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Showing posts from November, 2020

The Marvelettes - The Hunter Gets Captured by the Game

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME!  Thank You Jesus! Thank You for your tender mercies. Thank You for the BACKFIRE!  Yes LORD! You are a Wonder working GOD! Yes, you are a way maker! Who knew, who could have known , so many incestuous pedophiles are cloistered up in the Church? GOD! The HOLY SPIRIT!  Who knew my own "mother", birth-ER, was pure MONSTER?  A Mongrel Monstrosity for EIGHTY-EIGHT YEARS? GOD/ The HOLY SPIRIT! Who knew her fifty plus years of Evangelical preaching,  was all a show? GOD/The HOLY SPIRIT! Who knew a fallen wo/man,  that refused to get up, refused to be wrong, refused to be corrected, really believed s/he was smarter than GOD, had a right to live the common life of a perverted maggot , if s/he wasted every Sunday of her life, fake serving GOD? GOD/The HOLY SPIRIT! NASTY! NASTY! NASTY! COMMON! COMMON! COMMON! I am sure martha jane walters shall declare in that day; "Lord, Lord, didn't I preach for You? I preached for over eighty years for you...

Jackie Wilson Baby Workout on Shindig 1965

AWESOME AWESOME! AWESOME! The unrepentant, stanking 'hoe told me not to piss on her grave! Why would it occur to anyone,  to say something , so common, so foul? Guilt!  A low whore that was too proud, too stiffneck, too ignorant, too carnal, too lying, too jealous, too depraved,  to ever come to her Truth. Lying , stanking, vicious, corrupt, greedy, ignorant , color struck slut! Just like the current "Occupant", Damien. Just know,  I''m dancing on the muthafucker! Naw, you were never as dumb , as your dumb ass , pretended to be. If you and rump were as dumb,  as the imps you play, you both would have been caught,  or killed in your respective childhoods. I still love to dance. I still love music. I'm very glad, feel deeply indebted to GOD , for finally removing your stanking, lying , fake Christian ass, from this planet! BEAMING!!! *** THE GWEN DOSTER DIARIES *** Sunday, November 29, 20/20

Sam Cooke - Unchained Melody

AWESOME!AWESOME! AWESOME!  "There is a Balm in Gilead to heal the sin sick heart." My LORD from Zion! s/he belonged to satan! Always did! Sadly, it is now obvious, way more people feared her lying, sadistic, perverted, demonic, demon possessed ass , than loved her. Shit, the Truth, anyone that actually, truly loved "mathy jane", fucking deserves to suffer.  I can't save everybody. I barely saved myself. It took me thirty-seven years to finally go "no contact".  Shit, I broke that after nine years. Why? The "Church".  Well, anyway, I  would have never found out , just exactly how low, how common, how sick,  and demented , s/he really was.  Who knew such a person, a real hue-man being,  possible? GOD! The HOLY SPIRIT! "WE all got to pray sometime."  I was made to pray! Yes, that low slut, that old slewfooted, common ass, selfish ass, jealous, envious, low functioning, racist ass bitch, made me seek GOD's Face! Praise the LORD! REV...

B.T. EXPRESS - Do It Till You Satisfied

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! Ova' here dancing on that dead slut's grave again! Praise The LORD! Do it, go on and do it. Love yourself! Love yourself fiercely! Love yourself honestly, sincerely,  Put your trust in "GOD", in The HOLY SPIRIT! Believe, know, have not one shadow of doubt, right wins over wrong, every time,  not some time. Me, you, trump, trumpets, Republicans, Democrats, the One Percent, Putin, no one can beat GOD blessing. "Endure to the end". My horrid, inhumane, inhue-man, sluttly, nymphomaniac, sadistic, psychotic, perverted "birth-ER" , never let up! NEVER!  World, make no mistake, one martha jane walters, was one sick, sick, sick , slutty bitch,  that lived much too long. Lived too long for me, lived too long,  by my standards, except for one thing, the Awesome BACKFIRE! Yes, the gifts I gained,  because I was forced to endure that sick, psychotic, bloody slut , for Sixty-two Years! I praise GOD! I am not sorry! I benefited. Every ...

Barry White - I've Got So Much to Give (1973) - 04. I've Got So Much to ...

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME!  I certainly know this is my song. I wasted sixty-two years of my precious life , trying to earn the love,  of one sick, sadistic, psychotic, demon possessed, common as dog shit,  reprobate. Was it my lost, or OUR gain?   I know a few things,  as a result of old,  lying sluts , like martha and donald.    The "Church" ain't shit! The Government ain't shit,  and I accidentally married a stone FAG-GOAT! The dummies, the absolute dummies, complete DULLARDS   are  "ruling".  The herd is being thinned with the permission of the sheep. My own "mother", "birth-ER" was the skank of all skanks, SLUT OF ALL SLUTS! The slut died UN-REPENTANT! As a matter of fact, I do believe the old buzzard was proud to secretly serve satan so long, Eighty-Eight successful satanic years. Proud to call herself a Christian. Proud to work "roots" and conjure everyone foolish enough or "trauma bonded" enough,  to ever...

Doobie Brothers ~ What A fool Believes (1979) Classic Rock R&B Pop

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! GOODGOTUHMIGHTYYYYYYY! Yes, WE occupy a World jam packed with fools! Dullards! Just dumb! Too stupid to be believed,  pools of fools.  While nothing can be done, WE, you, I, don't have to suffer. My LORD, I am so HAPPY!  For what ever reason, I was held captive by the sickest, demon possessed viper,  to ever slither on this Earth! World, all this abject misery,  I have been forced to suffer,  for my entire long life, stem from the so-called CHURCH! I know now it is not the real CHURCH. It is certainly not GOD's CHURCH. This Institution that I was "raised" in, forced to attend for the first twenty-one years of my life, has proved to be taken over, held hostage by evildoers, ravenous wolves, men and women like my "mother", birth-ER. Very few "Christian" ever bother to read the Book they gleefully persecute with. When they do read it, they are searching it, cherry picking it, for something that sounds godly, perfect scriptur...


AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME!  I am absolutely delirious with JOY! Yes, World I am finally Happy.  Why? I finally learned my Truth!  AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME!  Birthed by a SUCCUBUS! A Demon possessed Bully! A low whore! A sadistic, scornful, incestuous pedophile,  a real "root worker".  Seriously, a full fledged CONJURER! I am a witness! I remember! I remember the "graves" s/he dug dry!  While my "mother" was beautiful, s/he was  cunning enough to hide all of her sick, psychotic, demonic, proclivities in the CHURCH! Was it GOD's Church? Was GOD/THE HOLY GHOST,  ever in one Church,  that fell low enough,  to honor martha jane walters? To actually call, ( felt it a privilege to bestow the title) ,  "Mother of the Church", on her?  satan is still laughing. Yes, if you follow prosperity ministers, tithe for "protection", satan is laughing at you too.  LORD Thank You! I can finally laugh. I can finally know, finally accept ...

Marvin Gaye "Can I Get A Witness" My Extended Version!

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! The stankin' , lying, deceitful, carnal , sadistic 'hoe,  wasted sixty-two years of her sick, demon possessed , trifling, "donald trump-ish" life,  trying to destroy me. Anti-mother! Anti-daughter! Anti-sister! ANTI-CHRIST! It All backfired , low imp, phony, fake "Christian".  I am Glowing in the BACKFIRE! Low whore , you screamed at me, demanded that I take your filth , to My grave. Why? When I finally got the courage to confront you concerning my childhood rape, you went BALLISTIC!  You threw everything at me,  in defense of your miserable life. #1- It wasn't your fault. Nothing was ever your fault. You married that "jet black , monkey looking nigger" to help us.  Low life niggers had tricked you, messed over you , and left you with three bastard children.  Lying promiscuous Whore! You low stanking, carnal whore! You were just as perverted as that "thang" you married. If the Truth ever be know, you were al...

Roy Orbison - Oh, Pretty Woman (from Black & White Night)

AWESOME! AWESOME!AWESOME!  "Count it ALL Joy".  Got an imp holded up in the white house? So? GOD will get him. Yes, a great deal of misery is saved up for that cretin. GOD got my "mother". Yes, GOD got the "low hoe" good! Who always called me a "little Black piss ant"?  Said I wasn't shit, my "daddy" wasn't shit and that I would never be shit? Who told me s/he  should have flushed me down the toilet , like the other five? MARTHA JANE WALTERS! Who always "dabbled" in witchcraft, voodoo, hoodoo and conjure?  Who stalked, blessing blocker , cursed, clandestinely damned,  everyone s/he knew?  Everyone s/he felt GOD had blessed over and above their "station"?  MARTHA JANE WALTERS! Who dared to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ for over Fifty Years, never meaning one single word? MARTHA JANE WALTER!  Who believed her "light bright white " skin gave her "white privileges"? MARTHA JANE WALTERS! Wh...

The Rolling Stones - Miss You - Live 1997

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! Love me some Stones! Why ? They are REAL! Authentic!Full of Life! Full of the "Undisputed Truth".  Not one hint of racism,  not a measure  of the system of evil white supremacy.   Not only that, they are all my AGE.  Yes, we have all been blessed with the gift of "Old Age". Unlike that old gizzer, that old lying fizzle fart, standing up there lying, cheap hair dye leaking down his weather beaten, leather face. A royal imp , standing there , sweating profusely,  because lying for tRump . makes him very nervous.   Lying to this  entire CONtry , for a fellow,  lying, greedy , vacuous weasel. Well, WE all got to reap what WE sow. The fact you are an old,  blue eyed , demon possessed , white male,  with billions of stolen wealth, makes no difference to me. You certainly can NOT intimidate The HOLY GHOST.  You might get by pretending to be the fool , you really are,  to your minions. The GOD ...

The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter - the best version ever.

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME!  I had the privilege of "Experiencing" THE ROLLING STONES,  live and in person, thanks to my brilliant, beautiful daughter. My whole heart! The tiny beautiful baby that taught me how to love unconditionally.  The one person that introduced me to maternal love. Maternal love, the love a mother has for her children.  Something I had no idea I lacked for far too long. What is my point? Today I am BEAMING!  Actually beaming, all aglow. Rescued by The HOLY GHOST, again. Yes, for "low these" sixty-nine years , my LORD has walked before me,  sheltering me, protecting me from the evil, evil, wo/men that have delighted in holding this World hostage , far too long, since the beginning of time. While these evildoers pretend to be happy, they are all liars, reprobates, ravenous wolves, angry, raging,  because they are NOT chosen. They are talentless.  They have no gifts to bring. They are full of hate, burning with carnal lust. Mad ...

Don Williams - I Believe In You

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME!  While my GranDDADDY's  lap was always as hard as a brick and boney as a "starved chicken", it was THE LAP  I LOVED! I remember sitting in my GRANDDADDY'S LAP ,  just as long as I wanted to. I remember him teaching me, advising me, just being my Rock my salvation. Did my granddaddy ever know his "alleged daughter" was BI-POLAR? Impulsive? Unpredictable? Jealous? Envious? Ignorant? Poorly educated? Greedy? Lustful? Lying? He must have. He sure "paved the way for me", for Us. World, my GranDADDY, ROME WALTERS, was always a Good Man. I do not make this boast modestly. I scream this fact , to the top of my lungs! World, yes, this "World" is certainly wicked, of course it is. This World has always been wicked,  this fact is not evidence of "satan" winning. Just evidence ; "GOD shall do just what [HE] said." "THIS"  has all been prophesied. "Don't sweat it. GOD got you!" The...

It's Been A Long Time

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! I shall NOT lie. Yesterday, was pretty awful for me, actually gruesome . For some reason I experienced flashback after flashback.  I was horrified , forced to remember, relive too many   of my "mother's" many acts of perversion. SICK! SICK! SICK! SADISTIC! SADISTIC! SADISTIC!  That Mass Murderer, still occupying the "white house" has nothing on my "birther". I know for a fact, martha jane walters could make djt curl up in a fetal ball and suck his thumb! No lie, no exaggeration. THE TRUTH! THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH! Yes, my own "birth-ER" was pure DEMON! DEMONIC! DIABOLICAL! DIABOLICAL BY CHOICE!  A wo/man that volunteered to serve satan because s/he wanted to. Lost, disgusting, perverted, irrational, confused, treacherous and untrustworthy. Yes, donald rump's twin! I did ask GOD why. "LORD, why can't I wipe this slut's memory, her eighty-eight years of sheer , sadistic, ungodly, dia...

Have A Talk With God

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME!  I am sitting here, rocking back and forth.  In complete shock, horrified! My mind is numb! My own "mother", my "birth-ER", a complete maggot! A diabolical, poorly educated, jealous, envious, fallen wo/man that deliberately chose "Evangelical Christianity" for cover. Life is too short, much too precious to waste on a hue-man maggot!  Somebody knew martha jane walters was a complete maggot! Horror unleashed! Some one in my family knew that low slut was carnal.  The question is; why? Why was a wo/man, so low, so sneaky, so treacherous, so sadistic, so lying, so demon possessed , permitted to ruin so many lives, so long? The answer, my answer , can be found in the book of Revelation.  All I know is, RACISM MUST DIE! No,  I am not bewildered or forsaken. I am elated, delighted. BEAMING  in the BACKFIRE! ***THE GWEN DOSTER DIARIES*** Thursday, November 12, 20/20

Abbey Lincoln - People in Me

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! BEAMING! Yes, I am up early ,  dancing on that dead demon's unrepentant grave, again. BEAMING!  Over joyed! S/he was  HORRID!  Unnecessarily so? No, very necessary. mjw and d t  (Damien) , are very necessary! How else will this World come to know  the "true hearts" of wo/men?  "Ye shall know them by their fruit." I still bristle, cave, shiver, shake, rock and cry uncontrollably, finally realizing,  what a true jealous, sick, sadistic, ignorant, envious monster , mjw always was. No, s/he was NEVER  a good person! NEVER! Good people do not become treacherous "Root Workers",  child molesters, child rapists, sadistic child tormentors. No, good people do NOT MURDER THEIR OWN FATHERS AND FRAME HIM FOR SUICIDE! Good mothers do NOT stalk their  own children forever , screaming, decrying, blaming them,  for her fucked up, miserable, fake life. Wait, good people do NOT demand silence concerning such a creature....

Goin' Down South - R.L Burnside (live) Burnside On Burnside

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! Another Beautiful Day! Another day to serve "Yourself". Yes, serve "Yourself". Serve yourself some "good loving".  Yes, finally practice self love. Divest of all that "self-hatred" planted in you by your "birth-ER" from conception. Never ending torture and blessing blocking from someone that claims to love you. Jesus told to US to shun the very presence of evil. I refuse to honor evil,  in order to be accepted , tolerated, included,  by people that hate me too.  People that see me as "inferior" based on my pigmentation, gender or lack of wealth. Here I am Sixty-Nine Years old, still trying to undo all the "Trauma Bonding".  Still trying to hold my head up , after being afflicted, tied to, associated with,  the greatest,  sickest, saddest, sadistic , cruel , common,  SUCCUBUS,   to ever slither on this Earth! An "Ordained Pastor"! Shut the fuck up, horrid (dead) slut! You MURDERED ...

Dorothy Norwood - Victory Is Mine

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! "Victory today is mine! I told satan to get thee behind." Dear Children, I don't care how long evil, lying, treacherous evildoers,  have vexed you, stalked and blocked your blessings, Victory is yours,  if you simply ask, seek. True,  it certainly helps to have a GranDADDY like mine, ROME WALTERS.  A wise sage, a gentle giant. A Truth Teller. Certainly a pioneer "spirit". The best thing my grandfather ever did for me,  was pray fervently.  No, he didn't run his horrid daughter down or off.  (Something I think he should have.) What would be the point? "Endure to the end." True, evildoers are relentless, sneaky af. So? They can't win! The hardest part,  on my long journey "Home",  is accepting the fact,  my "birth-ER", was as low,  and as common , as s/he so vehemently denied for Eighty-Eight YEARS! While surviving my "mother" was excruciatingly painful, it was very BENEFICIAL!  I was not o...

The Allman Brothers Band - Whipping Post (Lyric Video)

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! "This is the day the LORD has made, rejoice and be glad in it." No matter the outcome of this prolonged misery, hatred, lies, division, greed, and carnal lust, you MUST LIVELAUGHLOVE! Please! Do not waste one moment of your potential happiness,  trying to please some one that secretly hates you. Please stop trying to "earn" the love of a "loved one", clearly unworthy. Lean in, if you don't, you shall be devoured.  No, your pastor shall not tell you or alert you. Why? Few pastors have any sincere interest on helping their fellow man, above themselves. Few "families" shall ever encourage the abuser to share their horror stories. Brainwashed and deliberately degraded by their abusers,  for decades, how can they?   If you are forced,  by your abuser , to pretend to wear "Rose Colored Glasses", that "what happened, NEVER happened". And even if if did happen, it wasn't her fault. "You wanted i...

Sly and the family stone - Stand

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME!  "Self Love" is the first true gift I have ever given myself. Perhaps,  it is very late in coming, evolving, but, "It" has been sure. Soothing! Invigorating! My "Light" is shining, not hidden under a bushel. Of course the "mother" is the first teacher. That "mother" can teach her child to love and honor himself , or that "mother" can deliberately use her "wiles" , and treachery to create a creature lower than her demon possessed carcass. Yes, these low whores exist, are actually permitted, in many cases , encouraged to enslave, exploit,  their own progeny. So what? At some point a blind squirrel,  finds a nut. After fifty-eight, heart rendering, mind numbing years of torture,  with that succubus, martha,  I stand flat footed and declare , NEVER AGAIN! Jesus told US to shun the very presence of evil.  What if you are birthed into the clutches of pure evil? FREE YOURSELF!  Your @$$ will follo...


AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME!  This is not just another day to praise and rejoice! Today is special. I feel so good! I am actually floating! BEAMING! MANY YEARS  ago , I, WE, were born into the vicious, clutches of a DEMON POSSESSED IMP! Yes, I know full well what unchecked horror feels like. Yes, that martha jane walters was such a vile, sick, cruel, sadistic, psychopath , for so long, s/he does not even deserve to have her name capitalized.. I have spent my entire life attempting to survive evil, demon possessed "Christians" , such as my "birth-ER". ONE SICK, SICK, SICK, DEMON POSSESSED WHORE! WORLD, You better READ!  You better STUDY! satan got your Church and gone! I am living proof! Who knew my "mother" killed, bludgeoned small animals for sadistic pleasure , as a small child? GOD! Who knew s/he stole pennies  off of the eyes of her dead uncle as a small child? GOD!   Who knew s/he deliberately set her own grandmother on fire as a small child? GOD! Who k...