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Showing posts from November, 2024

2Pac - How Do U Want It (Official Music Video) ft. K-Ci & JoJo "STUNNED!!!"

I shall not lie...I'm STUNNED!!! This sorry muthaf***** 's "endless wins" are pissing me the **** off! I've always called him mathy's twin, I never knew how right I was, until this very moment. That low life, bottom feeder,  never got caught either. Was always totally unstoppable!  Fierce! Rank! Foolish! Wasteful! Cold! Cruel! Greedy! Selfish! Lying! Vain! LOUD! Primitive! Manipulative! Cunning! Untrustworthy! Always a tyrant, a brute, a rapist, a robber, satan's side piece. Scripture says; "Endure to the end". WE did! Why are People of Color being "Re-punished"? Why can't the rich be satisfied? Why are they so phony, artificial? martha murdered her own father , out of pure greed , and demon possession. s/he did it, was always glad s/he did it. Things didn't turn out the way s/he planned, however. Too many of her meticulous plots failed, too many people knew the "real martha jane walters", thanks to "black ass tal...

2Pac - How Do You Want It STILL BEAMING!!!

Still BEAMING!!!  Deliberately held down by a demon possessed Slut, raging because her sorry white ass,  felt too good to birth something as dark as I was. Well, that was her excuse. No,  pigmentation was never the reason for martha's deep, disgusting, sadistic cruelty,  and perversion. s/he just wasn't chosen! World, that wo/man named martha jane walters, was so disgusting, s/he hated herself! Became and remained "impish". An imp is someone whose feet are swift to run to mischief. An imp will lie when the truth is in their favor. Imps are cruel cowards, creeps. They will come into your house, steal your shit, then help you look for it. That was definitely my "birthER"! DEMONIC!!! As s/he should have been. Not only was martha a prostitute, s/he was a "bi-sexual" nymph! Worse, rather than "knowing her truth", martha chose to hide it. Never so much as slowed down on her proclivities. Actually enjoyed being satan's sidepiece.  No, martha...

The Four Tops "Shake Me, Wake Me When It's Over" LAWD GEE BUS!

WAKING UP IN A T RUMPED UP WORLD! LAWD! GEE BUS! Dear friends and neighbors for the first time,  in seventy-three years, I'm truly STUNNED SPEECHLESS! You can knock me out with a feather! A tyrant, a wanna be dictator, a greedy pathological lying reprobate , has completely usurped "Democracy". Why was he permitted to sow hatred , lies , deep division , and the greatest cruelty unimaginable ? Dr. King did warn us we had some "dark days ahead". NEVER! NEVER! NEVER! in a million years did I imagine this HORROR! I never imagined this and I survived the greatest hypocrite that ever lived! I survived a foul , incestuous pedophile,  that never did anything but practice witchcraft, preach falsely,  and prostitute. Was as big a liar as t rump, just as jealous, envious, poorly educated,  and demon possessed. I'm BEAMING! s/he'a DEAD!!! Not only is the old bottom feeder dead, s/he's FLUNG INTO THE OUTER REALM!!!

Just One Look STILL BEAMING!!!

YES!!! I'm still BEAMING!  DELIVERED!  RESCUED! HUMBLED! GRATEFUL! LORD, I don't mean to be critical but, EIGHTY-EIGHT YEARS! WTF!!! What the **** did I do? I was born.  Of course I was born! What did you expect? Did you hate,  and violate me, us, because no decent wo/man would ever have you? Did you ever consider telling the truth, sabout anything, just once? Did you really think your white skin a gift,  from GOD? Did you really believe that your color,  white,  automatically endowed you with super powers, super intellect? Did you really think I was forsaken? Did you really believe in that "Loyalty" oath,  that you preached but, never gave? How does "Victory" taste in the mouth of a known cheater? How does "Victory" smell on the lips of a potus that preformed fallatio on a microphone,  twice? One thing about it, I can't unsee my "birthER" consenting to having "group sex", a "Train", if you will, in my nineteen yea...

The Horse - Cliff Nobles & Co. (1968) Thank You for this Memory, Dear LORD

Yes, I was prancing, dancing! Living! LIFE - ING!!! Little did I know what a creep my "mother" was. Our illustrious leader, the now famous Band director, Mr. Paul Russell, chose me, selected me, Rachel Gwendolyn "Doster" to be one of his "Majorettes". I was so glad to be chosen, Se- LECTED! I was in disbelief. I did take Majorette lessons from the "all white" Recreation Center on Haymount Hill, I was aiming for Fayetteville Terry Sanford High School.  They refused to let me try out. Said I was not "qualified". I couldn't read music. Nothing but "demonic". Nothing but another louse-y, lame excuse. I wanted to be a Majorette so desperately, I changed schools, went to EE Smith,  and became a MAJORETTE!  I was beautiful!  So beautiful, my deeply jealous, envious, demon possessed "mother", not only refused to take my picture, the low whore for satan,  threw "Graveyard dirt" on me! s/he loved it! Low key brag...

Them Changes Sure, WE THE PEOPLE KNOW

that viper didn't win. WE THE PEOPLE  also know that WE are helpless. The people in "charge" could not care less. Is it that people really believe that  fictitious parable about Black people being cursed?  Well, if you claim to believe that "Cherry picked", deliberately misinterpreted scripture, go ahead, just don't you dare think your weak, dimwitted, deplorable, predatory, pathological lying ass, is about to enslave me. "You better GIT, befo' you get dealt with!" Any one claiming they fear t rump, is another LIAR! You just don't feel like the "Backlash"! I get it, you will suffer if you face demons like djt,  and my "birthER". One good thing, for sure, they can't live always. They got to die one day! martha was just an old hateful slut.  Definitely a SLUT! The lowest of the low. For someone that always bragged about how much s/he got paid for her "pink pussy", s/he sure had to sell a lot, and often. If I ...

Going In Circles "LET'S BE FAIR..."

"Let's be fair";  has been reduced to a useless expression. Or, was it ever truthful? Have I been a woefully indoctrinated "Christian"? Am I thoroughly "Brainwashed"? I am certainly disappointed, let down, suckered, used, yet again. I can't! Am I stupid? Why am I crying alone? Why did some cruel Neanderthal comment on my page:"Enjoy your tears!" WTF! A "christian Nationalist", no doubt. Wow! Just Wow! martha used to say the same thing; "The mo' you cry, the less you piss." Why? Cruel! Demon possessed! Poorly educated! Color Struck! Ignorant! Superstitious! Greedy! Envious! Despicable! Perverted! djt's TWIN! True, I am an "Em-path". Which only means I'm intelligent enough,  to know lying leads to cruelty. All lies are insults! Any wo/man that marries a wo/man , knowing full well, they are completely uninterested,  in said potential mate, is DESPICABLE! How dare anyone believe that my skin pigmentat...

Brook Benton - Rainy Night in Georgia. StillBEAMING!

My LORD! Thank You!!! Of course I'm humbled! Grateful for your tender mercies, vision, commandments, Truth, SPIRIT! Thank You for Delivering me from my "birthER",  and all evildoers,  like her. I'm not only humbled, I'm pure Flabergasted! Who knew martha jane walters was such a Succubus? Such a predatory, pathological liar? Such an un-stoppable,  sexual Pervert? GOD knew! My protector, my Spirit guide,  knew. "A double minded wo/man is unstable, in all her ways." martha was certainly an ignorant brute, always. I never knew her to not scream, holler, pitch fits, scheme, hog, rob, steal, rape or lie. Definitely always a disgusting wo/man that cited white skin privilege for every atroscity,  the low whore,  gleefully committed. Far too many people seemed to be charmed by her, or extremely terrified. "All smoke and mirrors". martha was always pure fake, pure sadistic, malignant narcissist. Yes, always demon possessed! Always devious, violent, angry...

Johnnie Taylor- I'd Rather Drink Muddy Water 'THIS BE ME!"

" "This be Me!" (LOL) I swear, it is true. I just so happened to be Appointed!  "Anointed"! Gifted! Talented! Regal! Relentless! Prophesied ! Of course! For what other reason,  could so many evildoers,  attempt to block my blessings,  for so long? Still, Jesus taught us to fear no wo/man. mjw was a Beast! s/he had the spirit of Legion.  Unfortunately for us, for me, especially, no one told us. No one protected us.  Sure, GrandDADDY spoke up from time to time. It did no good. mjw needed killing! Seriously! That demon possessed, confused "Root Working", preaching prostitute, should have been executed.  That savage, sadistic, malignant narcissist, went too far, stayed too long. No wonder s/he could never be happy. s/he was too fake, a total phony,  that remained un-teachable, un-coachable, un-trustworthy, for eighty-eight years.

So Very Hard to Go (Remastered) "THE DAZE OF THE DULLARDS"

AWESOME! Yes! My Life is AWESOME, Anyway! Am I BEAMING? I'm not only Glowing, I'm Growing! Why? Some ignorant, racist, "Color Struck", greedy, envious, jealous, carnal, sexually perverted, primitive, sadistic, psychotic, demon possessed, manipulative, prostituting preacher , decided to target me for sixty-two years! The dumb ignorant slut tricked my aunt Olive out of my Uncle Will's book, The LOST BOOK OF MOSES, around 1965. Uncle Will was a "Root Worker", a real Healer, he studied herbs, and created his own brand of rubbing oils, etc.  He was famous for saving aunt Babe's husband,  from sure death. Her husband , uncle Clyde, had been "rooted", that is poisoned,  through a bottle of licquor an  enemy had slipped him. *Uncle Clyde went from "high yalla",  to jet black,  within hours of consuming this concoction. By the time Uncle Will was called, they say aunt Babe was shaking pounds of dead skin off of his sheets. That lazy, ignor...

Prince - Purple Rain (Official Video)

Motown Greatest Hits Collection ⭐ Best Motown Songs Of All Time ️⭐ The T...

Relax...s/he didn't win.  Don't erver be astonished or mesmerized by the tenacity of predatory, pathological lying perverts, colluding together.  Sure, they are HORROR UNLEASHED! But, what do they get for their trouble? Perhaps far too many do actually fear them.  do know, most just pretend to. I know one thing, no one, nothing, shall ever maske me honor that wo/man this World forced me to call "mother". I WILL NOT! that low life, cruel coward loss me when s/he held me down in the woods beating my pure soul out of me! Why bitch? Why did you congratulate yourself for severely beating me for telling your first cousin, Wright Walters, that your two "bastard" children, did not share the same Daddy? Sure, somebody should have "un-alived" you, many, many times.  For some reason, no one could. You claimed it was your great Voodoo. I think it is just timing. Yes, as matter of time. At some point the Righteous shall rise up! Not as a group, one by one.  Whi...


Not only am I DELIVERED! I am Rejoicing! I'm over the Moon! Old slutty,  mathy jane walters,  is not only very dead, s/he died un-repentant, un-forgiven, dumb as a damn rock! Common as a mangey stray dog! Wait! s/he VOLUNTEERED!  satan didn't even send for the stanking 'hoe. So what! "The devil may temp, s/he no push." World, that low IQ wo/man, that birthed me, claimed that I, (We), owed her!  Yes World, that low whore for satan , never had any faith in the truth,  or any form of righteousness. s/he was a complete psychotic, sadistic,  sociopath for eighty-eight years! Not only am I glad s/he's dead, I'm glad I can say IT! I can scream IT! I feel no shame! I'm DELIVERED!!! THE LYING SKANK DIED A DEMON POSSESSED ROOT WORKER! A COLOR STRUCK PROSTITUTE! Died un-punished, un-recognized as the vile SUCCUBUS s/he always was. s/he bragged that s/he was an ordained pastor. that other thang brags that s/he is the POTUS. (only if the p stands for pervert) So wh...

Oleta Adams - Get Here (Lyrics)

Yes! LORD you are still AWESOME! Yes,  I'm BEAMING! Full of J<3Y! Just as Talented, Gifted, Blessed, Anointed , and DELIVERED , as The HOLY GHOST INTENDS! True, I felt that sock to my gut. Yes, it still hurts. So! What have "they" proved? That they are ignorant, primitive, blind sheep, racist as fuck,  and certainly have no right to label themselves Christ lovers. Imps, dullards by the millions, calling themselves  true Christians, while they gleefully engage in atroscities for the "One percent", for the Elite, for sick ass, sadistic, ignorant, primitive, closeted, toxic white wo/MEN! So what? "As a wo/man thinketh in her heart, so is s/he." My own birthER, an ordained pastor (suppossedly), preached for over  fifty-five years , a closet homosexual. Really a "'hoe-mo-sexual". S/he was a closet nymphomaniac, s/he was always extremely sadistic, extremely lying, jealous, greedy, ignorant, manipulative, "Color Struck", and RACIST!...


That orange turd is not my president! That low life, sick, sadistic, malignant narcissist,  is not my "mother". There is no person, no religion, that can make me honor that dead,  slimy, scummy, donald t rump's TWIN! Yes, I do get up early, every beautiful morning, glad, blessed to dance on that creature's unrepentant grave. A SUCCUBUS! No, not just another common whore. World, martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureaux, was a complete MONGREL! A wo/man so fallen, so mentally impaired by her own conjure, s/he seriously believed her white skin gave her the right to murder, lie, steal, horde,etc. Anything that crossed her low mind. Just like t rump s/he warned  us, punished us severely for failing to let her have her perverted way. s/he's dead now! PRAISE THE LORD! BEAMING!!!

Marvin Gaye and Kim Weston "It Takes Two" IT TAKES TWO BABY!!!

Dear Children of The Most High, it takes two. It really does! So, if you are out here looking for a mate. If you really want to enjoy that American Dream, just know your worth. Please do not demean yourself! Don't take low, or mal treatment! Period! Don't you do it! Keep and maintain a level of self-respect, that you consider high. Stop arguing with yourself, stop making excuses for the ill treatment, you're the victim of.  I use the "white wo/man" litmus test. Would a white woman be treated like this? Would a white wo/man accept this?  As a seventy-three year old wo/man, it is easy to recognize in , "Twenty-Twenty Hindsight", my many, many mistakes. The first thing I've had to do,  is recognize, I was desperate. No men! NONE! Not narn! No one told me Atlanta was the Black Mecca for closeted homosexuals. DL, down low became the term. Desperate! Hopeless!  At least society,  and my birthER,  convinced me that I had messed up, took a wrong turn. Someth...

Oh Happy Day - The Edwin Hawkins Singers ELEVATION DAY!!!

Dear LORD, Thank You for this day of DELIVERANCE! Yes LORD, you are still AWESOME! Magnificent protector, leader, guider.  Merciful provider, and humbler.  Yes LORD, you will bring us down. You chastise the one's you love. However, we are never forsaken. True, scummy, slutty , perverted mathy jane and doster colluded and put us through some sick, demonic shit. So? I not only survived but, THRIVED! I'm proud! I'm gifted, talented, intelligent, a phenomenal wo/man! Not only is mathy jane long dead but,  Un-repentant! What could be worse? The low, ignorant, predatory viper,  slithered away unapologetic, immoral , and just as despicable as s/he permitted satan to make her. I would have to give myself a frontal labotomy to honor the likes of martha and djt. BEAMING!!!

Mahalia Jackson - I Found The Answer YES!!!

AWESOME x 3!!! I know satan is mad! The old dead slut is raging in her stanking ass grave! Unrepentant! Stank! Ate up with perversion ! Sins s/he enjoyed but,  pretended , (only to certain people), s/he didn't do. What a SKANK !!! World, the wo/man that birthED me, held her stank turds,  in higher regard, than s/he did me. ( Than us, really. They just don't know it because  we are all cut from the same cloth.  A sick, manipulative,  pathological lying,  Pervert! A sexual Nymphomaniac,  that resorted to the Occult, Conjure, Voodoo,  in an effort to maintain her double life. Prostituting and Preaching! Mothering and Molesting! Sowing sick misery,  while refusing to reap. A life of hate,  and something s/he  called love. A life of "Pretend"! A life where a wo/man of multi personalities, multiple motives, raged for eighy-eight years, if you round up. World, I'm over here laughing,  because I've "Out lived" her! Praise GOD almighty!...

John Lee Hooker - It Serves Me Right To Suffer 1969 AMEN!!!

BORN INTO THE CLUTCHES OF A SAVAGE, DEMON POSSESSED C***! World, No,  I am not ashamed! I am proud! Yes, I'm BEAMING!  DELIVERED from  donald t rump's TWIN! How damn stupid can people actually be?  Color!? Color bitch!? Really? Is that all you ever had? Grey eyes, a pink lipped Pervert!? Really? Hold the fuck up!  Rome Walters taught me better. Taught me to never lie and cloak for anyone. Never raised his voice to terrorize and intimidate me , either. That slut that birthed me, was SICK! PSYCHOTIC, all of her days. Bragged every single day for eighty-eight years,  if you round up, about her white skin, her pink pussy, her ability to scramble anyone's brains. Just like t rump , s/he got away.  No, not clean, s/he was pretty foul and putrid by the time s/he expired. Question, what did s/he get? What accolades did s/he earn? None! Not na'ran. Who cares how many fine long cars s/he owned? Who cares that s/he was one of the first "Blacks" to invade Foxfire?...

Be With Me Jesus AWESOME!!!

Good Morning World! Please picture me dancing, "Over the Moon"! Gleeful! Grateful! Humbled! BEAMING! Still Growing and GLOWING! Please go back in time with me.  Picture me; an innocent little Angel, another "pretty BROWN baby" rejected, rebuked, raped, and robbed ,  AN ATTEMPTED RUINATION, by her own "birthER". Yes World, a wo/man named martha jane walters,  birthed me, begrudgingly.  Frankly, the low whore was pissed.  Born at the top of the "nigger scale", mathy jane, was HOT! seriously sought after. Yes my birthER was that woman in the COLOR PURPLE!  When s/he was still young and not quite so slutty, I'm sure some wo/man begged to drink her bath water. I'm very sure,  because the low whore for satan,  used to have sex with the door open!  ( I still hate that un-repentant bitch!) The low maggot whore, considered me her "property". No, not property that s/he wanted to protect but, someone s/he felt compelled to ruin, to destroy...

The Happy Song (Dum-Dum) Please Be Happy!

I just dropped by to testify,  to the goodness of GOD! Yes, I'm OLD! Old, old...but, not quiet dead. Dead enough, however. "It is what IT is!" My LORD! My LORD! Protect our children, please. All of our children, from the "Jet Black" ones,  to the "Snow whites". Those told they are too tall, too short, too fat, too skinny, too ugly.  Most of all, those 'demeaned ', "Too Black". Dear LORD, please do the best you will to intercede, "stand in the Gap", protecting precocious little children, little girls,  like me. Talented! Gifted! True Scholars! Just "too Black" by her own "kin". Protect us from our slutty, whorish mothers,  considered "too white" to reveal. The reputations they destroyed daily, hourly for eighty-eight years, must be protected. Teach us to love ourselves, forever, no matter what we have been through. Stand us up, on every leaning side. In the Mighty Name of Jesus (I pray)

Be With Me Jesus. ***BEAMING***

Yes LORD, You are still AWESOME! Thank You for placing ROME WALTERS in my life,  early! Thank You for that wise sage that taught me to never lie, Period! All lies are tools of evil, always committed by jealous, envious, greedy, immoral, manipulative , "Color Struck" imps. People that are weak, seek strength from destroying others. (djt's and other bullies) No, they refuse to judge people by character.  Color is preferable,  and easier to them. Yes, they demand to use skin pigmentation,  because inside they are just as putrid, highly dishonest, predatory, sneaky, and untrustworthy as the whites they worship. Wait, they know! They know full well they are ignorant, full of mischief, and sadistic. Yes, all liars are bullies, inwardly cowards, raging with jealousy. No, they refuse to be satisfied or happy. No, they shall never compliment you for your gifts,  and talents because the resent you, hate you for possessing such stunning gifts, while you are so BLACK! "Gird...

Mississippi Fred McDowell - You gotta move AWESOME!!!

BEAMING!!! Yes, Dear mathy jane, ( the sick, psychotic , sadistic, volunteer FREAK), you had to move. Your low  , skankin' ass,  wasted eighty-eight years, being a sadistic, savage, immoral, racist slut! mathy jane , you were that prostitute,  that sold "hot pussy" on Saturday, then preached on Sunday!   Threatened to cut our balls off,  if we ever told on you! "I just stopped by to tell you..."; while you truly thought , way more of yourself, than you ever should have, The HOLY GHOST kept me! Protected, Lead and Guided, me! GOD kept your filthy claws off of me! Oh yes, you were a "Dirt Chunker" , alright. You dug the Cow (Ki) Field dry. So what! What did you get? What did you earn? What's your true legacy? Prostitution? Pimping? Molesting" Raping? Robbing? Conjuring? Being the biggerst LIAR on Earth? The greatest fake? A brilliant Con artist? Should you be honored for all the babies you flushed? All the dreams you deliberately destroyed? Scam...