struck,  Monster ...

william bell - I Forgot to be Your Lover

This song certainly took me back down "Memory Lane". Dear LORD, thank You for keeping good soothing music in my tender ears, down through these harrowing years. Yes LORD, this System , WE call white Supremacy,  is nothing short of Diabolical , Disgusting, Carnal, Selfish EVIL! This is Totally a  Spiritual War,  those that lack Faith,  seriously believe they can continue practicing the greatest, barbaric, uncivilized cruelty,  ever designed by any vile, vulgar, despicable, wo/man.   Those that lack Faith (Confidence) shall succumb to lies, treachery,  and shall practice all manner of evil against the person they (secretly) envy, claim to love. That was my "mother", sixty-two yrars of slithering, stalking, plotting, planning, pretending to love. Of course I rage, how can I not? Finally admitting my own "mother" was the worse possible enemy any wo/man could have. a hue man Maggot! Who knew such a hue man possible? Those ignorant ass,  fucking "C...

Twisted Soul .. 1964 .. Marvin Gaye .. A Wonderful One.

Naw, I can't explain it  or contain it! All I know, is all I know! My very own "Birth-ER" not only hated me with a Purple Passion,  for Sixty-two years,  the low slut hates me from her vile,  putrid, pathological lying, sadistic, seered , soulless soul Stank Dirty ass Grave So? The LORD Jesus Christ did not dispatch me to this Good Earth to be no lying, sick, sadist imp's slave! Not one as dumb as , mathy jane and doughnail dimwit Sure my "mother" was a sorrcerress ! So! The dumb 'hoe was always too dumb, too selfish, too carnal and perverted to use it outside her immideate family! Fuck you martha! Fuck your stupid white ass for being nothing but  a fucking , stupid BULLY,  for Eighty-Eight Years! Naw, still ain't got no words for you , other than I am very glad your stank ass finally died! Yes, I'm still mad  STANK "HOE YOU DELIBERATELY  SLYLY COYLY MURDERED  MY GRAND DADDY  Naw, bitch I shall not take your shit to my grave! MOTHER...

Marvin Gaye - Got To Give It Up (Part I & II Video)

It may appear to the "unbeliever" that it took me too long to catch on to my own evil, demon possessed "mother", birth-ER, tormentor, jealous stalker No such a thing Almighty GOD was patient giving that low 'hoe time! I am here to tell you; Hell Naw! Can't no demon , dead or alive Keep ME down! The HOLY GHOST is Always right on time. Look at that low life, ignorant, perverted, color struck clown! What did s/he win? What did s/he ever get above her station? NOTHING! Never forget, that low whore, stanking, maggot of a "mother" had to look in the mirror! I know I have raged too long, loss too much irretrievable Joy, fretting over evildoers always in my way, blocking my blessings. So? WE all have to Reap!  If some simp, imp, low carnal, immoral maggot,  like my mother , demands to pretend , their imaginary superiority,  entitles them to be the Wretched of the Earth, let'um. Let nothing stop your JOY! LIVE LAUGH LOVE! BE  ABUNDANTLY  BLESSED! ***THE...