AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! Thank You Jesus! Thank You for your tender mercies. Thank You for the BACKFIRE! Yes LORD! You are a Wonder working GOD! Yes, you are a way maker! Who knew, who could have known , so many incestuous pedophiles are cloistered up in the Church? GOD! The HOLY SPIRIT! Who knew my own "mother", birth-ER, was pure MONSTER? A Mongrel Monstrosity for EIGHTY-EIGHT YEARS? GOD/ The HOLY SPIRIT! Who knew her fifty plus years of Evangelical preaching, was all a show? GOD/The HOLY SPIRIT! Who knew a fallen wo/man, that refused to get up, refused to be wrong, refused to be corrected, really believed s/he was smarter than GOD, had a right to live the common life of a perverted maggot , if s/he wasted every Sunday of her life, fake serving GOD? GOD/The HOLY SPIRIT! NASTY! NASTY! NASTY! COMMON! COMMON! COMMON! I am sure martha jane walters shall declare in that day; "Lord, Lord, didn't I preach for You? I preached for over eighty years for you...