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Showing posts from December, 2023

This Thing of Ours w/ DJ Agony X Laris Hodges "This thing called Life"

Dear World; Once again, "Life" has shocked me, thrown me another "Curve ball". I opened my FB page to discover one of my Scholars transitioned. Gone! "Un-alived"! Taken "Too soon". I have no details. I do know he was very "political",  controversal, a good "Hue-Man"!  Rest in Peace Dear Scholar/Friend .


BEAMING! GLOWING!  GROWING! First of all; Thank You HOLY SPIRIT! Thank You (Je) Rome Walters! Yes GOD! You are certainly Awesome! My Protector! My Guide! My Hope and My Dreams! Sure, I was born into the clutches of a SUCCUBUS!  A wo/man so low, so sick, demented, depraved, despicable, HORRID, no one could(or would) face her. NO ONE! Yes World, My "birth-ER" was certainly demon possessed! There is no question about her IMMORALITY.  None.  I'm sure My readers still question "Why?". What was the purpose of mjw?  I still say s/he was a "Needful Thing". This World needs to know the "Church" is Full of SHIT!  Stanking ass, lying ass, fake ass, posers. Old fat, greedy ass, lazy ass, primitive, carnal Perverts, just like my "mother",  and most of her so called "men". martha jane walters was a Snake! A Viper! A whore! A Root worker! A Prostitute! An Incestuous Pedophile ! An Ignorant, jealous Slut Incorrigible! Un-Teachable, Un-Rea...

Grand Funk Railroad - Some Kind of Wonderful

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! Hey World; picture Me winning, stone pimping on the grave of a sick, psychotic, SUCCUBUS!  Her government name was "martha jane walters". [Please feel free to spit, regurgitate,  at any point you feel sickened by My Story, My "Struggle",  with, and against demon possessed "hue-man maggots".   Stupid slutty wo/men,  that volunteer to do satan's bidding. Starting with aborting their own innocent children.  Then stalking, raping, molesting, enslaving,  the six that survived her "Coat hanger" jacked up, excruciating abortions. Sure, the low whore for satan lived Eighty-eight years too long, if you ask Me. Well, I would be wrong for agreeing with my oppressors. That "Thang", that highly perverted, sick, psychotic, vile, jealous, envious,  Pathological Liar, actually "saved" My wonderful life! Watching, observing that stank, lying Skank,  for sixty-two years, taught Me; WHAT NOT TO DO! Never lie never ...

Some Kind Of Wonderful (Remastered)

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! True Righteousness, is some kind of Wonderful.  Yes! I'm BEAMING! BRAGGING! Singing! Dancing! Proclaiming! Anointing! Teaching! Preaching The TRUTH! Praise GOD Almighty. Born into the clutches of a low, sneaky, manipulative, vile, demon possessed Succubus! ( I HAD TO FIGHT! I HAD TO FIGHT MY MOTHER!) Not only am I a proud survivor, I am indeed a THRIVE- OR! (Please pause for My "Hold My Mule" Praise Moment) Yes! I'm still leaping over the Moon.  How can I not? True, my birth-ER died,  and is now "Flung into the Outer Realm", don't feel any sorrow for that volunteer ignorant imp! mjw knew exactly who, what,  and whose s/he was for far too long. Yes, s/he was low as whale shit.  Definitely a "Bottom feeder". A low life, faithless, Color struck, demon possessed, ignorant imp,  that remained the Horrid, sick, psychotic, sadistic , side piece for satan,  until the day s/he died,  by an unnecessary surgery. World, mjw was a...

Gil Scott-Heron - Johannesburg

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! BEAMING! BEAMING! BEAMING! GROWING AND GLOWING! No! Dumb ass imps! IT is Not Color! Gender! or Status! IT is Character! Never Lie for LIARS! Stop Cloaking for dead demons ,that have been Flung into the "Outer Realm". REJOICE! Let The HOLY GHOST  Fix IT! BEAMING and BRAGGING! A Remnant of Rome Walters! The "Wise Sage", satan didn't , couldn't get, could not fool , or manipulate. Rome Walters, "The Seventh Son of a Seventh Son",( legend has IT). The great wisdom that poured freely from his honest lips, has blessed Me, Us, all of Our days. True, the practice of "white/male/patriarchal"christianity", is being destroyed,  by the ignorant imps, that leaped into bed with a known imbecile. Well, no one can stop a fool, bent on serving fellow fools. Let'um! "Know your worth." Please know your limitations. Please! I know I have always scared myself. Never knowing what I might do,  to an evildoer, that ...

Can I Get A Witness

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! Born into the sick, sadistic, Clutches of a Complete SUCCUBUS!  A carnal , evil , demon possessed Whore. An ordained pastor  that deliberately Stalked, Plotted against Me, Us , (The entire Walters Clan) for Eighty-Eight years.  Yes!  The low whore for satan pretended, faked, being a "good Christian". No such thing! No Never! I'm laughing now but, my mother taught us that "Honesty", "Truth Telling", was the dumbest thing anyone could ever do.  And,  if anyone ever told the Truth on her, revealed her in anyway, "the Truth Teller"was going to get SALIVATED! Because s/he was; "...light bright and damn near white!" LORD! Is anyone that foolish? YES! Millions upon millions, evidently. Our War is Spiritual.  The only people lying, cloaking,  and honoring people like My birthER,  and that fag I accidentally married, are just as Immoral.  Just as lying,  and just as fake. So what?  GOD got this. While that low...

The Impressions - I'm So Proud

Yes! I'm so Proud of GOD! Of The HOLY GHOST! My ReDeemer!   I feel  light as a feather!  Thank You GOD for removing that Succubus, that Un-Apologetic, Un-Reachable, Un-Teachable ; martha jane walters! A wo/man so Horrid, I'm still scorned, reduced,   and rejected for "Telling on her". WHAT!!!  What kind of so-called "Christians"  still fear,  a depraved, sick, sadistic, psychotic, perverted, demon possessed, high yalla, uncle tom, aunt jennie,  DEAD wench like martha jane walters? A MurderER! World, My mother, My birthER , took so many lives in Eighty-eight years , I'm sure s/he is somewhere with the likes of Adolf Hitler and Idi Amin. (s/he loved and admired Idi Amin) Seriously, who fears anything DEAD? mathy jane the slut, the volunteer, "homemade Root Doctor",  is not only finally DEAD, s/he is Flung! Flung into the Outer Realm! Yes, Flung! So Horrid, so cold, cruel, carnal,   manipulative, and unmanageable...satan does...

70's 80's R&B Soul Groove - Aretha Franklin, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder,...

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! BEAMING AND BRAGGING! Dear World, I , RACHEL GWENDOLYN DOSTER ,  was born into the Clutches of One HORRID, demon possessed , SUCCUBUS! Yet, I'm BEAMING! GLORIFIED! Glowing and Growing! Enslaved by the most Ignorant, Perverted Bottom Feeder, from conception, I'VE THRIVED! Yes! I AM A WALKING! TALKING! MIRACLE! There existed "No Hope",  for poor Me.  (So they thought) Too BLACK! Too Opinionated ! (LOL) "Too Opinionated" is the label spewed on Intelligent , Righteous Scholars , by empty , vacuous, Pathological LIARS, like that whore that birthed Me. And that sicker pervert,  that tricked, coerced me,  into a "fake marriage". World, the N I G G E R  was a NIGGER! ONE THOUSAND PERCENT! Did I know better ? Did I see the RED FLAGS!? YES! YES! YES!  However, IT IS ALL IN DIVINE ORDER! In other words, I had to do IT. Marrying *** was My destiny, My fate. Left so crippled, devastated and A-SEXUAL , by My mother and her sick pervert...

I Saw the Light

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! Yes World! I am BEAMING! Bragging! Seventy-two,  plus years,  old. MIRACULOUS! When I look back over my life, compare my many, many, accomplishments , to My "failures", to the toils, snares, pits, persecution , RACISM,  RAPES, MOLESTATION, CONJURE,  I was forced to endure ,  From the hands of  My VERY Own "MOTHER"! I leap over The MOON! I fully recognize I am Daniel in the Lion's den! The three Hebrew children in the fiery furnace!  GOODGOTUHMIGHTY! I am Some One Special!  The LORD had to take favor on Me! (HE) had no choice! Looking down from Heaven "seeing", viewing , my ignorant, Perverted , stank ass birth "mother", Beat, Burn, Molest, Torture and deliberately keep Me, Us, in constant peril because s/he was not only a Pervert but, Preferred IT! World, My "mother"  was Pure Mongrel! The Stanking-est of Stank Hoes! Also the dumbest ! No MORALS! None! World! I'm the woman with the "Issue of Blood...

Grand Funk Railroad - Some Kind of Wonderful



  AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! Dear World, I'm Privileged! Not only Anointed but,  appointed! I count IT My duty to Teach! To make every attempt possible to reach the deaf, dumb, disabled, obstinate, those that are Incorrigible. "If each one would teach one"; what a wonderful World WE could all have, sharing, loving sincerely, and embracing. All I know; "I woke up this morning feelin' fine, woke up with Heaven on my mind!" ************ Yes! I'm not only BEAMING! I'M BRAGGING! I am a Survivor! GOD kept Me! Made Me Strong! I feel just like Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Zora Neale Hurston, Ruth, Deborah, and My own  GrandMother Rachel, Every Day! Yes, I'm GLOWING! While my girth is deemed "too fat", I'm actually light as a feather! "I'm floating on air, ain't touching ground, nowhere.*" Why? No lies! No hidden agendas. No manipulation.  Why? I put My trust in The HOLYSPIRIT, long ago, around age three. Born into the ...


AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! BEAMING! BEAMING! BEAMING on a beautiful "California Dreaming" , bright morning! Yes! World, imps, pimps, and simps; I AM DOING JUST FINE, THANK YOU! I have the Morning Star! How can I Not BEAM!? Radiate? Not only am I Glorified! I'm HellaFied! I'm a SURVIVOR! Yes World, I survived , and I shall continue to survive,  these so called "Christians", "Family", "Loved Ones", that wish to do nothing but,  Block Blessings, throw stumbling blocks in your path, lie, SCREAM, CREATE NOTHING BUT CHOAS, MISERY, DRAMA and CONFUSION! They demand to  Skin,  and grin,  in your face,  hoping, praying, you will hurry up,  and die,  so they can finally quit lying. Not a chance! You/they/s/he , is/are,  not the reason they lie. They lie because they have "No Faith".  Nor, do they have good understanding. Not only are they poorly educated, they are IMMORAL! Why put your "faith", your hope, your "love",  ...

Let It Be (Remastered 2009)

Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!  Yes! Dear Children of this World, you are not forsaken!  The fact that you are reading My Blog, is all the evidence you need , in order to know you are chosen. "Many are called, few are chosen." In other words, most people, hue-mans, do not have, possess the wisdom or desire to be "saved". Saved as is spared, protected. Saved as in choosing to live "Right". Sorry Liars, all lies are IMMORAL! There is No justification for any Lie, Ever! Accepting a Lie because you want  Peace, is Ridiculous! You are not going to do anything but grow Furious! Perhaps confused. I know , I know, I'm glad my GrandFather, Rome Walters taught Me, to Never Lie! (Thank You Jesus) Born over Seventy-two years ago, into the Clutches of the Foulest,  demonic, evil, greedy, immoral creature, imps could create. I Survived! (Only by the Grace of Almighty GOD!!!) World, not only did the low whore for satan, insist, demand , to enslave Me,  (Us, ALL s/he enco...