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Showing posts from February, 2023

The Impressions - I'm So Proud I humbly beseech You LORD!

Yes, I am on my bended knees, CHOSEN, grateful, Redeemed, Anointed Dear LORD! Yes! You are Awesome LORD! How can I thank You? By Truth Telling! No, not preaching, TRUTH TELLING,  to a dying , a Lying World. A World where Anti-Intellectualism and Racial Hatred reign. Hatred and Ignorance is Glorified! The the politicians WE elect to protect us are just as racist, greedy,  and uncaring,  as the Lunatics they claim they are doing their best to protect US from. Horse Pucky! The greedy 1% have fallen so low, they want IT All.  They shall get IT, too. They have the best formula; Predatory Racism, target all people of color.  Keep the stupidest "crackers" happy. The racist can not lose as long as the lowest white man fails to realize he is being used. The lowest white wo/man is no more than a house servant for the rich, the lowest negro,  is their dog. Yes, LORD a very Horrid wo/man did in fact Stalk every step I made for sixty-two years.  While I did have to...

Jnr Walker & the All-Stars - Tune up

AWESOME times Three! Yes World, I am over the Moon ;"One mo'gin!" Saved! Rescued from the clutches of an evildoer, again. Thank You LORD! Thank You LORD! Deliberately born into the clutches of a modern day witch, HORROR UNLEASHED! A slut so low, s/he would never be corrected, criticized, admonished gently, or told on, PERIODT! Why? I don't know and at this point, I don't much care.  I know I am finally Happy! FREE of a Volunteer Albatross! I know I am completely Jubilant ! Glad, not sad, that sick, unrepentant whore finally died. Did s/he die unpunished? If you listen to her lying , corrupt, demon possessed ass, s/he did.  No such thing, by the time that old whore closed her eyes, I could no longer tolerate her. No wonder s/he was  a Vicious, predatory  coward.  The low, ignorant whore hung out her shingle : "Madame Watson" the powerful "Root Worker".  The wo/man that possessed "The Seven Lost Books of Moses" and was not afraid to use...

Journalist Belva Davis, a trailblazer who "kicked open the door"

All I know, is All I know. I have been telling "My Story" for nearly Seventy two years.  Praise the LORD!  Pre-hated! Seriously, I was born into the clutches of a whore. Not just any whore, no regular "run-of-the mill" whore either. I was born into the clutches of a sick, sadistic, psychotic, Root Worker. A volunteer , low common wo/man determined to destroy Me!    Why? What was her reasoning? "Too Black!"  From the moment I took my first breath , I was always too black for that slut. Not too black to push into a red hot stove. Not to black too sexually molest and torture until I was old enough to tell. Then the low whore added "snitch" . No!I am not mad, I AM REJOICING! I never could have made it without the LORD.   Am I disappointed that all the doors were slammed in my face and the few doors that opened , that buzzard, i foolishly called "mother", foolishly always confided in, Back stabbed Me. "It is ALL Good" "What GO...

Cleo's Mood/Cleo's Back - Jr. Walker and the Allstars "Study to show yourself approved"

Thank You , Heavenly Father, AGAIN!  Yes, World I am BEAMING! satan and his fallen angels remain mystified. The Truth is so am I. Made it to Seventy-one and,  one half years old! Thank You Jesus! Yes LORD , I do fully intend to enjoy everyday of this "Overtime". Yes, I fully intend to reveal that low life, common slut , that stalked me for sixty=two years with her stanking, lying, perverted rotting ass! World, it is obvious OUR World is overrun with far too many sick, sadistic, psychotic monsters wearing clerical robes, up preaching every Sunday. False prophets, of which my "mother", BirthER , was chief. Madame Watson was one of her many alias. Her real name was Martha Jane Walters and s/he was DEMONIC! Vicious! Sneaky! Deceitful! Mainly "mathy jane" was a manipulative WITCH! A Soothe sayer that only practiced on her own family.  martha was certainly Savage! A Monster, that claimed s/he could never be caught or revealed. How so? More than anything, marha u...

Santo & Johnny Farina - Sleepwalk - (Sonámbulo) - 1959

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for song after song, all beautiful music you send me to soothe my broken heart.  Yes my heart is more than broken, IT is crushed , sifted into powder by evildoers that still demand to terrorize from the grave. Every day , YES , EVERY DAY, that low volunteer whore for satan did something to reduce me, humiliate, and destroy me.  Yes, s/he kept "love" on her lying , sadistic, perverted lips but, secret hatred , lust, envy, and irrational jealousy in her perverted heart. The more the secret whore did to destroy me, the more The LORD Jesus Christ blessed me, "Made a way out of no way." Yes LORD , You are Awesome. "Touch all of OUR broken hearts, LORD."  Hear OUR mournful cry. BEAMING!!!

"Your Grace & Mercy" (1993) Mississippi Mass Choir

Dear Darling Children of the Most High GOD,  Please pause for just a moment, say Thank You. Humble yourself. IT wasn't You. No IT wasn't You, never you. You have no Power. The Extreme wealth that you may  begrudge sharing, hold in the highest esteem,  should never be used as a tool to beat someone already defeated. For sixty-two years that vile wo/man,  that closeted demon and her flying monkeys came against me. Sure, they wrecked havoc.  Slammed every door shut, claiming I am too Black, too vulgar, too confused , too ****** up to love.  "Fine wid Me! " GOD loves Me! BEAMING!!!

Johnny Jones & The Johnny Jones Singers 1972

Thank You for My "R's" LORD! Redeemed! Rejoicing! Radiant! Radical! Rare! Rebel! Refined! Regal! Relentless! Resilient! RESPLENDENT! Righteous! Royalty! REMNAT  of ROME WALTERS Route#1, Box#11 Godwin, (Wade) NC. Lean in! IT is important that you know, you are not forsaken. Years and years of struggle, fighting for the right to exist has strengthen Me! Made Me strong. Those that wish to rebuke Me for My poverty have no idea what true wealth is. My wealth is in my long legacy. My wealth is in My old arthritic fingertips. Much wealth is hidden behind cataracts . Yes, I came to this good Earth over seventy-one and a half years ago. Pre-HATED! Stalked and persecuted by my own "mother" for sixty=two years! Why? Pride. mjw was one low fallen wo/man that was never getting up.  mjw was HORROR UNLEASHED! mjw was and old uncle tom, a volunteer house nigger. No, mjw like most people never cared about anyone else.  s/he was extremely clamourous! Loud! Vulgar and s/he had a v...

The Impressions - I'm So Proud BEAMING!!!

,  Yes LORD, IT is me, "Little Gwen" again. I just want to take a moment to brag on You. To tell You one more time of how proud I am of You for choosing Me. Yes, I know I was chosen to be victimized by this cruel, cruel , racist Color Struck World. "Many are called, few are chosen." No, You don't choose the weak, the faint at heart LORD. You don't choose people that get exasperated at the drop of a hat and go to flinging, spewing and blaming. Dredging up "Guilt", psychologically crucifying the innocent, the infirm, those too weak or too young to fight back. Yes, that is what the holier than thou, sanctimonious, self-righteous, judgmental, know everything, got all the money snobs ,did to My Jesus. Hung him on a cross! Bludgeoned him! Beat him until they got tired, ripped the skin off of his back with a cat of nine-tails.  Killed any and everybody that told on them. If you claimed you loved Jesus two thousand years ago, they cut you head off, put it ...

"Since I Fell for You" Lenny Welch

Dear LORD in Heaven, I beseech You as humbly as I know how. Touch OUR hearts LORD. Open OUR dull understanding. Teach US to always be loving and kind. To be honest and forthright.  To always say what WE mean and mean what WE say. Yes LORD, expose all of the hard headed, hard hearted, sadistic,  pathological liars that derive "delicious pleasure" from my excruciating pain.  Entities planted on this good Earth to  devoure the innocent, the righteous.  Yes LORD, their own kin. Snatch OUR blinders off LORD. Take OUR fear. Heal the minds of the Color Struck racist that gleefully rank , gloat, sneer and look down on the poor, the needy, the helpless. "Come by here LORD, somebody needs You!" -Rome Walters

I Can't Stop Loving You Dear Evildoer , Will you be able to recognize yourself when all the blinders are snatched off?

Yes, I am BEAMING! I have every right, I survived hue-man MAGGOTS! Two extremely jealous, envious , covetous , immoral, greedy, ignorant, Color Struck *AGGOTS. Wait! You could not keep either one of these mongrels out of the Church. One an ORDAINED PASTOR, the other an USHER!  Both in "The Closet", both common as Bat shit. Both tried endlesslt to make my long life miserable. Both the dummies falsely believe their ability to call up satan with their voice, their tone, teir abomniable lies, made them powerful.  Both could lie faster than a Cat can lick his ass. Both extremely Color Struck. Both PERVERTS! I still hate both of them. What I do love; ROME WALTERS! My granddaddy warned me about such buzzards early in life. He warned me expect them. He warned me not to kill them and to shoot them dead , if necessary. My granddaddy taught me to know my worth.  I have never been so forsaken,  as to permit anyone  to convince me that I am  nothing , just because my bi...

Little Walter - Sad Hours (1952) [Digitally Remastered]

Greetings and Salutations: enemies, kin and friends, Yes, today finds me doing quite well, Again! Yes Again! By the help of the LORD. You might not know IT, but I know IT! "Apart from Christ" WE are Nothing! I mean everbody, Jews, Gentils, Muslims, Buddists, Hindos , atheists, Everybody!   First of all when I use the term Jesus, I am not referring  to "mortal man". My Jesus is ALL SPIRIT! A Spirit that passeth all understanding. As I said and keep repeating; WE THE PEOPLE are Not in a racial war, OUR War is Spiritual. "Many are called, few are chosen." Please stop hating, blaming, expecting anyone to do anything for you just because they are kin, share your blood line.  Nooooooo, that is not how it works. Remember Jesus taught US that OUR enemies would be of OUR own household.  That's kin, that's mother, father, sister, brother,cousins, aunts, uncles. Sometimes satan places a viper, a white water moccasin,  in the woodpile. A damn NIGGER! A low lif...

Early In The Morning

Yes, I hate him! I hate that mental cripple with every fiber of my being. That STUPID, closet ******** destroyed my Master's Thesis. A book I took two years to write.  Why was he stupid? I have no idea. I do know he spent all of his time worrying about the condiments and canned goods being arranged in alphabetical order than he did the plight of the Black Community. He  cared more about sneaking around with men. YES ! MEN! The saved, sanctified, could never miss church usher,  was IN THE CLOSET! No,  he was NOT a friendly woman loving *ag, he was a WOMAN HATER! And still is! He is not rare. I know a lot of people that spend their entire lives trying to be clean and tidy, clutter free.  Sure, their children suffer from neglect, will probably stutter or develop a nervous condition.  But, you can be sure everyone brags about how perfectly clean they always are. I would rather paint, draw, write or create something, than spend my life cleaning , just to look go...

WAR - Greatest Hits (Full Album) | WAR Best Songs Playlist

NO one's life is going to be easy, ever.  WE all shall have "Trials and Tribulations". The color of anyone's  skin should never be used as a yoke to enslave them. Never! But, IT is. "I would certainly free my slaves" wrote Thomas Jefferson, the author of The Declaration of Independence, "had I not grown accustomned to their conviennce."  If you are Black like me, there exists a very strong possibility,  you have been scorned, scoffed, ridiculed, burned, branded raped, molested from birth and no one cares. Not only are you forced to accept that harsh Truth you are not permitted to tell. If you ever do tell, please do not expect anyone to care.  I've been labeled a complainer since I was able to talk. Has anyone cared? No. No one has ever cared enough to stop the evildoers.  If you wantt o know the real Truth, most people are happy. Elated! Glad Tickled pink. However, there is one caveat to "My Story"; JESUS! My Jesus has always loved m...

Jr. Walker & The All-Stars - Shotgun BEAMIN'

, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BEAMING IN THE BACKFIRE! REJOICING! YES! I'm over JOYED! Full of The HOLY GHOST! Marked Safe! Delivered from satan's sidepiece,  a low common fallen wo/man that flat refused to ever try to get up,  with her common, stankin',  immoral,  ignorant ass. The low SLUT lived her long life as a volunteer sadistic,  loose "Root Worker".  Yes,  World my "mother", "birthER" was a Mongrel Monstrosity! A dumb one at that. Obviously martha had "skills". s/he was extremely manipulative! Everyone s/he met was a potential "Payday" for her. martha quickly flashed her beautiful smile when s/he was grooming you, those same pearly whites turned to fangs the minute s/he decided you were no longer useful.  No, while martha preached (quite eloquently I thought) s/he never believed one word ! Not one word. After preaching s/he would climb back in her long Cadillac complaining . "Dem black ass niggers didn't give me but a...

Touch Me Lord Jesus- The Angelics

Yes! Dear LORD I am still your faithful servant, devoted until death. Yes! I am exceedingly grateful for every moment. Yes, Dear LORD the evildoers still wish to devour me, to rob me of all my Joy. Why? Was IT because I was born into the clutches of a complete demon? satan's sidepiece? An extremely immoral, psychotic, sadistic wo/man that prided herself in her ability to use Conjure? Was it simply jealousy, envy? Is IT true, are Black people really cursed? Are most Blacks demon possessed? Why was mjw allowed to vex, torment, rape, rob, murder, flim flam, spew poisonous lies so long? IT IS ALL IN DIVINE ORDER! Endure to the end. In "The MeanTime" do not tolerate abuse. Do not let anyone scream lies in your face! Unnecessary lies. Lies designed to destroy you emotionally, spiritually, financially. Dear LORD, I thought martha was DEAD! Her demonic, Jezebel spirit lives on. Why? Envy! Jealousy! Some people refuse to realize all of my gifts and talents are from GOD. Yes, GOD l...